Angela's Ashes Chapter 8 Flashcards
what does confirmation mean they have to die for?
the catholic religion
Whatdoes everyone getting confirmation have to know about?
Sanctifying Grace
who do they call quisimodo?
peter dooley
what does quisimodo tell Billy and Frankie they can do for a shilling?
see his sisters naked
who is at the spout when billy and frankie show up?
mikey molloy
what happens when mikey goes up the spout?
he starts to masturbate and falls off the spout, breaking a shoulder and biting his tongue
do quisimodo’s mother find out?
is frankie able to get confirmed?
what happens to frankie after confirmation?
he gets a nosebleed and gets very sick
What does his family think is causing his sickness?
growing up
What does the doctor say is wrong with Frankie?
he says he has a bad cold.
what does frankie really have?
typhoid fever
What is happening to Frankie as he falls in and out of sleep?
he is being blessed to die by various priests
What does the Nun say has healed Frankie?
the rosary prayers of all the boys in the confraternity.
What does Malachy do to Frankie for the first time?
he kisses his forehead
What is the girls name that starts talking to frankie?
Patricia Madigan
what do they get yelled at for?
they get yelled at by the nun for talking when they could be praying
What does the janitor get yelled at for?
What does frankie look forward to every day in the hospital?
the reading of a verse from patricia
Why is the nun disappointed in Frankie?
He should know not to talk to someone with Patricia type of illness especially with typhoid fever.
What happened in the room Frankie is in now after being moved?
many people died because of the famine.
What does Frankie understand is going to happen to Patricia?
she is going to die
Where did Patricia die?
she died in the bathroom
What does the nurse say frankie has to learn again?
how to walk
who tells frankie the end of the poem?
who is bringing frankie books?
the girl in the blue dress
what does frankie wish he could do?
talk about the books with someon
What day is frankie let out of the hospital?
St francis of Assisi feast
Does Malachy still have a job when Frankie is let out?
Who is alphie?
Frankie’s newest baby brother
What does Frankie do with the Penny he finds?
he lights a candle at the statue of st francis of assisi and prays to be moved on from the fifth class which he had already taken
What did Frankie title his report on Jesus in Limerick?`
Jesus and the weather
What happens as a result of reading his report?
he is moved up to the sixth class he should be in
What does Mr. O’Halloran say the Irish did in the war?
he says they did horrible things and did not fight nobely all the time.
What does every schoolboy sell raffle tickets for?
to get shoes for kids that dont have them
What kind of stories does Malachy tell?
he tells crazy stories that are all backwards.
What does malachy tell Frankie he will have because of school?
he will have a good job in America.
What is their dog’s name?
What does the family have to do in the summer?
they have to deal with the stench of the labratory. They have to kill rats and flies so that they are not getting diseases.
Where does Frankie go for christmas dinner?
he goes to the hospital
What is wrong the girl in the blue dress?
she has a mental problem
What happens to fin the horse?
he is put down.
How does michael react when the people start moving the dead horse?
he gets upset because they do not care about the dead.