Angela's Ashes Chapter 6 Flashcards
What three words does the schoolmaster write on the board?
Euclid, Geometry, Idiot
What does the schoolmaster say about Quigley’s question regarding Euclid?
he says that he will go far
What is Euclid?
Euclid is a greek
What is the theorum of euclid?
that parallel lines never intersect
Who are the master’s pets?
Brendan and Quigley
What does Mr. O’Dea, the fifth class teacher, yell at the fourth class teacher for?
stealing the lesson of Euclid
What is Mr. O’Neill supposed to be teaching?
long division
What does each kid want in Mr. O’Neill’s class?
the apple that he brings every day
What does Mr. O’Neill call everyone in his class?
an omadhaun
What is an omadhaun?
Its an irish fool
Why is it obvious that fintan knows who sat with jeses?
he goes to mass every day with his mother who is very holy.
What does Fintan say he will do whenever he is put at a disadvantage?
he says he will pray for them
What does Fintan do with the apple peel?
he cuts it in three pieces to share with Clohessy, Quigley, and Frankie.
What is Frankie afraid kids will say when he takes the peel?
hes afraid they will call him a sissy and say that he wears girls clothes
What happens when the four of them walk into the school yard?
Paddy and Frankie are confronted by an older kid and are beat up
what does paddy say stopped him from fighting?
his lack of food
What pictures are hanging in Fintan’s house?
the picture of the Sacred heart of Jesus and Mary, and also the Patron Saint of Assisi.
What does Fintan do that makes Frankie uncomfy?
he stares at him when he tries to pee
What does Fintan say in that moment?
that he just likes to look at him and that he would not like to commit sin
Why do Paddy and Frankie get confused when they go over Fintan’s for lunch?
they think he will offer some but he doesnt
Where do Paddy and Frankie go to get lunch?
an orchard
What does Paddy think is the best thing?
a nice apple, cold water, and a good poop
Why does Frankie want to win the apple peel?
to show his father that he answered the hard questions
What kind of person does Paddy want to marry?
he wants to marry a girl from india with a red dot on her forehead
What does Quigley tell Frankie?
his parents are out looking to kill him for missing school
Where is Frankie going to spend the night?
at Paddy’s
What does Angela say is wrong with Paddy’s?
it is about to collapse and she thinks he’ll get mugged
What are the living conditions of Paddy?
worse than Frankie
How does Mr. Clohessy know Angela?
he used to dance with her
what does mr. clohessy ask frankie to do?
What does mrs clohessy say to mr clohessy about his sickness?
she says he will have to go to the sanatorium
What happens in the morning when Frankie sees mr clohessy cough up blood?
he throws up in the stairwell.
What does Michael say Angela was doing?
he said she was crying for him
What does the guard tell Frankie not to do>
torment his mother
What does Mr. Clohessy ask angela to do?
sing a song that she used to sing before moving to america.