N.I. FM8 Flashcards
the basis of all FM synthesis is
a sine wave oscillator
Analogue synthesizers used a circuit called a ___ to alter the oscillator level.
VCA (voltage-controlled amplifier)
Some digital synths refer to VCA as __(for____), while others just refer to it as __
DCA (for Digitally Controlled Amplifier”)
with analogue synths, the control signal that changes the level is generated by a circuit called the __aka__
envelope generator
This grouping of a sine wave oscillator, VCA/DCA, and EG is called an ____, which is the basic building block of FM synthesis.
signals that are not ___ to the main oscillator create “clangourous” sounds
Injecting a harmonically-related signal generates harmonics that sound __
more “in-tune”
The amount of harmonics depends on the level of _____ into the main oscillator, and the harmonic structure depends on the _____.
signal injected
modulating oscillator’s frequency
As timbre is primarily affected by the injected signal’s___, adding a ___ after the modulating oscillator (along with an envelope generator to control it) allows ___over the signal, hence the overall timbre.
predictable control
The Operator we hear is called the __. An Operator is called a modulator if it modulates the carrier.
An Operator is called a___ if it modulates the carrier.
You can combine Operators in various ways to create a variety of ___.
The FM8 has several preset algorithms, accessible from a drop-down menu on the___ window.
FM Matrix
with___ added to the modulators - in effect, an Operator becomes its own modulator.
Increasing feedback can add ___ and ___.
The input on the fm matrix:You can use it as __ and ___ as if it where a normal Operator. This opens a lot of new possibilities for using the FM8 as an ___.
effects processor
The envelopes in vintage synths worked on the __/___ principle, which specified the ___ at which the envelope goes from one___ to another.
Faders and Knobs:For fine tuning, press the ___key prior to moving the element, and keep holding the___ key while moving the slider. You may also ___ on the __for direct editing.
Faders and Knobs:A ___on the control resets the value to default.
Faders and Knobs:When there is both a slider and a numeric value, you get finer resolution by __the numeric value
For setting up the parameters Ratio and Offset dragging on the __digit of the numeric readout will change the value in 1s. If you drag on the __digit, the value will change in 10s.
You can also ___ on a value and type in a new one via your computer’s keyboard.
There are two types of popup menus in FM8. The first type is for ___ menus, as with the waveform selection for the Operators. The other one can be found in the ___ sections for envelopes, the Arpeggiator or the Algorithm selector.
Template selection
in FM matrix ___ on Operators switches them on and
FM Matrix:___on Operator X and Z switches
Bypass on and off (if Operator X/Z is active)
Shift+Ctrl click
Graphical Interfaces:The ____ on the Pitch window acts like a bunch of faders.
Microtuning Editor
___amounts can be positive and negative.
Envelopes:To change an envelope’s shape, click on a ___with the mouse, and __ the __into the new position.
Envelopes:To create a new ___, right-click where you want the node to appear
Envelopes:Drag the ___ up or down to change the Envelope’s slope between breakpoints.
Slope handles
Envelopes:To delete a node, ___on the node.
Envelopes: The ruler behind the envelope is calibrated in ___. If the envelope extends past the envelope’s visible range, click on the ___ and drag to the left or right to see a__ of the ruler.
blue background
different range
Envelopes: Clicking the ___ and ___ up or down zooms in and out.
dragging the mouse
__ on the background to have the envelope fit exactly within the visible part of the ruler.
Clicking them switches the window into a different mode, displaying a different page of controls.
Pages and Tabs
If you control the FM8 from a DX7, you can use the DX7 Keyboard option to adapt the
velocity range
the original DX7 has a note velocity range from ___, while all other keyboards and sequencers generate notes with velocities between
0 to 100
0 and 127.
MIDI Controller Range:Many FM8 parameters have a range from ____.
0 to 100
MIDI Controller Range:The second pair of switches let you decide how the buttons react to ____. The standard mode is ____: Off / ___:
- ..63
64. .127
MIDI Controller Range: the ____option can be used so that the FM8 switches toggle on/off with each action of the remote control switches.
Even: Off / Odd: On
CPU Performance:
The _____mode enhances the fidelity of the sound by doubling the resolution of the internal computations. As a result, ___ is reduced leading to a cleaner and more analogue sound.
High resolution
MIDI Assign:
When ____ is activated, selected parameters are outlined and can be controlled by external hardware via MIDI control changes.
Data Entry
Data Entry Controller sets the number of the ____ to be used .
MIDI controller
The____Controllers for Selected Op function allows a page oriented assignment of MIDI controllers.
Use Op A
MIDI Learn:
Remember to disable MIDI Learn as soon as a MIDI controller has____an FM8 control; this ensures that the assignment will not be overwritten by later events. But you may want to keep MIDI Learn enabled should you want to ____. In this case, disable Switch Off ____ have Learn mode only finished by a click on the Learn button.
been assigned to
assign several controls in a row
After Assignment to
The___provides the commands for adding libraries and maintaining the database.
Database Tab
Database Tab: ____ should be invoked when you make changes to the library – like adding or removing a new library, or copying new FM8 Sounds into your folders.
Rebuild DB
It’s best to start a rebuild just before you___
take a break.
• The name entered under ___ for Sound DB is used automatically in the Author field of the Meta Information if you create a new Sound or save it.
Default Author
___ provides a menu that determines the behaviour of the Browser’s Attributes display. When you filter for Sounds by clicking various ___ in the Browser, you put more and more constraints on the Search Results.
Database Hit Count
With ____ chosen, empty categories will be displayed in grey. The show count as number option additionally displays the number of ___ with the current set of _____ in the various categories. Both options may degrade the Browser’s performance, so if you experience a slowdown, switch this menu to __
indicate empty categories
The __ toggles the Arpeggiator on and off
ARP switch
With ___ inactive, any parameter edits you do are only affecting the timbre residing in the currently active corner of the morph square.
Edit All
The Morph Square does not hold complete Sounds but only their ___
With active___option, the parameter edits are affecting all four Sounds (in the morph square)at the same time
Edit All
Please be careful with the Edit All option. It’s very easy to forget that it is on and therefore to accidentally___
change timbres.
This Edit All option is __ automatically when a new Sound is loaded.
The ___of the Application Control Bar is a mirror from the Spectrum page.
Spectrum Display
Spectrum Display :The ___represent the harmonics. This can be very useful for analysing ___ relative to__ while ___
frequency content
parameter changes
editing a sound.
It is for reference purposes and displays the overtone spectrum of the Sound
Spectrum Display
___sets the available ___, i.e. the maximum number of voices that FM8 is allowed to generate at any one time.
Polyphony setting is not stored or recalled as part of a Sound. It should be set to a value appropriate for the ___.
clock speed of the CPU
The ___provides access to the global parameters of the FM8.
Master Window
Master Window : Here you find things like the main___,___ settings, ___ controls and the ___assignments.
global pitch
MIDI controller
___ changes the level of the entire instrument. Try to keep this as___as possible, consistent with not___ the device being fed by the FM8 (as indicated by the associated meter hitting___dB).
Output Volume
___ controls the level of signals being fed into the FM8 when using it as a processor. As with __, keep the control as___as possible without causing the associated level meter to___dB.
Input Volume
hit 0
Please note that the Input is also present on the FM Matrix. You can use it as __and __as if it where a __. Of course you will have to connect the___ to something to hear it.
normal Operator
IN Operator’s output
Polyphony sets the ___
available number of voices
__limits playback to one note at a time, as in the old___, analogue synthesizers. Like in the DX7 this also switches to ___(aka___). However, you can still stack multiple voices on this one note using__
single trigger envelopes
legato playing
___determines how many voices are stacked on a single key in__ mode.
Unison Voices
Unison:With ___ activated and many keys being pressed without enough available voices, the FM8 assigns fewer voices to each key, so individual notes “__” rather than disappear.
thin out
With ___ switched___, each new note uses the number of unison voices specified, if necessary voices are___ other notes already playing.
Unison Dynamic
stolen from
When ___ is ___the voices are shared equally between the notes. In this case the unison effect thins out gradually as more notes are being played.
Unison Dynamic
Unison Detune:… _____. Higher values give ___.
- detunes the unison voices for a fatter, chorus-like effect
- increased detuning
Unison :Use the ____to distribute the stacked voices over the stereo panorama. This can produce___ effects.
Pan Parameter
nice three-dimensional
____ offsets the pitch from -99 to +100 cents for precise pitch matching to other instruments.
Master Tune
Transpose can transpose pitch up or down___octaves, in __ increments.
Portamento Time sets how long_____
it takes for the pitch to glide from one note
to another.