Izotope: Stutter Edit Flashcards
quickstart 1-6:
1. Add Stutter Edit to either
an individual Audio Track or to your Master Output.
Quickstart 1-6:
2. Create a
MIDI track
Quickstart 1-6:
3. From the “……….” drop down menu on your newly created MIDI track, choose the external controller you want to use to control Stutter Edit.
- Set the Monitor selector on the MIDI track to “__” instead of “auto”
- From the “——-“ drop down, choose the track you have added Stutter Edit to.
- Mash some keys with audio playing back … there you ___!
A gesture is a set of ____ that all live on a single MIDI note.
_____ are the key (yeah that’s a pun) to making Stutter Edit such a musical and playable effect.
ell, here’s the important thing: Gestures condense all of these complex effects, and their timelines, onto a a)_______. Which makes it simple to play Stutter Edit, whether you’re on stage or in the studio. The best way to find good sounds is simply to b)________by loading one of the included Bank presets and then playing or triggering different gestures. This will help you get your head around exactly what Stutter Edit does.
a) single key
b) experiment
Loading a Bank:
Gestures are combined into ______, which are essentially Stutter Edit presets. When you load a single _____, it contains tons of Gestures already mapped to MIDI notes for you. You can also customize _______ to your liking using the Preset Manager (more on this later).
Loading a Bank:
You can customize banks to your liking using the ______ (more on this later).
Preset Manager
Loading a Bank:
to choose one of the “factory” banks for Stutter Edit, just go to the ____at the top of the interface.
Bank drop down list
TIP: When you’re ready to go a little deeper, you can also use the Preset Manager to reorganize gestures any way you like. You can collect all of the gestures you want to use for a gig in a new a) ____, or put certain gestures on certain b) _____ as you refine your playing technique.
a) bank
b) keys
Playing Gestures to Add Effects:
When you put Stutter Edit on a track, or on your main mix, you can fire off Gestures by hitting ____ on your favorite MIDI controller. If you prefer, you can also paint _____ into your host’s MIDI sequencer (such as a piano roll view, or step sequencer) to make gestures happen at particular moments.
Note: When using Stutter Edit on musical material, it’s best to have your ____ set to the correct tempo for the music you’re playing back.
host program
Stutter Edit “listens” to the host for its tempo. When Stutter Edit is ______, it’s almost impossible to do things that sound “wrong.”
locked to tempo
extra credit:
With a little experimentation, you’ll find that Gestures can:
1• Add variation to ____
2• Add musical filter sweeps over set a number of ___
3• Create delay effects that repeat over your track when you ____a gesture
4• Add build-ups and transitions with filtered ____
5• Grunge-up your audio subtly or drastically with ___effects
6• And ____!
1 repetitive loops or sections of a song
- beats or measures
- release
- noise sweeps
- lo-fi
- lots more
as you play some Gestures with your song or track playing back, you’ll start to get a feel for what all of the effects do. The best way to learn Stutter Edit is by experimenting with the _____
Banks that come with it.
TIP: Try to get out of the mentality of “I’m going to put this effect on the whole track.” Stutter Edit changes as you play different notes, which gives you a whole new way to think about adding effects. Forget you have a mouse for a couple of minutes. Let your ____guide you!
Stutter Gestures and Generator Gestures:
When you play a key to activate a gesture, you’ll notice a light that tells you _____
what type of Gesture it is.
There are two types of Gestures:
- Stutter Gestures
2. generator gestures
– these process audio with the Stutter effect as well as other creative processors like Filters, Delay and Lo-Fi effects
Stutter Gestures
Stutter Gestures -these process audio with the
these process audio with the Stutter effect as well as other creative processors like Filters, Delay and Lo-Fi effects
– these gestures generate noise and other sounds on top of the audio playing through Stutter Edit. They let you create rising build-ups and other dynamic transitions.
Generator Gestures
Generator Gestures
– these gestures generate noise and other sounds on top of the audio playing through Stutter Edit.
Generator Gestures -They let you create
rising build-ups and other dynamic transitions.
You can only play one_____ at a time, and oneb)____ at a time. HOWEVER you can play one of each c)____.
a) Stutter Gesture
b) Generator Gesture
c) at the same time
Generator Gestures can also feed their output into whatever Stutter Gesture you are playing via the ______ in the Generator Panel. This makes for some really mind-blowing effects. Try it!
Stutter Gate Send control
Note: If a key location is empty, you’ll see the a)_____ light – to make that location into either a Stutter or Generator gesture, simply click the b)____ or c)_____ light.
a) Inactive
b) Stutter
c) Generator
TIP: Try switching between a few Stutter gestures while you’re holding down a ______. This is a great way to create dynamic transitions that sound like they were made in a studio with hours of careful editing and automation! No one has to know you were only pressing two keys– we promise we won’t tell.
Generator gesture key
Recording Your Effect Performance as MIDI:
If you’re working in the studio, and want to capture the awesome combinations of gestures you’re playing, remember to record onto a MIDI track as you trigger gestures from your controller. Your sequencer will capture your key presses and play them back for you. And of course, if you want to change when gestures start, or swap between different ones, you can simply move notes around with your host program’s a) _______ just like you would for a virtual instrument.
Or, you might prefer to actually manually enter notes into your piano roll view, or a step sequencer if your host provides one, to trigger Stutter Edit’s Gestures. This is also a good way of working with Stutter Edit in a b)_____setting.
a) MIDI piano roll editor
b) production
This control defines how long the current gesture is.
Gesture Length:
Gesture Length:
Each Gesture can be set to cover different ranges of time, from a)___ up through b)_______ .
a) 16th notes (a quarter of one beat)
b) 2 Bars or measures (8 beats)
The________determines the timeline for a gesture. That is, it determines how quickly the modules will sweep through the “Ranges” you set for each of them.
Gesture Length
This setting ensures that you will always trigger gestures on exactly the right beat, even if your timing is a little off!
Grid:Setting it to “1/8” means the gesture will always start exactly on the next Eighth Note. You can set Stutter Edit to be more or less _____ depending on how you play, and how you want each individual gesture to respond. (This is similar to what some drum machines and sequencers call “______”).
Input Quantize
This setting lets you set how the gesture will end.
Release Mode:
Release Mode::This can be useful for tailoring Stutter Edit to ___
your own playing style.
The gesture will end when you stop playing its MIDI note, but it will wait until the next_____ point (1/8, 1/16 etc).
On Grid -
- The entire gesture will play through from start to finish, even if you only tap the note.
Full Gesture
- The gesture will play and hold until you trigger it again (or trigger another gesture).
The gesture will end instantly when you stop playing its MIDI note
.Instant -
Stick - Similar to Latch mode, but the effect will
“stick” at the end of the gesture’s timeline.
TIP: Try assigning a Generator Gesture to _____ mode. This lets you juggle a few Stutter Gestures without having to keep your finger on another key!
Full Gesture release
affects how gestures repeat or loop when they are held and not released.
Palindrome Looping
Palindrome Looping – if switched to _____ the gesture’s timeline will reverse direction when it reaches the end of the Gesture Length, creating an up and down or back and forth sweeping effect.
Palindrome Looping – if switched to _____the gesture’s timeline will start over when it reaches the Gesture Length.
Basic Module Controls: There are a number of module controls that are used throughout Stutter Edit. If you \_\_\_\_\_\_, you’ll be able to find your way around easily.
understand how these basic module controls work
The ____ button selects whether a module will be active as a part of the current gesture.
Active Button
The Timeline Dot
When playing a gesture, you’ll see small dots moving across the sliders in Stutter Edit’s modules. This shows what each of the modules is doing in relation to ____
the gesture’s timeline.
the……… shows you small dots moving across the sliders in Stutter Edit’s modules
The Timeline Dot
all of Stutter Edit’s effects can change, in sync with your project, over the_____ gesture you’re playing.
length of the gesture
Use the ______ to set the range of values the Gesture will sweep through for each effect.
Range Handles
Range Handles:
• By __________you can change the direction the Timeline Dot moves. You can make a gesture sweep either down or up over the length of the gesture.
dragging one handle past the other
Range Handles
:• When ________, that means you have set a fixed value for the gesture.
both handles are touching
Range Handles :both handles are touching : setting a fixed value for that gesture :
This is useful if you don’t want an effect to ______, and instead want it to stay at one setting the entire time the gesture is playing.
follow the gesture’s timeline
Range Handle Shortcuts:
R____or_____on a range handle, you can choose from several options that help you quickly edit settings:
right or Command-click
Range Handle Shortcuts:
- locks the handles at their current location letting you move a “range” around the slider without moving one handle then the other
Range Handle Shortcuts:
- locks both handles together at the position of your cursor, letting you set the slider to one value that doesn’t change during the gesture
Lock at Value
Range Handle Shortcuts:
– Flips the position of the range handles, allowing you to quickly make the timeline move in the opposite direction for the current module
Flip Range
Range Handle Shortcuts:
- Sets the range handles to the edges of the range
Full Range
Range Handle Shortcuts:
Note: _____will also link the Range Handles together. This makes it easier to move them at the same time.
double clicking
the ____ slider changes the way the Timeline Dot moves across the range you’ve set for an effect.
The Curve Control
Curve Control:
• In the ____of the slider’s range, the curve is linear that is, the Timeline Dot will move at the same rate from start to finish.
ln the center
Curve Control: At the ______ of the slider range, the curve is a fast, or logarithmic, curve. The timeline dot will move more quickly at the start of the gesture, but then will slowly approach the end of the range.
far left
Curve Control:• At the _____ of the slider range, the curve is set to a slow, or exponential, curve. The Timeline Dot will move slowly when the gesture is first triggered, and will quickly approach the end of the range more slowly near the end of the gesture.
far right
______ is a combination low-pass, high-pass filter.
The global filter
The global filter
In it’s ______ off position, it does not filter the signal.
The global filter:
Moving it ____ engages a low-pass filter,
The global filter:
moving it ___ engages a high-pass filter.
The global filter:
It can be used to shape the overall sound of Stutter Edit. While the Filter Modules in Stutter Edit are designed to be automated on a timeline, the Global Filter is meant to be_______ .
manipulated by hand
The global filter::
By default the Global Filter is assigned to the ______parameter. This can be useful because the Pitch Wheel will automatically spring back to center on most controllers, allowing you to let go of it when you want the filter to go back to it’s Off position.
MIDI Pitch Wheel
By default the Global Filter is assigned to the Midi pitch wheel parameter. This can be useful because the Pitch Wheel will automatically spring back to center on most controllers, allowing you to let go of it when you want the filter to go back to it’s____position.
Global Filter:
You can also re-assign the Global Filter to other MIDI control parameters. Go to the ______ (gear icon) to assign MIDI input to the Global Filter.
Options menu
Timeline Override:
When a Gesture is triggered and engaged by an incoming MIDI note, each of Stutter Edit’s modules or effects will begin to _________. This is represented visually by the small timeline dots sweeping in between each module’s range handles and is calculated based on your host applications ____
a) sweep through the defined ranges and curve control settings
b) tempo.
In order to control the movement of this timeline however, you can use the ______ Control and link this global timeline to any incoming MIDI Continuous Controller.
What results is a control that allows you to control the position of each engaged effect with respect to their defined range. In this way, you can control sweeps, create special FX or provide very gradual Gesture Lengths beyond the available “Two Bars” in Stutter Edit’s Gesture Length drop down menu.
Timeline Override
Simple Preset Loading and Saving:
in Stutter Edit, each Bank is a Preset, containing multiple “_____” to be triggered by your MIDI keyboard. .
Simple Preset Loading and Saving:
As such, each Bank/Preset can contain as many gestures as ____
there are keys on the keyboard.
Simple Preset Loading and Saving::
These “Gestures” are all essentially different_______ that are each triggered by a specific MIDI note.
different scenes of effects
All of the information and settings of these multiple Gestures is stored inside of a single ____ file. Got it? Good
Bank preset
Simple Loading and Saving:
At the top of Stutter Edit’s interface, the currently displayed Gesture will be displayed with its corresponding a) ______ on the left, with the currently loaded b) _______ to its right.
a) MIDI note value
b) Bank Preset
Simple Loading and Saving:
Use the Bank _____ and the Save button in order to quickly load and scan through any of Stutter Edit’s currently available presets.
drop-down menu
Simple Loading and Saving:____
This will re-save your selected Bank including any edited gestures in that bank.
Simple Loading and Saving:
Open the _____ in order to organize or re-arrange your Bank Presets and Gestures.
Preset Manager:
Reset Button
When you’re working with a Bank, especially during a performance, you may make some changes to a gesture that you want to “undo.” The Reset button resets the current Gesture to it’s a)_____state, and not to a b) ____ state.
a) saved
b) neutral/blank
Preset Manager/Customizing Banks:
in the ____most window of the Preset Manager, any available Banks will be listed, each with their own set of Gestures on the____, shown with a vertical keyboard representing each corresponding MIDI note that Gesture is assigned to.
Preset Manager/Customizing Banks:
You can also create folders to organize or group similar____ together by clicking on the New Folder button at the top of the Preset Manager.
Preset Manager/Customizing Banks:
a)____(green) and b)_____ (blue) gestures are signified by the small circles next to each gesture.
a) Stutter
b) Generator
Preset Manager/Customizing Banks::Note: Banks are simply____ files that live on your hard drive.
Preset Manager/Customizing Banks::Banks :You can find them in your Documents folder on Mac and PC, in a folder called _________.
iZotope Stutter Edit Presets
Preset Manager/Customizing Banks:
If you want to send me or anyone else a bank full of tasty gestures, just grab the ______file, send it, and tell em to put it in their preset folder. Voila.
Customizing Banks:
When making new Banks from scratch, you can start with the Bank or an existing Bank, and create your individual Gestures in Stutter Edit’s ______
main interface.
Customizing Banks::
Once you are finished creating or editing your Gestures for that particular Bank, hit the _____ button in order to create a new Bank containing your latest Gesture creations or edits. This will also prevent any Banks or Gesture settings being overwritten by edits.
Save New
Customizing Banks:
If you would like to overwrite any existing Banks and its included Gestures with your updated edits, simply click the ____button at the top.
Interacting with Banks:
Using the buttons at the top of the______ window, you can do the following:
Clone Bank
Delete Bank
New Folder
Preset Managers
Interacting with Banks::
____bank in order to duplicate the currently selected bank and all of its included gestures into a new bank.
Clone Bank
Interacting with Banks::
______Bank in order to completely remove the selected bank and all of its gestures.
Delete Bank
Interacting with Banks::
______ will create a new organization folder in which you can click and drag your banks in and out of. (Folders can be renamed and used to keep track of different categories of banks for intended uses.)
New Folder
In the Gesture window of the Preset Manager:
Single-Click in order to
Drag a gesture to move it to another key.
In the Gesture window of the Preset Manager:
Right-click on a gesture’s name to_____or____
copy and paste it to another Bank or delete it entirely.
In the Gesture window of the Preset Manager:
Double-click on a gesture name to
rename it.
In the Gesture window of the Preset Manager:
Hold Control/Command while Dragging a gesture to
duplicate it.
In the Gesture window of the Preset Manager:
Hold Shift/Control/Command + Click to
select several gestures for moving, deleting, etc…
In the Gesture window of the Preset Manager:
NOTE: Click on any of the blue keyboard’s keys in order to automatically trigger and audition_____on your audio.
a particular gesture
The________ lets you choose specific rhythmic values that you want the Stutter module to use when repeating audio. You can set it to something simple, like only 1/8 notes, for a simple roll. Or, to create more complex effects, you can select many different note values for a gesture to sweep through.
Stutter Matrix
the stutter matrix:
You can also choose melodic note values, one of the truly unique features of Stutter Edit. When audio repeats at a certain rate, it produces a new pitch. By selecting several pitches in the Stutter Matrix, you can fracture audio into ______, and Stutter Edit will play musical scales along the Gesture’s timeline.
musical notes
in the stutter matrix:
Hold Control (Win) or Command (Mac) when clicking in order to select a
a)______ and b) ______ in the Stutter Matrix.
a) singular stutter length
b) remove all other stutter lengths
______ controls what range of note values Stutter Edit uses when playing through a gesture’s timeline.
The Stutter module
The Stutter module:
Uses the notes you’ve selected in the Stutter Matrix to determine the start and end of its range.
Stutter Length
With the Quantize module set to _____ Stutter Edit will smoothly move from the lowest to highest note values set by the Stutter range controls. For example, if you choose 1/8 for the bottom of the range, and 1/128 for the top of the range, the Stutter Length will slide between those two note values.
Turning______ on will make Stutter Edit “lock” onto different rhythmic values from the Matrix as the Stutter Range control moves through its timeline.
The ______ control range chooses how long Stutter Edit stays on each value from the Matrix as it moves through its timeline.
Step Time
______ affects how the notes you’ve selected in the Stutter Matrix are played, and in what order:
Ignores notes selected in the Stutter Matrix, and instead holds whatever stutter length is closest to the progress of the curve (can produce more jarring and atonal effects)
Free -
-Steps only between the values you’ve chosen in the Matrix.
Closest -
-Moves through the selected Matrix values moving up one note with each new step.
Walk -
Moves through selected Matrix note values in a pattern: up two notes, then down one note (or the reverse if you change the direction of the Stutter range handles).
Skip -
Moves through selected Matrix note values in a pattern: up one note, then up one more note on the next step, then down a note. (or the reverse if you change the direction of the Stutter range handles).
Stagger -
- Moves randomly through the values you’ve selected in the Stutter Matrix
_____ Position: This module controls what part of the _______ (the audio being sampled by Stutter Edit) is repeated by the Stutter effect. You can think of this chunk of sampled audio being sliced into many pieces, and Buffer Position choosing where to start and how to move through that piece of sampled audio as the gesture plays back.
Buffer Position
Buffer Position:
This slices the buffer into a number of pieces (1/16 notes, ¼ notes, etc) that the other Buffer Position controls interact with.
Grid Size:
Buffer Position:
______Controls the position of playback within each “slice” of the Grid determined by the Grid Size control. Setting the Reverse button will move backwards though the sampled audio.
Micro Position
Buffer Position:
This determines how the Buffer Position is chosen from the Grid Range you’ve selected.
Movement Mode
Buffer Position: Movement Mode : Modes:
______ - Slides smoothly between the range handles.
Buffer Position: Movement Mode : Modes:
_____ - Buffer Position locks to the last grid point the timeline passes.
Buffer Position:
____ - The Buffer Position is taken randomly from anywhere between the range handles.
As the stuttered audio repeats during a gesture, _____ changes the envelope of the audio being sampled for gating and chopping effects that can evolve over the course of the gesture.
Gate Width
Gate Width:
_______ At 100% the audio played back will be as long as the Stutter Length. The lower you set the percentage, the faster the repeating audio will be cut off, or gated.
Width Percentage
Gate Width:
Sets the “release” portion of the gate effect. Lower values will produce a choppier effect.
Gate Width:Width Percentage :
The lower you set the percentage,
the faster the repeating audio will be cut off, or gated.
As the stuttered audio repeats during a gesture, _______ will spread each alternating repeat left and right.
Jump Pan
Jump pan:
_______ Controls how far away from the center position the repeating stutters are spread.
Jump pan:
________Sets the overall offset of the pan effect either left or right.
This delay can affect left and right channels independently, letting you sweep between ranges of delay times that sync to your tempo.
Stereo Delay
this filter affects the repeating delay, allowing you to shape the echoes by removing low and/or high frequencies and adding resonance.
Delay Band-Pass
Low/High-Pass Filter:
Cuts the high frequencies out of audio, and can add a resonance boost at the Cutoff Frequency.
Low-pass Filter
Low/High-Pass Filter:
Cuts the low frequencies out of audio, and can add a resonance boost at the Cutoff Frequency.
High-pass Filter
This effect creates distortion by reducing the Bit Depth of audio.
Bit Reduction
Bit Reduction:
Low settings will produce
harsh distortion,
Bit Reduction:
____ settings will simulate the “vintage digital” sound of older drum machines and samplers.
Similar to the Bit Reduction effect, this effect simulates audio recorded at low sampling rates, leading to grungier audio and extreme distortion at very low settings.
_________ This control changes the level of the “un-effected” signal as a gesture plays back.
Dry Gain
_______This control changes the level of the effected signal as a gesture plays back.
Effect Gain
Note: When Wet Gain is off, the effects will still come through. Wet Gain is meant to allow you to_______. Turning Dry Gain off however will totally silence the original input, which can be useful for “Stutter Only” effects.
modulate the effect gain
Gain controls:
These may seem boring at first glance, but they can make for great _____ effects in addition to helping control the relative level of gestures.
Generator Gesture Length:
Generator Gestures work on a separate _______ from Stutter Gestures. You can change the way Generator Gestures start, evolve and when they end by tweaking these settings.
Generator Gesture Length:
________ :These drop-down menus determine how the Generator’s sound builds over time.
End at Measure/End on Beat:
Generator Gesture Length::End at Measure/End on Beat:
This unique feature watches the timeline of your entire project to dynamically change the length of noise loops depending on _______.
when you trigger them
Generator Gesture Length:End at Measure/End on Beat:
End at Measure: a)________- Stutter Edit will wait until the very next beat number specified in the “End on Beat” combo box.
For example, if I choose End at Measure: a)_____ and End on Beat: 3 and trigger a gesture on Beat 4 of a measure, Stutter Edit will wait until b)_______ of the a)______ measure.
If I trigger a gesture on Beat 1 of a measure, it will start playing on b) _____ of the same measure.
a) Next
b) Beat 3
Generator Gesture Length:End at Measure/End on Beat:
End on Measure: a) __ ,__ or ___- will always wait until the next full measure to find a beat to end on.
a) +1, +2 or +3
Generator Gesture Length:
TIP: The a)_________ length of Generator Gestures is a great feature for live performance. You don’t have to plan ahead - simply trigger a generator gesture when it feels right, and the Generator will create a build up that ends in just the right place!
a) dynamically-changing
Generator Gesture Length:
______ Similar to, but independent from, the Stutter Gesture’s____setting, this control helps you trigger Generator gestures exactly on a beat or note value.
Generator Gesture Length: End at Measure/End on Beat:
^When selecting “End at Measure: Next” and “End on Beat: 1”, if you trigger this Generator Gesture right at the beginning of a measure, modules will move through their timelines in exactly a)______.
^If you trigger the gesture b) _________, the Generator will quickly move through it’s timeline to end on the first beat of the next measure. In both cases, the noise loop will end exactly on beat one of the next measure.
a) one measure
b) right before the end of the measure
This menu accesses a library of different noises and textures that the Generator uses as a foundation for its effects.
Noise Table
Noise Table:
– The noise tables are designed to loop seamlessly, allowing them to be stretched over any Gesture Length.
Noise Loops
Noise Table:
noise loops: The noise tables are designed to loop seamlessly, allowing them to be
stretched over any Gesture Length.
Noise Table:
-One-shot hits that can be used to add accents to your music
Hit –
Noise Table: Hit:
-One-shot hits that can be used to add____ to your music
Noise Table:
-This range control lets you change the level of noise over the timeline of a Generator Gesture
Noise Table
Generator Gain
The ____ range control will smoothly change the frequency (-6,000Hz to + 6,000Hz) of the noise table being played back, in order to create dramatic rising or falling effects.
The Pitch range control will smoothly change the frequency (-_____Hz to + ______Hz) of the noise table being played back, in order to create dramatic _______
rising or falling effects.
Just like the ______ module in the Stutter interface, the Generator’s _____ effect simulates audio recorded at lower sampling rates, leading to grungier audio and extreme distortion at very low settings.
Lo-Fi : effect simulates audio recorded at a)_____, leading to grungier audio and extreme distortion at b) ____ settings.
a) lower sampling rates
b) very low
This control sends a part of the noise table through the Gate of any Stutter Gesture being played. Essentially, this feature blends Generator Gestures and Stutter Gestures together to produce dynamic effects that sound like they were carefully crafted in a studio!
Stutter Gate Send
Stutter Gate Send:
To hear this effect in action, ________ while a Generator Gesture is playing. You will hear that the noise will be “chopped” by the Gate settings for the current Stutter Gesture
trigger (a few) Stutter Gestures
This module shapes the Generator’s sound by removing low and/or high frequencies and adding resonance.
Band-Pass Filter
The Generator has it’s own dedicated _____ effect with adjustable ______ Time, Feedback and Dry/Wet controls. When engaged and released, the echoes from this______ will continue to repeat, allowing for a smooth transition.
Delay :The Generator has it’s own dedicated Delay effect with adjustable Delay Time, Feedback and Dry/Wet controls. When engaged and released, the echoes from this delay will a)_____, allowing for b)______
a) continue to repeat
b) a smooth transition.