NFIP Knowledge Check Flashcards
The US Navy wants to build a critical facility along the Savannah River on the property highlighted below. Which of the following statements are true? Zone X, 0.2 PCT Annual Chance Flood Hazard
-The Navy must follow Executive Orders 11988 and 11990.
-The facility must be protected to the 500-year floodplain
-Other construction alternatives must be considered
A multi-story beach house is proposed for the property highlighted on the map below. What development requirements are necessary, if any? Zone VE, EL 579
The bottom of the lowest horizontal member must be at or above 579’
As a local official, what minimum elevation would you provide to an applicant that wants to substantially improve the structure highlighted on the map below? Look at Elevation contour lines - to right is 537.7, to left is 537.8
A residential structure located on the property highlighted on the map below was substantially damaged by a fire (see red box). What development requirements are necessary for the reconstruction? Zone AH, EL 767
The lowest floor of the repaired structure must be at or above 767’
What is the base flood elevation along Duncan Run on the upstream side of Harlem Road? BFE - 1% annual chance - look at the line going upstream at exactly Harlem Rd
What is the base flood elevation along the Olentangy River at cross section L? Regulatory 1% Chance for water Surface elevation = 785.6
Lowering the threshold for substantial improvement/damage and using cumulative calculations over time are good examples of:
Higher Standards
Which of the following is NOT a requirement for State, Local and Tribal Hazard Mitigation plans:
Hazard identification and risk assessment
Elevation certificates for all at-risk structures*
Strategies to reduce risk exposure
Documentation for how the plan was created
A community is pursuing a mitigation project under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program and the estimated project cost is $1 million. How much is the federal cost share?
What conditions must exist before Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funding can be awarded?
There is a federal disaster declaration
The applicant has an approved hazard mitigation plan
To determine Market Value for Substantial Damage, always use:
The value of the structure
Who is the only entity that can make substantial damage determinations?
Local floodplain administrator
Which of the following statements about post-disaster operations is FALSE?
There is usually a sense of urgency and pressure from elected officials to get back to normal.
* It is acceptable to suspend regulatory permit enforcement immediately following a disaster.*
High water marks can help communicate risk long after floodwaters have receded.
Flood damage is not always visible from outside the structure.
What process do floodplain administrators use to assess damaged structures to determine if repair costs are greater than or equal to 50% of market value?
Substantial damage surveys
Which of the following post-disaster clean-up activities can property owners do without a permit?
Remove damaged contents
Repair a leaking roof so further damage does not occur
Which of these are least likely to be a floodplain administrator’s responsibility during pre-disaster operations?
Inform people of the permit process
Maintain records of repetitive loss and severe repetitive loss areas
Coordinate sand bagging efforts
Assist the mitigation planning and emergency management staff in understanding floodplain management priorities and areas that may be subject to significant damage
When a catastrophe occurs, who makes the request for a Presidential disaster declaration?
The governor
Which of the following activities is conducted to support a disaster declaration request?
Conduct preliminary damage assessments
What arrangements can communities make to provide assistance and resources in the event of a disaster?
Mutual Aid Agreements
What Community Rating System class provides a 10% premium discount for insured structures in the SFHA?
Class 8
Whose signature can be found in Section D of FEMA’s Elevation Certificate?
Surveyor, engineer or architect
Which of the following eligibility requirements are applicable for a claim under Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC):
Damage occurred from a flood
Structure is declared substantially damaged
Structure is a repetitive loss property
Which mitigation measure is NOT eligible for Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC) coverage?
Building a detention basin
Floodproofing a non-residential structure
Elevating a residential structure
Demolishing a building
An NFIP insured building is considered a “severe repetitive loss” if the following conditions are met:
The structure has 4 or more paid flood claims of at least $5,000 (or $20,000 combined)
At least 2 paid flood claims whose combined value exceeds the market value of the structure
Two paid flood claims within a 10-year period.
Which of the following does NOT apply to the NFIP definition of a repetitive loss building?
The structure has 2 or more paid flood damage claims in a 10-year period
The structure is located within the SFHA
Each claim was at least $1,000
The structure has an NFIP policy
Within the context of the NFIP, the following statements are true EXCEPT:
Wet floodproofing allows floodwaters to enter and leave a structure causing minimal damage
Wet floodproofing may require the relocation of utilities or HVAC equipment
Wet floodproofing is acceptable for new or substantially improved residential structures
Wet floodproofing is acceptable for non-residential structures
Within the context of the NFIP, the following statements are true EXCEPT:
Dry floodproofing involves the process of making a structure watertight
Dry floodproofing is not recommended for structures with a basement
Dry floodproofing is acceptable for new or substantially improved residential structures
Dry floodproofing is acceptable for non-residential structures
The mandatory flood insurance purchase requirement applies to structures with federally-backed funding, like a loan, located _________.
in the Special Flood Hazard Area
How much land must be inundated to be eligible for a flood insurance claim?
2 acres or 2 properties
This type of force is caused by moving water which can push a house off of its foundation:
What is an example of how floodplains improve water quality?
Natural vegetation provides filtration
A basic definition of No Adverse Impact (NAI) can be described as:
When the actions of one property owner are not allowed to adversely impact the rights of others
To find a precise flood elevation for a riverine site that is NOT at a cross section, use the:
Flood profile
Which component of a Flood Insurance Study (FIS) displays the width of a floodway and the base flood elevations (BFEs) at a particular cross section?
Floodway Data Table
Coastal base flood elevations are composed of still water flood elevations plus:
Wave runup
Which Executive Order provides for the protection of wetlands and requires federally-sponsored activities to avoid adverse impacts to wetlands where practicable?
Which Executive Order prohibits federal agencies from using federal funds to develop in the floodplain and requires them to seek practicable alternatives whenever possible?
What would cause a property to be placed on the Section 1316 listing with FEMA?
The property is in violation of the local floodplain management ordinance
A floodplain permit variance might be granted based upon which of the following factors:
The parcel in question has unique geologic or topographic characteristics
“Pre-FIRM” structures are those that were built on or before the date the community’s initial FIRM was published, OR:
December 31, 1974, whichever is later
If a building has not been maintained and has deteriorated over time, then the market value for substantial improvement is determined by using:
The date of the application for the permit to improve or repair the building
According to the NFIP, which of these is a requirement for recreational vehicles?
Must be fully-licensed and ready for highway use
In the absence of a floodway, NFIP regulations require that cumulative rise resulting from development:
Not cause a rise in BFE of more than one foot anywhere in the community
Top of Bottom Floor
6 - very bottom of house
Top of Next Higher Floor
1 - bottom of doorway
Lowest Adjacent Grade
2 - lowest height flood reaches
Highest Adjacent Grade
5 - highest height flood reaches
3,4 - bottom of basement window & bottom of 2nd floor window
What is the flood opening sizing requirement for a crawl space?
1 square inch of opening for each square foot of enclosed area
Structures with their lowest floors below the base flood elevation (BFE) must have:
At least two flood openings placed within 1 foot of grade
In riverine SFHAs, new or substantially improved non-residential structures must either be elevated to or above the BFE, OR
They must be floodproofed
A community-initiated process to update a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) to reflect flood hazard changes
Letter of Map Revision (LOMR)
An official letter from FEMA that recognizes a property is mapped in a floodplain, but it is actually located on natural high ground above the BFE
Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA)
An official letter from FEMA that modifies the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) shown on a FIRM to reflect the impact of fill placed outside the existing regulatory floodway
Letter of Map Revision Based on Fill (LOMR-F)
A comment from FEMA on the potential impact of a project
Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR)
What size of a proposed subdivision or development will require detailed base flood elevation (BFE) data to be developed before a development permit can be issued?
5 acres / 50 lots
44 CFR 60.3 (a)
No flood hazard information has been provided
44 CFR 60.3 (b)
Approximate A zones without elevations
44 CFR 60.3 (c)
Zone AE flood hazards with elevations, but no floodway
44 CFR 60.3 (d)
Zone A, AE with elevations and floodways
44 CFR 60.3 (e)
Zone A, AE V and/or VE
44 CFR 60.3 (f)
Zone A, AE, AO, AH and AR
Which types of projects would likely trigger the need for permits from other state or federal agencies?
Stream crossings or projects that affect navigable waterways
Disturbance of a wetland
Alteration of sand dunes
The first step of the Development Permit Process is:
Applicant prepares application
If a community does not participate in the NFIP, then:
Federally-backed mortgages are unavailable in the floodplain.
What are the NFIP regulatory requirements for a property owner that wants to build a residential structure on the parcel highlighted below? 90% in Zone A, 10% in Coastal Floodplain Zone AE
NFIP Flood insurance is not available
A room addition is being proposed for the property highlighted on the map below (see red box). What development requirements are necessary? Zone AO, depth 2 feet
The lowest floor must be at least 2’ above natural grade.
Which of the following activities are NOT eligible to receive Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) funding?
Property acquisition and structural demolition
Safe room construction
Dry floodproofing a residential building
Installing a generator
This legislation protects sensitive coastal resources and prohibits any development that would involve federal assistance.
Coastal Barriers Resources Act of 1982
What document can be used to provide flood and building elevation data to document compliance with floodplain management regulations?
Elevation Certificate
What structural element is used to check for elevation compliance on Zone V structures?
Lowest Horizontal Structural Member