NF Flashcards
Why is need-finding required?
[G]uide innovation efforts
[U]ncover the needs of people which they may or may not be aware of.
[D]iscover the emotions that guide behaviours
[I]dentify someone to design for
What are the 5 data gathering techniques taught?
Observation, Ethnography, Surveys, Interviews & Focus Groups
What is the Hawthorne Effect?
It is the tendency to perform or perceive differently when one knows they are being observed.
What is observation?
It is to watch users do what they do, and it usually involves video recording and lots of notes focused on task-relevant behaviours that are used to create subtasks.
What are the two forms of observation?
Direct (researcher is the observer) and Indirect (observer reports to researcher)
What are the two settings for direct observation?
Controlled environment (lab) and field settings (natural)
What is indirect observation?
Rely on observations reported by others, and is observing effect or results of behaviour instead of the behaviour itself.
What is ethnography?
Living amongst the users - understanding full complexity of the behaviour in its complete social context.
eg. living with Papa New Guinea natives for a year
What are surveys?
Subjective answers in a quantitative format.
What are the three forms of interviews?
Structured (script), unstructured (scriptless), semi-structured (script but can deviate)
What are focus groups?
Structured interviews with groups of individuals where interactions are managed to facilitate and motivate people to talk.
What do you do with the data found in need finding?
[D]igest and represent the data
[I]nfer results from collected data
[F]igures, charts, statistics
[I]mprove new design
What are the pros & cons of surveys?
Pros: cheap, quantitative, easy to do
Cons: survey fatigue, dishonest users, low response rate
What are the pros & cons of interviews?
Pros: high engagement, rich data from users with context, can pick up on non-verbal cues
Cons: expensive, takes long time, dishonesty, small sample, difficult to analyze & quantify results
What are the pros & cons of DIRECT observation?
Pros: natural setting, controlled environment, quantitative & qualitative data
Cons: hawthorne effect
What are the pros & cons of INDIRECT observation?
Pros: no disturbance to user
Cons: self-reported data may be inaccurate
What are the pros & cons of focus groups?
Pros: efficient to conduct as many people can be interviewed at once, allows for sharing and synthesis of ideas, allows for clarification
Cons: group think, member domination, poor moderation
What are the pros & cons of ethnography?
lmao u really wanna live with randoms for years?