News Media and Public Information Flashcards
The LVMPD is committed to informing the community and news media of events within the public domain handled by or involving this department. By providing
_____________and ______________ the department can foster a relationship of mutual trust and cooperation.
transparency and accountability
The department’s Office of Public Information is the focal point for the release of information and will:
- Write and disseminate news releases
- Provide assistance to other department members in the preparation of news releases
- Maintain a three-year repository for news releases
- Serve as liaison to the news media, and solicit their input on procedural matters
The Public Information Officer (PIO) reports directly to the Undersheriff.
Officers assigned to the Office of Public Information are available on a:
24 hour basis to facilitate the department’s
public information responsibilities.
PIO Call-outs may be requested by:
Executive Staff, bureau/area commanders, incident commanders, or the Watch Commander.
Requests for call-out of the on-call PIO
should be limited to:
Crimes or incidents in progress.
Between the hours of 1800-0700, media personnel are directed to contact the:
Watch Commander regarding all crimes in progress. Media personnel are instructed to wait at least 15 minutes for a response before
contacting the on-call PIO.
In the absence of a directed call-out, response will be at the discretion of either the Director or sergeant of the
Office of Public Information. This will be based on the necessity for:
Continuing media updates, safety concerns for citizens and officers, and the shortage of on-scene personnel to manage the media because of the magnitude of a given incident.
Communications Bureau Responsibilities
To respond to media interests in a timely manner, the Communications supervisor will notify the PIO of certain police incidents as soon as practical.
Incidents that may be of interest to the media include, but are not
limited to:
- Incidents involving officers in heroic or lifesaving actions
- Line of duty injuries or deaths of officers
- Major civil disturbances, riots, etc.
- Confirmed sniper, barricade, or hostage incidents
- Aircraft accidents
- Bomb-related incidents
- Arrests involving prominent persons
- Pursuits resulting in accidents, injuries or use of PIT.
Information that generally will be released:
- Incident Reports
- Declarations of Arrest
- Traffic Accident Reports
- Vehicle Impound Reports
- Property Impound Reports (with approval of the investigative unit)
- LVMPD Criminal history record
• Mug photographs and non-gaming work card photographs approved by
the investigative unit
- 911 tapes (approved by the investigative unit)
- Department photographs of employees will be released only by the PIO
TRUE or FALSE: Arrest Reports will be released by the Office of the District Attorney.
TRUE: Arrest Reports will be released by the Office of the District Attorney.
Information that will not be released
The release of records generally considered privileged will be released based on the test set forth in Donrey vs. Bradshaw. Information will not be disclosed if it is either:
The release of records generally considered privileged will be released based on the test set forth in Donrey vs. Bradshaw. Information will not be disclosed if it is either:
1) privileged by law, or
2) the interest in public disclosure is outweighed by privacy or law enforcement
What are some examples?
- Names, addresses and exact location of victims of sexual assault.
- Personnel information, other than employee name, age, title, place of employment, and dates of employment
- Records of internal investigations
- Names, addresses, and photos of arrestees under the age of 18 not being tried as adults.
- The existence or contents of any confession, admission, or statement given by the accused, or refusal or failure to make any statement
- Examination or test results of the accused, or the refusal or failure to submit to an examination or test
- The identity, testimony, or credibility of prospective witnesses
- Opinions as to an accused person’s guilt or innocence, or merits of a case
- Information received from other law enforcement agencies without their approval to release the information
True or False: Information may be released by specified department members in the absence of the PIO, or because current and factual information is within their area of responsibility or expertise.
True: Information may be released by specified department members in the absence of the PIO, or because current and factual information is within their area of responsibility or expertise.
In such cases, a copy of the released
information will be forwarded to the Office of Public Information.
- The Office of Public Information (in coordination with the respective investigative bureau) will release information of:
Officer involved shootings, use of force incidents, robberies, homicides, and other designated criminal investigations.
The Traffic Bureau will release information on non-fatal and fatal traffic accidents not involving:
Department members.
The Traffic Bureau Fatal Detail, will release information regarding:
Serious/fatal injuries of citizens or department members resulting from accidents involving
department vehicles.
The Robbery Division will release:
Information flyers and photographs of wanted robbery suspects.
The Missing Persons Detail will release:
Flyers regarding missing or endangered individuals
Ranking officers may release information on:
Field incidents and activities
Watch Commanders/Area Lieutenants may release information:
On field incidents and activities.
Communications personnel may report the nature and location of offenses. If in doubt as to the propriety of giving such information, the matter should be:
Referred to a supervisory officer.
Communications personnel may furnish information on routine matters such as:
Traffic conditions, and may recommend detours or advise on hazardous conditions when so directed by the Watch Commander.
Requests for information about confidential internal department investigations and operations will be referred to:
The PIO for coordination with the Sheriff
or Undersheriff.
Requests for information on lawsuits against department members will be referred to:
The Risk Manager and the Office of General Counsel.
Requests for information on incidents /investigations under the primary jurisdiction of another law enforcement agency will be referred to:
That specific agency. Members will not confirm, deny, or release any related information. If a response is necessary, it will be referred to the appropriate bureau/area
Requests for information regarding officer involved shootings or accidents involving an outside agency
in which LVMPD is the lead investigative unit will be:
Referred to the involved agency.
News releases are encouraged and will be made when necessitated by specific occurrences or activities. These matters may include:
Arrests or criminal activities, or follow-up information on events of media interest.
A copy of news releases will be provided to the PIO.
It is imperative that a ________ and _________ message be delivered in all news conferences. Therefore, news conferences must be discussed and approved by the division commander of the unit requesting the news conference and must be coordinated with the PIO.
If the news conference is reference an on-going investigation, the respective investigative division commander must also be consulted (i.e., Investigative Services Division).
Clear and Concise
To improve the flow of information, the PIO will be notified as soon as possible of the content of department members’ statements and interviews made to:
The media during normal business hours.
If not practical, or after duty hours, notification will be the next duty day.
In the case of pre-arranged interviews:
The PIO will be notified of the topic of the interview prior to it taking place.
TRUE or FALSE: The news media may photograph and report anything they observe when legally present at an emergency scene.
TRUE: The news media may photograph and report anything they observe when legally present at an emergency scene.
The news media may photograph and report anything they observe when legally present at an emergency scene.
Where publication of such coverage would interfere with an official investigation or place victims, suspects, or others in jeopardy, the withholding of publication is dependent upon:
a cooperative media, not on department censorship.
Under such circumstances, officers should advise the news media or their superiors of
the possible consequences of publication: however, officers may not interfere with media activities within the confines of the law.
Individuals may request no publicity for personal reasons. Unless such requests fall within the provisions of the paragraph above, they should be told that police cases are matters of public concern and subject to media review.
The officer may indicate at the top of his or her report “Citizen Requests No Publicity,” but the citizen should clearly understand the final decision will rest with the news media.
The ranking department member at a disaster or crime scene is responsible for providing relevant, timely, and accurate information to the news media.
In major incidents or newsworthy events, the PIO should be called to the scene to coordinate the media.
If the PIO is unavailable, a watch commander may designate someone for media relations. Media personnel may be permitted:
- Free movement in secured disaster areas after being advised of existing or potential dangers, as long as they do not interfere with enforcement or public safety functions.
- Access to sanitized and secured crime scenes in public areas. News media members are subject to any restrictions of the owner or person in charge when a crime scene is on private property.
- Within the outer perimeter and at the best possible safe location of a tactical operation subject to any restrictions by the incident commander. The ranking officer or designated media liaison officer will keep the news media well informed.
- Tactical missions will not be jeopardized to accommodate the news media.
PIO On-Scene Response:
- The PIO will notify the media via email or media advisory when a use of deadly force incident occurs.
- The PIO/PIO sergeant will coordinate and manage on-scene media for briefing.
- The PIO will establish a media staging area.
- The PIO/PIO sergeant will attend the incident briefing.
- It is the duty of the Homicide Bureau Commander to gather all relevant information and coordinate with the PIO/PIO Sergeant to develop a final media response.
- The Homicide Bureau Commander, or in his absence, the PIO sergeant, will be responsible for providing the initial statement to the media at the scene.
- The Homicide Bureau Commander, or in his absence, the PIO sergeant, will also provide follow up information and or interviews to the media.
- The PIO will video tape a statement from the Homicide Bureau Commander/PIO sergeant and post it on the LVMPD You Tube site, as soon as feasible, following the incident.
- The PIO will notify the media that a videotaped statement is available on-line.
PIO Releasing Information:
- The Homicide Bureau Commander, or his designee, will prepare a media release summarizing the incident for dissemination through the PIO.
- The PIO will follow NRS 239.001/239.0105 when considering the release of information. (Records
of a local governmental entity are confidential and not public books or records within the meaning of
NRS 239.001, if the records contain the name, address, telephone number or other identifying information of a natural person). - No information will be released which is in conflict with LVMPD Policy.
- PIO will defer to the Clark County Coroner’s Office to release the name, cause and manner of death
of any deceased persons involved in a use of deadly force incident. - Per LVMPD Policy 2/104.00, the PIO will release the names of any officer(s) involved in the use of
deadly force after 48 hours. - The release of information concerning all aspects of a use of deadly force incident will be coordinated
through the PIO. - After a Use of Deadly Force incident, investigators will prepare an internal brief for the Sheriff/Undersheriff based on the facts known at the time.
This briefing will occur 72 hours after the time of the incident. The 72 hour time frame may be extended, depending upon the complexity of the case and circumstances surrounding the investigation.
After the internal briefing, the Sheriff/Undersheriff will conduct a media brief to provide the public with information concerning the event.
Requests for information regarding officer involved shootings, or accidents involving an outside agency in which LVMPD is the lead investigative unit, will be:
Referred to the involved agency.
The Sheriff, Undersheriff, and Detention Services Division Commander, or their
designee, has the authority to allow the news media access to persons in custody.
TRUE or FALSE: Inmates have the right
to refuse to be interviewed, photographed, or recorded by the media. Written permission is required from inmates.
TRUE: Inmates have the right
to refuse to be interviewed, photographed, or recorded by the media. Written permission is required from inmates.
All day-to-day coordination with the media by the PIO will be through the DSD Commander and/or the Staff Operations bureau commander. This includes:
- Approving requests for inmate interviews (if the above-named staff members are not unavailable, the DSD Watch Commander or designee will assume this responsibility)
- Suspending all media visits during facility emergencies
- Approving photographic equipment at inmate media interviews
- Reporting in-custody deaths
For incidents involving other public service agencies, (i.e., law enforcement agencies, coroner, fire department, etc.) the field watch commander or PIO will confer with: command staff of the allied agencies to
Coordinate releases of information to the news media. Generally, the agency having primary jurisdiction will bear the responsibility.
The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department will issue media credentials to:
Any person in possession of a
current identification card issued by a recognized news agency, or media credentials issued by another law
enforcement agency with persuasive evidence that the possessor is a recognized news representative.
In today’s electronic “social media” revolution, literally hundreds, if not thousands of individuals attempt to
label themselves as journalists or media outlets.
When evaluating the legitimacy of any news media representative or organization, the Office of Public Information will do so on:
a case-by-case basis, vetting each request against established professional industry standards for individual journalists and news media organizations.
Any questions regarding this issue can be directed to the Office of Public Information.