New words 5 Flashcards
**Harangue **
tirade; diatribe
invective; tirade against someone
==only for extreme cases
Precipitatate (2)
1- Hasty and rash
*instead of conducting a thorough investigation after the city hall had a break in, the mayor acted precipitately, accusing the staff of aiding criminals. *
2-To make sth happen suddenly
his actions precipitated the car accident
**Mercurial **
hastily put together;
the office building had been constructed in a slapdash manner; so it did not surprise anyone when it collapsed
open and honest
**Thoroughgoing **
complete; absolute
*As a thoroughgoing bibliophile, he schocked his friends when he bought a kindle *
**Cadaverous **
gaunt; emaciated. Cadaver-like
**Macabre **
A story or film that is filled with gruesome details about death and horror
Edgar Allen Poe was considered the master of macabre, vividly describing moments heading up to grisly deaths.
**Untoward **
inauspicious; not favorable not convenient
Some professors find teaching untoward as having to prepare for
**Upbraid **
To criticize severely; find fault with
To reproach severely; scold vehemently
Greed for money; avarice
Some people believe amassing as much money as possible is the purpose of life; yet they often realize that cupidity bring them anything but happiness
Dupe (n.)
A person who is easily swindled.
1) to swindle or defraud someone;
2) to fine someone
the so called magical diet ended up mulcting maria out of hundreds of dollars but not hundreds of pounds.
**Apogee **
Highest point or culmination of something.
The apogee of the Viennese style of music, Mozart’s , music continues to mesmerize audiences.
Thrifty vs Spendthrift
Thrifty = spends wisely
Spendthrift = spends poorly
a person who indulges in luxury;
Even though he was broke, still a sybarite at heart, he spent most of his time at 1000 dollar day spas.
Loath vs. Loathe
Loath= Prone to, disposed
Loathe= to abhor sth
Penurious (2)
- Truly penurious, Mary had nothing more than a jar of pennies.
- Sarah chose to be penurious and drive a beat up VW though with her wealth she could easily have afforded an italian sports car.
to take pleasure/laugh at other’s misfortunes
-like America’s funniest home videos
**wealthy, influential person **
nabobs can bee seen, heads bobbing, driving fancy italian sports cards
**Zeitgeist **
**“Spirit of the times” **
The zeitgeist of the 2000’s was a mixture of fear and frivolity.