New Study Material Flashcards
What works best to separate FOD?
Magnetic separators
Static electricity
Created by two surfaces moving across one another such as conveyor belts, blending, mixing, liquid moving through a pipe
Scaffolding NOT a source of static electricity
Most important part of change management
employee failed to check the quality on five items which ended up causing injuries to customers. Which category of common causal factors BEST fits this scenario
*Part of Human Factors Theory
Part of OUTER ear-harnesses sound waves
Five Steps of the Risk Management Process
Step 1: Identify the Risk. The first step is to identify the risks that the business is exposed to in its operating environment. …
****Includes Breaking job into individual steps/JHA 2.Step 2: Analyze
- Step 3: Evaluate or Rank
- Step 4: Treat the Risk.
- Step 5: Monitor and Review
Authorization and
Restriction of
EU reg addressing production and use of chemical substances and their potential impact on human health and environment
*Chemical safety assessment must be completed for all substances in quantities equal to or greater to 10 tons
Facts to know about altitude sickness (hypoxia)`
Symptoms start at
10,000 ft above sea level
Become acutely serious at 15,000 ft
Consciousness quickly lost at 20,000 ft
Category of control when supervisors and managers take positive action to prevent contact or exposure with an identified hazard
Part of INNER ear- spiral-shaped membrane which is lined with over 15,000 tiny hairs and has fluid moving within it.
When a tiny bone taps on the membrane of the cochlea, the fluid inside moves, stimulating the tiny hairs and triggering electrical nerve impulses.
Performance mode characterized by routine actions in a familiar setting; these are activities that we take for granted, like driving a car.
Employee who enjoys repetative work would fall under this mode
Skill Based Performance Mode
Term used to describe risks that can result in a loss or gain. Not insurable.
Speculative Risk
EX. Investing in Stock Market.
Temp in Fahrenheit at which heat stroke is an imminent danger
102 Corresponds to a sweat rate of about 2 liters per hour
What closely resembles a bar graph?
Ear canal
Part of OUTER ear- narrow passageway leading to eardrum
Structural Components of Building for Fire Safety
Primary load bearing componnents, include:
Weather Shade
Term used to describe risks that can only result in a loss or negative outcome. Insurable
Pure Risk
Emergency action plans should be:
Location specific
Atomic weights- Carbon and Nitrogen
Carbon- 12
Nitrogen- 14
SDS signal words
Danger- for more severe hazards
Warning -for less severe hazards
Type of learning that refers to the sensory modes of reception
One of 5 basic stages of emergency according to HazMat Desk Reference
Examples of Waterbourne pathogens
Camplyobacter jejuni,
E Coli,
Shigella dysenterie (dysentery),
Vibrio cholera,
Viruses: Poliovirus, rotavirus
Engineering controls for FOD
- Airfield sweepers, which periodically clean runways, taxiways, ramps, aprons and parking areas of small debris.
- Disposal cans and bags, for safe and (when appropriate) OSHA-compliant containers for the temporary storage of found debris.
- Tool and parts kitting, which allows technicians to keep track of small objects during on-site installation and repair jobs.
- Specially-designed clothing and footwear to prevent ripping, tearing, snagging and carried debris in FOD-sensitive work areas.
- Aircraft and wheel covers to protect equipment from rain, wind, dust and other environmental hazards.
- FOD detection systems, usually consisting of radar- or camera-based, which automatically scan runways for the presence of debris or wildlife
When determining safe load on a floor, live loads indicate?
Loads placed on the floor
STEL for Noise and Formula for calculating shift duration?
STEL 115 dBA (means that 30 min of exposure allowed at 10 dBA)
Assigned/ Approved Personnel?
Assigned=Designated Person
Approved=Authorized Person
Which agency within the department of commerce is responsible for conducting research and developing codes and standards for fire protection and prevention, fire equipment, fire behavior, and consumer and building product safety?
National Institute of Standards and Technology
APFs for respirators
Air Purifying Respirator: HF 10/ FF 50
FF Air Purifying respirator: 50
PAPR and SAR: HF 50, FF 1000
SAR and SCBA: Demand Mode HF 10/ FF 50
Positive pressure SCBA: 10,000
Atomic weights Aluminum & Phosphorus
Al- 27
P- 31
Primary/Secondary Laboratory Containment
Primary Containment is implemented to protect personnel and the immediate laboratory environment from exposure to infectious agents?
Secondary Containment is the protection of the environment external to the laboratory from exposure to infectious materials and is provided by a combination of facility design and operational practices.
Hazard and risk analysis is performed at which level?
Task level
Theory of accident causation and control that states that management and supervision weaknesses are the root cause of workplace injuries and illnesses.
Technique of Operations Review
***After the fact process
Time rate of change of position
*vector quantity
Step-by-step approach for identifying all possible failures in a design, a manufacturing or assembly process, or a product or service.
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
****Before the fact process
What are three essential functions of emergency operations centers
Command, Control, Communications
Permanently attached to the machine or tool, don’t have any moving parts, and can’t be moved while the machine is in use
Fixed Guards
****Most preferable machine guarding device
Technique for Human Error Rate Prediction
Utilizes a six step process to analyze and control human errors
What is bivariate data?
Acquired data from two distinct separate variables
Human cycles believed to affect behavior and can influence such facets as logic, intellect, strength, stamina
Biorhythms (cycles every 25-30 days)
1 liter = ______ gallons
0.26 gal
Other Workplace violence facts to know
Social Workers have highest risk of WP Violence
Developing internal comms systems is an example ADMIN control.
Criminal Intent,
Worker on Worker,
Personal Relationship
Type of learning, refers to the preferred way an individual processes information
Examples of chemical mutagens
Benzene, synthetic rubber, sodium azide, aromatic amines, ROS-reactive oxygen species, alkaloids, deaminating agents, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Nephrotoxins vs Hepatoxins
Nephrotoxins= affect kidneys
Hepatoxins= affect liver
Remove contaminant air from the source before it spreads to the rest of the workplace
Local Ventilation System
Predicts the consequences of disruption of a business function and process and gathers information needed to develop
Business Impact analysis
***Should be conducted in advance
Numerical prefixes
mega- million
giga- billion
tera- trillion
Human Factors Theory causation factors?
inappropriate response
inappropriate activities
Formula for area of circle (air duct formula)
Pie (3.14)r squared
What are stages of sanitary waste treatment
DART rate
Days Away, Restricted or Transferred
OSHA calculation that determines how safe your business is in a calendar year
National DART rate average is 2.5 per 100 employees
Permanent, but they can be adjusted to allow the machine to handle different sizes of material.
Adjustable Guards
Waste management hierarchy
Most - Least preferred:
Source reduction and Reuse
Energy Recovery
Treatment and Disposal
Most critical element of hazardous waste operations
Term which is used to describe human activity that tries to nourish and fulfill the whole community of life on earth
Sustainable Development
Heedless and palpable violation of the legal obligation to others’ rights. This means that the wrongdoer has been completely indifferent to his actions to the point that it displays an utter disregard for the rights or well-being of others.
Gross Negligence Intent to harm not necessary
Occurs in poultry workers, flu like symptoms and conjunctavitis.
Transmitted in many species of birds
Aka “Parrot Fever”
General term for a class of lung diseases where inhalation of dust has caused interstitial fibrosis
Includes asbestosis, silicosis, black lung
A graphical tool to explore the causes of system level failures. It uses boolean logic to combine a series of lower level events and it is basically a top-down approach to identify the component level failures (basic event) that cause the system level failure (top event) to occur
Fault Tree Analysis
Eustachian Tube
Part of MIDDLE ear
-equalizes the pressure on both sides of the eardrum and prevent the membrane from being damaged
Type of risk that involves the possibility of losing money on an investment or business venture or not being able to meet commitments
Financial Risk
When planning for management of change, which process changes should be identified first?
Changes in facilities
A structured argument supported by a body of evidence that provides a compelling, comprehensible and valid case that a system is safe for a given application in a given operating environment
Safety Case Approach
Used frequently in UK/EU and also popular in offshore drilling operations
Form of validity procedure which measures the appropriateness of inferences made on the basis of observations or measurements (often test scores), specifically whether a test measures the intended abstract
Construct-related validity
*Construct validity: Does the test measure the concept that it’s intended to measure?
Content validity: Is the test fully representative of what it aims to measure?
Type of benchmarking which is a comparison to similar or identical practices within the same or outside the immediate industry
Functional Benchmarking
Type of benchmarking which involves a comparison of a business process to a similar process inside the organization.
Internal Benchmarking
Part of MIDDLE ear
- tiny set of three bones which vibrate as they react to movement of eardrum
Example of redundancy in event of outage or impairment
Outsourcing services
Automatically shut off or disengage the power source when the guard is open or removed. These are particularly useful in situations where operators need to be able to open the guard or access the guarded parts of the machine, such as when clearing jams.
Interlocking Guards **** Also known as barrier guards
Small debris, loose objects, wildlife, and even stray humans have the potential to cause damage, injuries or manufacturing delays
FOD-Foreign Object Debris/Damage
OSHA requires safety belt and lanyard hardware used in fall arresting equipment withstand how much of a tensile load?
4000 pounds
Goals and objectives are part of?
Course outline
*not course description
Oxygen Cylinder Seperation
Separated from fuel-gas cylinders or combustible materials (especially oil or grease), a minimum distance of 20 feet (6.1 m)
or by a noncombustible barrier at least 5 feet (1.5 m) high having a fire-resistance rating of at least one-half hour
Elements of a contract include
Competent parties
Subject matter
Legal consideration
Mutuality of agreement
Mutuality of obligation
Three major dimensions of brain function
Cognitive Affective Physiological/Perceptual
Type of data that can be used in all statistical procedures
Ratio MOST useful professional
BCSP Code of Ethics
- Hold the safety and health of individuals and the protection of the environment and property as a priority. Notify all affected parties of unacceptable risk.
- Conduct yourself fairly and impartially with responsibility and integrity. Avoid conduct that would discredit the profession.
- Public statements must be based only in truth and founded in knowledge and competence.
- Only take on assignments you are qualified for and take responsibility for maintaining competence through continuing education.
- Never misrepresent your qualifications or exaggerate your experience in any given subject.
- Maintain professional conduct, avoid conflicts of interest, and bring any misconduct to the attention of the Board of Certified Safety Professionals.
- Conduct your affairs professionally, free from bias and discrimination.
- Seek out opportunities for public service to advance the well-being of your community.
Instructional Strategy which uses job aids and other methods to achieve the intended objectives of a formal training program without going through it
Performance Without Training
Effective temperature is defined as
Comfort index which combines the effects of a body temperature, humidity, and air movement
Supply clean air that mixes with the contaminated air in the workplace
Dilution Ventilation System
Discipline communication
Privately discipline people to avoid embarrassment
Class of toxin that disturbs fetus
Ethical perspective holding that all life deserves equal moral consideration or has equal moral standing.
Form of validity procedure which indicates the effectiveness of an audit in predicting performance in specified activities
Criterion-related validity
Usually drawn before working out a linear correlation coefficient, used to interpret data
Magnitude of the change of position
*sqalar quantity
Examples of bloodbourne pathogens
Hep B,
Hep C,
Viral Hemorrhagic Fever
Type of learning which involves attitudes, motivation, and values
What are the EPA ordinal waste code values per 40 CFR 261?
D001- Ignitability
D004-D043- Toxicity
Remember ICRT
Prospect of loss resulting from inadequate or failed procedures, systems or policies. Employee errors. Systems failures. Fraud or other criminal activity. Any event that disrupts business processes
Operational Risk
Type of research which observes a large or small segment or segments of the environment at a single point in time
Descriptive research
Raising the quality of water to domestic and industrial standards to meet standards.
Tertiary stage of sanitary waste treatment
*For drinking water, removal of pathogens occurs at this stage
Atomic weights Oxygen and Sodium
Oxygen- 16
Performance mode characterized by the performance of prepackaged actions taken because of the recognition of a familiar situation. These recognized situations are not as familiar, but they have been previously experienced
Rule Based Performance Mode
Results when an individual fails to do something a reasonably careful person would do or does something a reasonably careful person would not do in that type of situation. The wrongdoer was not aware of the failure or that his action (or lack of action) could harm another person.
Ordinary Negligence
Risk due to lack of understanding of the extent of a given risk or unknowingly subjected to higher risks that are only known to the entities that are responsible for their presence
Involuntary Risk
Ex. second hand smoke
Property of being toxic to the ear and some examples
Ototoxic/ Ototoxin
Several pharmaceuticals, solvents, asphyyxiants, nitriles, metals and compounds
Atomic weights Flourine & Neon
F- 19
Ne- 20
What factor contributes to 80% of underground spills
Improperly installed piping
Graphical tool to explore the causes of system level failures. It uses boolean logic to combine a series of lower level events and it is basically a top-down approach to identify the component level failures (basic event) that cause the system level failure (top event) to occur.
Fault Tree Analysis
Before the fact analysis
Type of benchmarking which is direct competitor-to-competitor comparison of a product, service, process, or method.
Competitive Benchmarking
What are the NFPA Combustible liquid classes
II: FP at or above 100 and below 140
IIIA: FP at or above 140 but below 200
IIIB FP greater/equal to 200
Which form of validity procedure refers to how well a test measures the behavior for which it is intended
Content-related validity
Construct validity: Does the test measure the concept that it’s intended to measure?
Content validity: Is the test fully representative of what it aims to measure?
Defined as a solid material composed of distinct particles or pieces, regardless of size or shape or chemical composition which presents a fires or deflagration hazard when suspended in air or some other oxidizing medium
Combustible dust
Group of systems that require some amount of action or motion in order to work efficiently in the event of a fire. Actions may be manually operated, like a fire extinguisher or automatic, like a sprinkler, but either way they require some amount of action
Active fire containment
Motion of object. Equal to the mass of object times the velocity
Serve the same purpose as adjustable guards, but automatically adapt to the size of the material
Self-adjusting Guards
Dose response curves?
rarely linear
Atomic weights Helium and Beryllium
He- 2
Be- 9
Concentration of carbon dioxide where symptoms of exposure begin to appear
1000 ppm
Risk analysis tool is a team-based brainstorming process used to identify and analyze hazards of a system or processes
What-If Analysis
Particles the size of the nano sphere, at dimensions between 1 and 100 nanometers (nanometer=one billionth of a meter)
Some nano particles and their RELs:
carbon nanotubes and nanofibers must not exceed 1 ug (microgram) per cubic meter
Titanium dioxide TiO2: 0.3 mg/m3
Worker training should include: nanoparticles in workplace, exposure assessment results, eng/adm/ppe controls, emergency measures
Degree of undesirable consequences
Designed to substantially degrade biological content through aerobic biological processes
Secondary stage of sanitary waste treatment
Methods include biofiltration, aeration, oxidation ponds
Model of instructional design
Examples of Hidden/Indirect Costs following an incident
Production loss/worker distraction
- Training costs/replacement worker
- Loss of skill/efficiency - slowed production
- Paperwork • Administrative time
- Loss of morale
- Legal issues/fees
Type of learning and Instructional Strategy which is useful for teaching skills in which learners must make adjustments
Discovery Learning
Type of research which includes a hypothesis, a variable that can be manipulated by the researcher, and variables that can be measured, calculated and compared. Completed in a controlled environment.
Experimental research
What are examples of energy isolation devices
Bumpers, crumple zones, hard hats
Classes of hazardous locations
Class I- Flammable vapors or gases
Class II- Combustible dusts
Class III- presence of easily ignitable fibers or flyings
How many visual aids for training should you use
Maximum of 10 for a 8-30 minute presentation
Who is responsible for CONTROL of emergency evacuation
Fire Incident Commander
Examples of lagging indicators
Regulatory agency actions;
Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR),
Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred (DART) Rate,
Lost Time Incident Rates (LTIR);
Type of research which studies the meaning of past events in an attempt to interpret the facts and explain the cause of events. Relies on a wide variety of sources, both primary and secondary including unpublished material.
Historical research
Any interaction that will change the motion of an object
*vector quantity
Which training media is the MOST effective way to ensure consistency when conducting training
Type of risk derived from trends in the economy and society, including changes in economic, political, and competitive environments
Strategic Risk
Part of construction process which focuses on identifying hazards and making changes
Design and Constructability Review
***Often overlooked
Forms of heat transfer between human and surrounding environment and vice versa
EVAPORATION, radiation, conduction, convection
Collection of airborne contaminants by means of a forced movement of air by a sample pump through appropriate collection media
Active sampling
Locking a gate or door would be considered what type of control
Red books and Blue books contain?
Directories of state agencies
Total Case Incident Rate
Number of work related injuries per 100 full time workers
Average is 2.9 cases per 100 full time employees
Ordinary negligence
Refers to careless mistakes or inattention,
Atomic Weights Hydrogen and Lithium
H- 1
Li- 7
HIDDEN costs of workplace injuries according to NSC?
Anything beyond workers compensation
Atomic weights- Aluminum and Chlorine
Aluminum- 27
Chlorine- 36
Qualitative and systematic tool, usually created within a spreadsheet, to help practitioners anticipate what might go wrong with a product or process. In addition to identifying how a product or process might fail and the effects of that failure,
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
Collect airborne gases or vapors without the use of a pump. Chemicals diffuse through a diffusion barrier onto a sorbing medium inside the sampler at a fixed rate that can be scientifically determined
Passive sampling
Henry’s Law
At a constant temperature, the amount of a given gas dissolved and the volume of a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas in equilibrium with a liquid
Steps of THERP?
- Define system features of interest
- List and Analyze human operators
- Estimate error probabilities
- Estimate human errors on system failure events
- Recommend changes to system, recalculate system failure probabilities.
Instructional Strategy in which the instructor broadcasts content to learners through lecture
Classical Approach
Simplest, 7 step structure
Process of preventing the introduction of outside debris into an area or areas where that debris poses an economic risk or safety hazard
FME- Foreign Material Exclusion
OSHA radiation PELs
Whole body limit: 1.25 rem/qtr or 5 rem/year
Hands and feet: 18.75 rem/qtr
Skin of whole body limit 7.5 rem/qtr
Direct collection of an air-contaminant mixture into a device such as a sample bag or detector tube over a brief period.
Grab sampling
What should be selected first in job safety analysis to yield quickest results
Jobs with the worst injury experience
Refers to the uptake and accumulation of a substance from water alone
What is RACI?
A chart/matrix of all activities or decision making authorities undertaken in an organization set against all people or roles.
Type of learning/instructional Strategy in which mastery one skill builds on the mastery of many smaller skills or tasks
Mastery Learning
Infection caused by the fungus known to live in the soil in the southwestern United States and parts of Mexico and Central and South America
Coccidioidomycosis AKA Valley Fever
- Agricultural workers
- Archeological workers
- Construction workers
- Geologists
- Military personnel/trainees
- Wildland firefighters
- Workers in mining, gas, and oil extraction jobs
What is a Variable Incidence Tribometer for
Test the slipperiness of a floor.
The higher the criterion/number reading, the more slip resistent a surface is
Type of performance mode- perform activities with which we have the least familiarity.
These are unfamiliar situations requiring an individual to use analytical skills and judgment to complete
Knowledge Based Performance Mode
Types of sampling media and their uses
Filters- for particulates and fumes
Sorbent tube or impinger bubbler- gases and vapors
Based on principle of containment. Breaks the building into “compartments” and prevents the spread of fire through the use of fire-resistance rated walls and floors.
Passive Fire Containment
No chemical mutagens
Radioactive substances, x-rays, UV radiation
Mechanical process, materials are settled at bottom of tank and seperated. Aimed principally at BOD solids
Primary stage of sanitary waste treatment
Usually responsible for taking roll calls during shelter in place or building evacuation
Office Warden
Segregation takes place during what category of waste mgmt hierarchy
Source Reduction
Philosophical viewpoint arguing that human beings are the central or most significant entities in the world
Type of benchmarking which broadly conceptualizes unrelated business processes or functions that can be practiced in the same or similar ways regardless of the industry
Represents “best in class”
Generic Benchmarking
*** represents “best-in-class”
is undertaken with external companies in different industries
Which type of sampling is used to collect one or more personal air samples in order to estimate the workers eight-hour, time-weighted average exposure
Integrated Air Sampling
Atomic weights Potassium and Calcium
Potassium- 39
Calcium- 40
Defined by a high likelihood that significant harm will come to another person. To be considered willful, wanton, reckless conduct, the wrongdoer must be aware of and intentionally ignore a high-risk factor. The risk must also involve a high probability of causing significant harm
Willful Negligence
***example: supervisor told an employee to clean the gears of a machine while the machine was running.