CSP Domain 2: Management Systems Flashcards
Process of agreeing upon objectives within an organization so that mgmt and employees agree on the objectives and understand their roles in an organization
Management by objectives
Accident prevention theory that states that accidents result from interactions among humans, machines, and the environment
Systems theory
According to motivation theory, the safety professional can best improve safety performance by:
Providing recognition for proper safety performance
Note: Behavior theory and behavior based safety all consider praise and recognition as the primary driver of behavior changes
What accident theory was formulated on the basis of vehicular safety
Energy Release Theory
Formulated by Dr William Haddon
What are the 5 elements of behavior based safety systems?
- Identify behaviors that affect safety
- Define them to be able to measure performance
- Develop mechanisms to measure and set reasonable goals
- Provide feedback
- Reinforce progress
OSHA Form 300
OSHA Form 300A
OSHA 301 log
300 “log” lists all recordable injuries from the previous year
300A is summary of recordable incidents from previous year
301 log is an illness and injury report
What are some examples of deductive methods?
Fault tree analysis
Fishbone analysis
According to OSHA, who has the primary responsibility for safety in the workplace?
What does the acronym SMART stand for?
Specific Measureable ATTAINABLE Realistic/Relevant Time-bound
What is the main goal of management by objectives
Create goals using input from both management and employees
Accident prevention theory that states accidents are completely the results of human error
Human Factors Theory
Frequency of crane inspections by competent person
Leadership style in which employees are allowed to participate in the decision making process and are given some latitude in carrying out their work
Permissive democrat
What is an example of a leading indicator of a safety program
Near miss reporting- shows people are engaged in safety day to day
Which OSHA form must be publicly posted?
Accident theory that states a personal injury only occurs as a result of a hazard, which exists only through the fault of careless persons or poorly designed or improperly maintained equipment
Heinrich’s theory
Accidents were primarily the result of unsafe acts (88%) or unsafe conditions (10%). Only 2% are unavoidable.
Leadership style in which the leader makes decisions unilaterally but gives employees latitude in carrying out their work
Permissive autocrat
What are the 4 elements of OSHAs voluntary protection program
- Management Leadership and Employee Involvement
- Worksite Analysis
- Hazard Prevention and Control
- Safety and Health Training
Study of the behavior of dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions
Chaos theory
How do you calculate future value?
The formula is F=P(1+i)n(exponent)
F=future value
P=Present Value
I=interest rate
N=Number of years
Order of operations
1) calculate 1+i in parenthesis
2) calculate exponent n using ^ button on calculator
3) multiply by F
Theory that makes the following general assumptions about: Work is generally distasteful, people are not ambitious and prefer to be directed and has a negative view of human nature:
Theory X
It also states that people are self centered, motivation occurs only to meet physiological and and security needs, people resist change, people are gullible and unintelligent, people have little aptitude for creativity in solving organizational changes
When auditing safety and health programs, what is the best way of determining if they are implemented properly?
By observing employees performing the procedures during operations
Loss of situational awareness as a result of fatigue, illness, stress, substance abuse or a similar condition is known as what?
Impairment Factor
Short term schedule involving a two to four week look ahead enabling the contractor to react to changes with agility
SIPS (Short Interval Production Schedule)
Statistically speaking, which group of employees is most at risk of an injury?
New employees
Theorizes that employees are motivated primarily at the self esteem and actualization levels
Theory Y
Developed by McGregor in 1960
*Positive view of human nature compared to Theory X
Continuous improvement quality model that consists of four repetitive steps conducted in a logical sequence
Deming Cycle or PDCA cycle
Plan, Do, Check, Act
A timeline showing a day week month when certain project activities should be accomplished
Gantt chart (helpful for viewing project at the Macro level
When conducting an injury and illness records analysis, how far back might one have to go to collect adequate information from a small site?
3-5 years
What professionals should be involved in the development of medical safety program?
An occupational health consultant and site safety officer
Using a worksheet with titles “how people get hurt, what causes them to get hurt, what safe practices are needed to prevent people from getting hurt” is an example of:
Job Hazard Analysis
According to Herzberg’s motivational theory, motivation can be split into what two major categories
Hygiene factors (interpersonal relationships, physical working conditions, and salary)
Motivation factors (achievement, advancement, recognition, responsibility)
What are inductive methods and what are examples of some types
Forward thinking methods that are used to anticipate hazards before they occur.
Failure Modes and effects analysis
Operating Hazard Analysis
Leadership style in which supervisors makes decisions with little input from employees and micromanages tasks
Directive autocrat
According to behavior theory, what are the three types of performance barriers?
Physical (Person unable to perform the task)
Knowledge (doesn’t know or remember how to perform a task)
Execution (employee able and knows how to perform task, but for some reason did not complete task)
What are leading indicators when trying to eliminate or reduce injuries?
Leading indicators measure inputs and conditions (rather than outcomes), evolve as organizational needs change, and identify hazards beforehand (rather than after the fact).
According to Heinrich’s Axioms of Industrial Safety who is the key person in accident prevention
According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which of the following is the highest need?
Least important, al other needs must be met first
What are the two types of performance execution barriers?
Task barriers (doesn’t have correct equipment or tools) Incentive barriers (in past, employee has been rewarded for doing task incorrectly)
Explain Domino Theory
A personal injury only occurs as a result of an ACCIDENT. Developed by Heinrich, not widely used anymore.
Accident prevention theory that focuses on causal relationship between environmental factors and disease
Epidemiological Theory
According to Maslow, which is the LOWEST need?
Physiological: most important
Determining ROI on a training program is an example of
Cost-benefit analysis
Behavioral theory that claims there is no one best way to organize a corporation, lead a company, or make decisions
Contingency theory
How many days does a company have to contest a citation from OSHA?
15 working days after employer receives citation…must file a written Notice of Intent to Contest
What are lagging indicators when trying to reduce or eliminate injuries?
Lagging indicators are those that have already occurred and not necessarily predictive of future events
Statistical technique in decision making used for for the selection of a limited number of tasks that produce a significant overall effect
Pareto analysis (uses 80/20 rule)
According to the systems theory, all businesses, regardless of size, have four things that must come together for quality work to be produced. What are they?
System, Worker, Equipment, Environment
A technique for planning the most efficient way to achieve a given objective by determining the activities and events required and showing how they relate to each other in time
Critical Path Method (CPM)
Leadership style in which subordinates are allowed into decision making process but are closely supervised
Directive democrat
What are the the three corrective sequence actions Heinrich proposed in his theory
What is one of the major reasons for measuring health and safety performance?
To provide accurate information to those accountable for the performance of the program
How should safety be managed differently from other company objectives?
Safety should not be managed any differently from other company objectives. There should be plans, written goals, and procedures for reaching those goals.
What are requirements of an Assured Equipment Grounding Conductor Program?
- Specific procedures
- Competent person
- Visual Inspection
What are the advantages of management by objectives?
Increased motivation
Improved communication
Clarity of goals
The first step in a safety program is
Developing a policy statement
According to behavior based safety theory, for consequences to lead to repeated actions they must be:
Soon, Certain and Powerful
What are the benefits of OSHA’s Voluntary Protection Program?
Reduces extent and severity of work related injuries, improves employee morale and productivity, and reduces workers’ compensation costs
Why is it important to investigate a workplace accident as soon as possible after the occurrence?
To avoid the deterioration of witness memory and evidence
What are the facts about SDSs that employers and manufacturers need to understand:
- Required to be written in English
- Manufacturers must obtain or develop SDS for each hazardous chemical they produce or import
- Employers should have an SDS in workplace for each hazardous chemical they use
What does ABC analysis stand for in behavior-based safety?
How should a manager discipline a first-offense minor rule infraction?
Oral reprimand
What should be the first step of an accident investigation
Eliminate the hazards