CSP Domain 7: Environmental Managment Systems Flashcards
What is the first step of the site characterization process?
Gathering information away from the site
A hazardous waste site medical program should include what elements:
- Surveillance
- Treatment
- Record Keeping
- Program Review
ISO Environmental Standard
14000 series
What is the amount of waste generated to be considered a large quantity generator and how much can be stored on site?
LQG’s generate 1000 kilograms a month or more
No limit to amount of haz waste stored on site
What are some examples of water reactive chemicals?
Calcium Carbide Alkali metals (sodium, lithium, potassium)
How long can a small quantity generator accumulate waste on site?
180 days without a permit OR 270 days if shipping distance is greater than 200 miles
What are examples of some products excluded from TSCA?
Pesticides (Regulated by FIFRA)
Cosmetics and others
According to OSHA, the assignment of responsibility in an employers safety and health program includes:
- Safety designee on-site, knowledgeable and accountable
- Supervisors safety and health responsibilities understood
- Employee adhere to safety rules
What amount of hazardous waste can be accumulated to be considered a very small quantity generator (VSQG)?
Less than 100 kilograms per month
What is the amount of waste generated to be considered a Small quantity generators (SQG) and how much can be stored on site?
SQGs generate more than 100 kilograms but less than 1000 per month and can not exceed more than 6000 kilograms on site
In RCRA regulations, what does LDR stand for?
Land Disposal Restrictions
What materials are considered “universal wastes”
- Batteries
- Agricultural pesticides that have been recalled, damaged or no longer needed
- Thermostats
- Lamps
What three major threats was Clean Air Act of 1990 designed to curb?
- Air Toxics
- Acid deposition control
- Provisions relating to mobile sources
The Clean Air Act was designed to curb what three major to the environment
Acid rain
Urban air pollution
Toxic air emissions
According to EPAs used oil standard, what are some examples of chemical contaminants?
What is the most common technique used to identify hazards?
Job Hazard Analysis
Refers to the by-products of incomplete combustion such as carbon monoxide gas
Thermal decomposition
According to Maslow’s Hierarchy, how are needs ranked from most to least important?
1- physiological needs 2-safety needs 3-love and belonging 4-esteem 5-self actualization
How long can a large quantity generator store waste on site?
90 days
ISO Health and Safety Management Standard
45000 series
ISO quality management standard
9000 series
What EPA reg deals with lead paint abatement?
Toxic Substance Control Act
*Requires testing of new materials for safety before they enter the marketplace
What types of wastes are subject to LDRs?
Electroplating wastes
Heavy metals
Acids and more
note-Biohazard wastes not subject to LDRs
What type of chemicals react vigorously with moisture, resulting in extreme heat and can be potentially flammable,corrosive, toxic, or reactive?
Water reactive or water sensitive chemicals
Refers to the disintegration of an engineered material into its constituent atoms owing to chemical reactions with its surroundings
According to the EPA’s used oil standard, what are examples of some physical contaminants?
Metal shavings
What is the purpose of the hazard ranking system
Assess the relative degree of risk to human health and the environment posed by uncontrolled hazardous waste sites
DOT Hazard Class 1
- 1= Mass Explosion Hazard
- 2= Projection hazard but not mass explosion hazard
- 3= Fire hazard, minor blast hazard, or minor projection hazard but not a mass explosion hazard
- 4= present no significant hazard, potential explosions limited to package
- 5=blasting agents
- 6=extremely insensitive articles and do not have a mass explosion hazard
What is an underground storage tank
A tank and any underground piping that has at least 10% of its combined volume underground
Which OSHA standard covers Hearing Conservation?
What is the purpose of site control
- Minimize potential worker contamination
- Protect the public
- Prevent vandalism
How much haz waste can a very small quantity generator (VSQG) store on site and how long can they store it?
A VSQG generates less than 100 kilograms per month and there is no limit to the amount of time as long as they don’t exceed 1000 kg
What safety practices are recommended for Biosafety Level 2?
Limited Access
Biohazard Warning Signs
Sharps Precautions
Biosafety Manual
Hazwoper levels and their response capabilities:
Technician Level: takes AGGRESSIVE action to contain/control a spill. Shutting valves, patching leaked lines/tanks
Operations Level: Takes DEFENSIVE response actions. Deploying booms, building berms.
Awareness Level: Required for those that may encounter hazardous material spills. Only allowed to PLAN response.
ISO Auditing Management Systems Standard
19011 series
1 kg= ______ pounds?
1 kg = 2.2 lbs