new deals Flashcards
what was the basis of Roosevelts ‘new deal’
his ‘new deal’ would see Roosevelt use federal government power and spending to help revive the economy
what were the alphabet agencies
new federal government agencies set up to implement Roosevelts policies
what was the Tennesse Valley Authority (TVA)
- ran through some of the poorest states in the south
- 1935 Roosevelts set up the TVA to build dams in the valley that would control flooding and generate electricity
why was the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) set up
- Great depression shook America
- in 1933 farm foreclosure rate was double what it was 2 years earlier
what was the goal of the AAA
relieving the existing national economic emergency by increasing agricultural purchasing power
How did the AAA seek to solve the crisis in US agriculture
- via a tax on agricultural processors, the federal gov would make ‘marketing agreements’ with farmers, paying them subsides to reduce their production and so rising prices
- AAA identified seven basic commodities to focus on
How did the AAA affect black americans
- AAA money was used by many planters to buy machinery that replaced black farm workers
- landowners evicted sharecroppers/tenants as a consequence of receiving money if they removed land from production
- when landowners needed additional labour they persuaded local relief administrators to remove blacks from welfare rolls (created a labour surplus and workers to accept very low wages)
- federal compensation for the evicted sharecroppers/tenants was distributed by the landowners who failed to pass it onto to those who it was intended for
How did the TVA affect black americans
- blacks were employed in unskilled work
- introduction of cheaper electric rates meant nothing as landlords didn’t find it to their advantage to wire their black tenants homes
- housing accommodations for blacks were inferior to those of whites
- victims of mis-classification, doing skilled work while receiving pay as unskilled workers
how many black sharecroppers were evicted 1933-1940 due to the AAA
what was the PWA and how did it help black Americans
- created to build useful projects such as roads, schools e.g
- constructed 49 low rent housing projects which blacks made up about 1/3 of the occupants
- 14 projects were built exclusively for black Americans with above-standard housing (including gas, electric appliances and indoor plumbing)
- continued by its successor
- employed hundreds of thousands of workers
what was the WPA and how did it help black Americans
- put black people back to work
- provided them with a basic and predictable income
- employed AA in white-collared jobs and skilled positions
- many were trained for the first time in skilled jobs (5,000 black teachers and supervisors employed in the WPA education program)
- AA employed to stage plays and dramatic productions
what was the goal of the TVA
- improve the lives of millions of Americans in seven states in the Tennessee River Valley
- hoped it would stimulate economic development and reduce poverty by establishing a massive program of rural electrification at reduced rates
- african Americans compromised 11% of 2million residents of the region and the project promised ‘nondiscrimination’
what was the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
- created in 1933 by the emergency conservation work act
- young men were to be given work experience in camps run by the army under the direction of the department of interior
- they worked on conservation projects
how was the CCC meant to benefit black Americans
- 10% of places in the CCC were reserved for African Americans
- the CCC camps were initially integrated as it stated in the act that created the CCC that there should be no racial discrimination
when were the integrated camps disbanded and why
the integrated camps were disbanded in 1935 at the order of the CCC chief who ordered complete segregation
what were the limitations of the CCC
- although Roosevelt pressed Fechner on matters of race in the CCC, his willingness to intervene was limited
- CCC chief, Robert Fechner, was a racially conservative native of Tennessee
- southern politicians opposed the inclusion of blacks in the CCC and proved to be obstructive
- the presence of black Americans in the CCC camps was met with local opposition in both the north and the south
- many of the army officers who ran the camps treated black recruits in a discriminatory and prejudicial manner
what was the national recovery administration (NRA)
aimed to assist the recovery of businesses and manufacturing through a variety of measures
give an example of a measure that was used by the NRA
codes that encouraged employers to establish minimum wage and maximum hours
how was the NRA unfair to black Americans
- Black workers in industries that were covered by the codes often had their job classifications redefined so employers could avoid the set wage levels
- NRA codes allowed regionally differentiated wage rates and excluded workers in agriculture and domestic services (areas in which 3/4 of black workers were employed)
who and when established the National Youth Administration (NYA)
Mary McLeod Bethune in 1935
what was the aim of the NYA
voice black concerns to new dealers
what was the % of black youth unemployment during the Great Depression
40% of black youths were unemployed
how did the NYA help black Americans
- gave aid and taught skills to 500,000 young black Americans
- it was fair in its distribution of money but it accepted segregation
what was the Wagner act and who supported it
The Wagner act guaranteed labour unions the right to organise and bargain collectively. It was supported by Roosevelt in 1935
what did the Wagner act establish and what was it
established the National Labour Relations Board which was made to enforce rights of the Wagner act and curb unfair employer practices
what was the impact of the Wagner act and the National labour relations board
- legislation came to be known as the ‘Magna Carta’ for American labour unions
- union membership came to more than 15million Americans during WW2
what was the fair labour standards act of 1938
fixed minimum wage at 25cents per hour and a maximum number of hours per week for workers in certain industries
what was the impact of the fair labour standards act of 1938
- 300,000 Americans had an immediate wage increase
- 1.3million Americans had their hours reduced
how did the fair labour standards act of 1938 limit black Americans
- many unions excluded black workers
- NAACP failed to get a non-discrimination clause included in the Wagner act
- Roosevelt had to comprise in order to get southern democrats to support the legislation. So jobs commonly done by black Americans were excluded from the Wagner act and the fair labour standards acts
what were the benefits of the welfare under the new deal
- in 1935, 3.5million black Americans received help from FERA
- federal emergency relief administration (FERA) spent over 54million to help the unemployed through relief and work projects
- social security acts 1935 represented a radical change in the role of the federal government and created a national system of benefits
what were the disadvantages under the new deal
- distribution of FERA relief at the state level was often subject to discriminatory practices, particularly in the southern states were it was hard for black Americans to get on welfare rolls
- payments through the social security act 1935 were often low
- domestic and agricultural workers (many of these black Americans) were excluded from social security coverage