new deal Flashcards
where did Roosevelt go to college
Roosevelt wife
Roosevelts 1st political job
new york state senate
FDR had what disease
policy for ending the great depression
New Deal
what was the gold standard
gold is equal to so many dollars
an act of closing banks
bank holiday
congressed passed 15 acts
hundred days congress or the 1st new deal
supported the belief that govt agencies work with businesses that they could regulare
new nationalism/1st group
distrusted big business
second group
wanted Roosevelt to break up companies
new freedom/3rd group
Roosevelt addressed the nation on radio
fireside chat
required companies that sold stock and bonds to provide complete and truthful info to investors
Securities Act of 1933
created to regulate the stock market and stop fraud
securities and exchange commission
separated commercial banking from investment banking
glass steagall act
handle everyday actions and could no longer risk money through stock
commercial bamks
created the federal deposit insurance corporation
glass steagall act
provided govt insurance for bank depositors
bought mortgages of home owners who were behind in payments
home owners loan corporation
helped farmers refinance their mortgages
farm credit adminstration
AAA would pay farmers not to grow certain crops
agricultural adjustment act
built dams to control floods
tennessee valley authority
suspended anti trust laws
national recovery act
declared un constitutional
18-25 year old men to work under the direction of the forestry service
Civillian Conservation Corps
how much did the CCC workers earn
30, 25 was sent home
gave money to state and local agencies
social worker ran the FERA
began building highways dam schools and govt places
public works admistration
does a bear crap in the woods
employed women and built airports, roads and stuff
CWA civil works adminstration
govt practice of spending borrowed money rather than raising tax
Deficit Spending
gov of louisiana championed the poor improved the school and stuff
huey long
who established ‘share our wealth’
huey long
organized the national union for social justice
wanted the govt to pay people over 60 $200 a month
largest public works program
WPA works progress adminstration
most controversial program of the new deal was nested inside the WPA also financed any kind of arts
Federal Number One
act that guaranteed workers the right to unionize and bargin
National Labor Relations Act or Wagner act
provided financial aid to help older people and the unemployed
social securities act
process where neutral party hears an argument and makes decision
method of boycotting work
sit down strikes
govt should spend heavily spend in a recession to jump start economy
keynesian economics
established the United States Housing Authority
National Housing Act
gave loans to tenants so they could get a farm
farm security adminstration
abolished child labor and limited the work hours per week
Fair Labor Standards Act
role of govt is to work out conflicts among competing interest groups
broker state