New Deal Flashcards
What were the 3 main aims of the new deal?
Relief recovery and reform
What did FDR close for four days, after he was inaugurated?
The banks
What was the emergency banking act?
Only properly managed banks were allowed to reopen
Stricter rules for banks
FDR spoke on radio and asked for US people to trust the banks
What did the beer act signal the end of?
What were fireside chats?
FDR would speak on the radio and explain his plans to the people
Who did FDR get his expert advice from?
The Brains trust
What does the agency FERA stand for?
Federal Emergency relief administration
What was the aim of FERA?
To immediately help the poor, unemployed and starving
What did FERA do to achieve its aims?
.Money to state govts to run projects providing immediate relief
.Soup kitchens and temporary homes
What does CCC stand for?
Civil conservation corps
What did the CCC entail?
.Work in countryside doing conservation work
How much money did the CCC send home to families per day?
1 dollar
How many young men did CCC employ?
2.5 million
How many women participated in CCC?
What did the AAA stand for?
Agricultural Adjustment Act
What did the AAA do?
.Loans and Grants to farmers to destroy crops and grow fewer crops.
This pushed up prices and helped farmers income
,This helped farmers modernise and conserve soil
Who did AAA not help?
It did not help farm tenants and farm workers who lost jobs when the farm produced less.
What did TVA stand for?
Tennessee Valley Authority
What did the TVA deal with?
Flooding and soil erosion
What did HOLC stand for?
Home owners loan cooperation
What did HOLC do?
.Took over mortgages of people that were struggling with payments
How many mortgages did HOLC take over?
.Over 1 million
What percentage of Americans did HOLC rescue?
What did PWA stand for?
Public Works Administration
Who did PWA give work to?
Skilled workers
What percentage of US schools did PWA build?
What did FDR call the PWA?
Priming the pump
What did NRA stand for?
National Recovery Administration
What did the NRA promote?
.Improved working conditions
.End of child labour
.Fairer wages and prices
Which organisation was eventually declared unconstitutional by the supreme court?