Neurotransmitter drugs Flashcards
Indication: hypertension
Mechanism: competitive inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase (converting Tyr to DOPA)
Indication: Hypertension
Mechanism: Inhibits VMAT uptake of monoamines (into vesicle)
Indication: Ventricular Arrhythmia
Mechanism: Inhibit action potential generation, and ca dependent synaptic vescicle fusion
Indication: Analgesia in surgery
Mechanism: blocks monoamine reuptake
Amphetamine or Ephedrine
Indication: Narcolepsy, ADHD
Mechanism: Reverse monoamine reuptake transporters (Monoamines now leaking into cleft in Ca independent manner)
Naloxone, Naltrexone
Indication: Opioid overdose/ dependence
Mechanism: Non-peptide blockers of opoid receptors in CNS
indication: depression/ anxiety
Mechanism:Selective inhibition of serotonin reuptake transporter
ACE inhibitors (Lisinopril)
Indication: hypertension
Mechanism: Inhibits peptide cleavage of angiotensin I to II
Indication: Hypotension during surgery
Mechanism: direct agonist of adrenergic receptor
MAO inhibitors
Indication: Depression
Mechanism: Blockade of cytoplasmic metabolism of monoamines
Indication: Parkinson’s disease
Mechanism: Precursor of dopamine…stimulates production
Indication: Parkinson’s disease
Mechanism: blocks L-DOP conversion to dopamine in periphery…keeping peripheral neurons from producing too much dop and norepi
Indication: from diet
Competes with Norepi for transport into synaptic vesicle
contraindication: increase in cytosolic norepi can lead to reversal of reuptake transporter, and lead to hypertensive crisis from too much vasoconstriction by norepi