Internal carotid stenosis >70% at the carotid bifurcation
Duplex doppler sonogram
Carotid endarterectomy to prevent stroke
Ischemic stroke
Sudden onset without headache
Neurologic defects can be permanent
> 3 hours after stroke not amenable to revascularization
CT scan diagnosis
Start t-PA within 90 minutes but for sure within 3 hours
Hemorrhagic stroke
Uncontrolled HTN patient with very severe headache that comes on suddenly
CT scan dx
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Due to intracranial aneurysms
Thunderclap worst headache ever
Might not have any neurologic symptoms
CT scan for blood in subarachnoid space
Arteriogram to find aneurysm - probably branch of circle of Willis
Clip or endovasculara coiling
Intracranial tumors
METASTATIC (for fave destinations for blood borne malignancies - brain, bone, liver, lung)
Come from lung, breast, melanoma
Glioblastoma multiforme is the worst
Meningioma is usually benign
Tx brain tumors with surgery, radiation, chemo
Children who are short for their age
Bitemporal hemianopsia
Calcified lesion above sella on CT
Amenorrhea and galactorrhea in young woman
Rule out pregnancy
Rule out hypothroidism
Find prolactin level
MRI sella
Tx - bromocriptine
Transnasal, trans-sphenoidal surgical removal
Physical exam: Huge hands, feet, tongue, jaw
Sweaty hands
Determine somatomedin C
Pituitary MRI
Remove via surgery
Pituitary apoplexy
Bleeding into pituitary tumor –> destroy pituitary gland
Headache, visual loss, endocrine problems
Acute episode - severe headache
Steroid and other hormone replacement
Pineal tumor
Parinaud syndrome - sunset eyes
Loss of upper gaze
Child brain tumors
Posterior fossa
Medulloblastoma most common
Ependymoma 2nd most common
Truncal ataxia and unsteady gait
Brain abscess
Shorter timeframe - 1-2 weeks
Fever and obvious source of infection (otitis media, mastoiditis)
CT scan has typical appearance
Need to resect
Trigeminal neuralgia
Sharp shooting pain in the face by touching - lasts 1 minute
Normal neurologic exam in 60 year old patient
Carbamazepine treatment
Radio frequency ablation
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (causalgia)
Several months after a crush injury
Burning pain that’s constant and doesn’t respond to analgesics
Aggravated by small stimulation of area
Cold, cyanotic, moist
Symphatetic block is dx and surgical sympathectomy is curative