Neuroscience of Memory Flashcards
What does it mean to say that memory is an emergent property of the nervous system?
it is not a
property of the individual neurons, but it emerges when they work together.
What is the function of dendrites?
Dendrites are used for receiving signals either from sensory cells or from other neurons. Generally speaking, dendrites collect information for the neuron
What are terminal buttons
At the end of each axon are nodules called terminal buttons, which contain
the neurotransmitters.
What produces myelin?
If a neuron
has a myelin sheath, the myelin is not created by the neuron but by glial cells associated with it.
Describe what happens during an action potential to rehash
When a neuron fires, sodium ions in the surrounding extracellular fluid flood into the neuron because
the depolarization of the neuron causes sodium “gates” on the cell membrane to open. The sodium ions are positively charged and this is what produces the positively charged action potential. The electrical wave flowing down the axon is the wave of sodium gates opening and allowing these ions to enter the cell, much a like a row of dominos falling down. Each domino causes the next to falter. Immediately behind this wave of positive electrical charge, there is a second wave. This is a wave of potassium ions being forced out of the cell. This is part of the beginning process of the cell recovering its resting potential level of electrical charge.
Name and describe the roles of 5 neurotransmitters important for memory
acetylcholine (ACh): When acetylcholine effects are enhanced, memory can improve, and it declines when acetylcholine effects are suppressed. Acetylcholine may work to enhance the strength of synaptic potentials during long-term potentiation
Glutamate (Glu) is a critical excitatory neurotransmitter involved in the alteration of synapses and creating new memories. In comparison,
gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) is an inhibitory neurotransmitter, also critically involved in new memory formation. GABA is strongly related to glutamate in that GABA is formed by modifying the glutamate molecule.
Norepinephrine is involved in the consolidation of memories
dopamine is important to memory processing.
What are the two general classes of neurotransmitters?
Excitatory neurotransmitters encourage the subsequent neuron to fire, causing the ion gates on the neuron’s cell membrane to open and let in the sodium ions. In contrast, inhibitory neurotransmitters encourage the subsequent neuron to not fire, encouraging the ion gates to stay closed.
What is the purpose of inhibitory neurotransmitters?
one-way information is coded in the nervous system is as a pattern of activity across a wide set of neurons. To create this pattern, some neurons need to be firing and others not.
Although communication between neurons occurs at the synapse, how do these connections get altered as new things about the world are encoded into memory?
One way that this is done is through a process known as long-term potentiation, or LTP. LTP strengthens the connections between neurons by altering the ease with which postsynaptic neurons will fire. The majority of the change that strengthens a connection between neurons is occurring at the dendrites.
Along the cell membrane of a dendrite, there is an increase in the number of receptor cites for the neurotransmitters, as well as the growth of dendritic spines, although there may be some changes in the presynaptic neuron’s axon as well. As a result, more neurotransmitters can bind to the post-synaptic cell membrane, making it easier to reach the level of depolarization needed to cause the neuron to create an action potential.
Name a process analogous to LTP
long-term depression, or LTD, which weakens connections between neurons, which can also be important for learning
What stage of memory formation is LTP important for and what characteristic of it demonstrates this?
Often, LTP can last for days or weeks, but it eventually dissipates. Thus, LTP is the type of neural change that occurs in memory formation early on, but another process will be needed for information to be stored more permanently in other parts of the brain.
How is the occipital lobe involved in memory?
The occipital lobes detect features in the environment, but the sensitivity to these features is based on experiences with the world. For example, if kittens are reared in an environment in which they only see horizontal lines, when they are adults they will walk into a table leg because they cannot see vertical lines. They lack the feature detectors for vertical objects
How are the parietal lobes involved in memory
Less thought of than temporal and frontal lobes but are used in a wide range of circumstances. For example, working memory processes for visual memory or the spatial manipulation of information involve the parietal lobes. Animals that have had their parietal lobes surgically removed have trouble remembering spatial relations.
Which lobe is most closely associated with memory? Why is this not surprising?
temporal lobes, This is not surprising as they surround the hippocampus
What part of the temporal lobe is most often studied in regards to memory?
The part of the temporal lobe that is often studied with regard to memory is directly adjacent to or surrounding the hippocampus. The area adjacent to the hippocampus is often referred to as the medial temporal lobe. The temporal lobes are where many of our long-term memories for different types of information may be stored.
What does damage to the temporal lobes often result in?
Damage to this part of the brain often results in some memory loss. This part may be involved in remembering events from one’s own life, something called autobiographical memory. It may also be important for priming
How are the frontal lobes involved in memory? (3)
they are involved in the coordination of information, so they are critical for working memory
Knowledge of the information content, as well as knowing where it came from, must be put together using a
process of source monitoring
The frontal lobes are also involved in remembering what we need to do in the future, something called prospective memory
What is the DMN?
The default mode network is a collection of brain structures whose activity is highly correlated.
When is the DMN activated?
The DMN is more active when a person does not have attention strongly engaged in some activity. That is, the activation of the DMN is negatively correlated with activity in of various attention networks in the brain. In some sense, this network in the brain that is more active by default when people are colloquially thinking about “nothing in particular,” such as when they are daydreaming etc. It is also activated when watching TV and so may be involved in basic comprehension.
What previously mentioned process is the hippocampus very involved in?
Much of the research on long-term potentiation has been done by studying neurons from the hippocampus. While it is strongly associated with LTP, and thus may be able to retain information for up to several weeks, it does not appear to be the location where very long-term declarative memories are actually stored.
What surround the hippocampus?
important cortical areas, which are collectively known as the hippocampal complex.
Name 3 associated areas of concern outside of the hippocampus proper and their location relative to the hippocampus. Also name a function associated with them
First, for processing spatial information there is the parahippocampal cortex, which is posterior (behind) and inferior to (below) the hippocampus.
Next, for processing object information, there is the perirhinal cortex, which is inferior to the hippocampus and anterior to the parahippocampal cortex.
Finally, there is the entorhinal cortex, which is anterior to and inferior of the hippocampus. The entorhinal cortex takes information from the parahippocampal and perirhinal cortices and passes it along to the hippocampus itself.
Name the areas of the hippocampus (not necessary)
it is composed of the dentate gyrus, regions CA1, CA2, CA3, and CA4 (with areas CA1 and CA3 being more implicated in memory processing), and the subiculum.
Describe the connections of the hippocampus and the surrounding structures (not necessary)
The hippocampus itself, by and large, the dentate gyrus and area CA3 receive inputs from the medial entorhinal cortex. Moreover, the dentate gyrus also sends signals to areas CA3. In comparison, area CA1 receives different inputs from the lateral entorhinal cortex and passes this information on to the subiculum. Area CA1 also receives inputs from area CA3. The subiculum sends its processes on to the entorhinal cortex. Some fibers from the hippocampus also travel to the fornix, the mammillary bodies, and the thalamus.
What symptoms can occur through damage to the hippocampus and what function may this demonstrate?
A great deal of research on the hippocampus is focused on its role in the formation and storage of new memories. Damage to the hippocampus can lead to severe declarative memory deficits, such as antero-grade amnesia. . That said, it also may be involved in the retrieval and the replaying or re-experiencing of prior events
Where are place cells and grid cells located? Name a third cell similar to these and its location and a possible fourth cell which there is some evidence for
place cells (which are active when an organism is in a particular location) are found in the hippocampus, grid cells are found in the entorhinal cortex, and boundary cells are found in the subiculum and entorhinal cortex. There is also some evidence for hippocampal time cells that track when events occur
What conclusions can therefore be drawn about the function of the hippocampus based on these cells?
the hippocampus is important for processing the spatial-temporal framework within which episodic memory events occur.
Summarise the function of the hippocampus
Overall, the hippocampus is specialized for processing and binding conjunctions of stimuli that appear together in the environment. It is well designed for the rapid encoding and binding of episode-specific conjunctions— that is, whatever is co-occurring at the moment. This includes the spatial and temporal contexts, as well as the objects within the current event. The hippocampus does this by processes of pattern separation (segmenting experience) and completing missing elements from general world knowledge. That is, the hippocampus binds together information from a variety of sources to create integrated memories of individual scenes or events
What role does the 1. Amygdala 2. basal ganglia 3. Cerebellum 4. Diencephalon (3) Play in memory?
The amygdala is involved in processing emotional aspects of memories
Basal ganglia are important for motor memory—that is, the control of the voluntary muscle groups. The basal ganglia are implicated in memory for habits and motor skills, such as riding a bicycle.
cerebellum is similar to basal ganglia, used in memory for procedural skills that involve the complex coordination and control of the muscles, such as walking. This is a more primitive form of memory.
The diencephalon, including the thalamus and hypothalamus is involved in memory for conscious, factual knowledge. It has been suggested that the diencephalon is important in processing information about the temporal sequence of events. More indirectly, the diencephalon is involved in controlling the neurotransmitters that are present in the nervous system at any given time, and so it has a roundabout influence on memory.
Describe two ways to measure the structure of the brain apart from after death and during brain surgery
take a series of X-rays of the skull, each of them taking a different “slice” of the head, and then examine the brain structures revealed. This is known as a computer-assisted tomography scan, or CT scan (also known as a CAT scan).
magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI works with the resonant frequencies of different molecules in the brain. First, a person is placed in a strong, controlled magnetic field. This is the magnetic part of MRI. This magnetic field affects the spin of all of the atoms of a certain type in the body, such as all of the hydrogen atoms, causing the protons in those atoms to line up along a specific axis, with about half oriented in each direction along that axis. After this, a radio frequency pulse is passed through the body. This pulse causes unmatched protons to spin in a different direction at a specific frequency. Con-currently, a set of gradient magnets are cycled on and off, which alter the primary magnetic field, allowing images or slices of the brain to be acquired. When this pulsing stops, the hydrogen atoms go back to their normal state and release the energy absorbed from the pulses. This is the resonance in MRI. This energy is detected by the coils in the machine and sent to a computer for analysis. The computer then interprets the data and creates the MRI image.
What other functions can a cat scan carry out?
CT scans show the structure of a living brain and can reveal things such as the location of a tumor, damage from a stroke, or just the general condition of a brain.
Given how an MRI works, what molecules typically determine the structure?
Typically, the density of water molecules, which contain hydrogen, is used to determine structure. The density of hydrogen atoms varies as a function of whether a particular region contains unmyelinated neurons, myelinated axons, cerebral spinal fluid, and so on
What advantages are there to MRI compared to other methods?
An advantage of MRI is that it is not necessary to inject a chemical into the body, as with PET scans (see later), or use harmful radiation, as with CT scans. Perhaps the biggest advantage of MRI scans is their clarity. These images are of a higher quality than those from a CT scan.
What does EEG measure?
event-related potentials, or ERPs. An ERP is a regular change in the pattern of electrical energy measured as a function of the particular task or event that the person is thinking about (Coles, Gratton, & Fabiani, 1990). The memory researcher has a person engage in various tasks at predetermined points in time. These are the “events” of event-related potentials. Then the researcher looks at the EEG waves that were recorded at that time relative to when the events occurred. These electrical “potentials” in the EEG waves are what are “related” to the earlier “events”—hence the name event-related potentials.
If you’ve ever seen an EEG wave, it looks like a random bunch of squiggles. How does the researcher get an idea of what’s going on?
for each trial of an ERP study, this is largely what it is, the researcher needs to average the electrical potentials across a large number of trials. This averaging process washes out much of the noise, leaving a clearer signal. As more trials are averaged together, the ERP wave becomes more pronounced. This ERP signature is often a relatively large wave of positive or negative electrical charge in a region of the brain occurring at a particular point in time after the target even
What is an advantage of EEG compared to other methods?
Temporal resolution
How do people refer to or label a wave?
in terms of interesting components in the waveform and the nature of these components. For example, people might talk about a P300 wave, which refers to an electrically positive wave occurring about 300 ms after the beginning of an event. An N400 wave refers to a negative wave occurring about 400 ms after the beginning of an event
Describe disadvantages to ERPs
the spatial resolution —where things happen in the brain—is poor. One can get a general idea about what part of the brain is involved but determining a precise location is difficult.
there is a lot of “stuff” between the electrodes and the brain activity they are recording—skin, blood vessels, meninges, and bone. In some ways, using EEG recordings to figure out what is going on in the brain is like trying to figure out what is going on in a factory by listening through the wall.
While ERPs provide information about the level of positive or negative electrical charge at a point in time, there is other information that can be extracted from EEG signals
Describe this
The nervous system has a tendency to have various oscillators throughout it. That is, groups of cells tend to fire together. This is called synchronization, and when this increases after an event it is called event- related synchronization, or ERS. When a person is at rest, synchronization is stable. However, when a person is engaged in a mental activity there may be a desynchronization. This is called event-related desynchronization, or ERD.
How else may these frequencies differ?
These oscillations occur at different frequency bands, depending on how fast the oscillations are. One way of dividing up the frequency bands is to have different regions separated by about 2 Hz each, using a person’s based frequency as a reference point, defining the delta band as –8 to –6 Hz, the theta band as –6 to –4 Hz, the lower 1 alpha as –4 to –2 Hz, the lower 2 alpha as –2 to 0 Hz, and the upper alpha as 0 to +2 Hz. Changes in any of these bands can vary as a function of the memory task.
How are ERD patterns related to memory?
ERD patterns are related to memory performance. For example, during effective memory processing there is decreased alpha synchronisation and increased theta synchronisation.
Essentially, the resting alpha synchronization is disrupted by activity of a particular type. The theta synchronization is associated with increased activity in the hippocampus and surrounding structures.
Moreover, alpha and theta band power have been related to activation and inhibitory processes in memory.
Finally, the distinction between episodic and semantic memory is supported by ERD work showing greater upper alpha desynchronization for semantic memory, and increased theta band synchronization for episodic encoding
Name two other measuring methods which exploit the electrical aspect of the brain
transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
magnetoencephalography, or MEG
How does MEG work?
Uses magnetic fields to measure cortical electrical activity.Many parts of the brain are always active, doing lots of different things at any one time. To get an idea of what part of the brain is involved in a process measured in a MEG scan, the subtractive method is used.
With the subtractive method, scans are taken both when the person is doing the mental activity of interest as well as a control condition in which the person not thinking about anything in particular. The brain activity of the control condition is subtracted from the activity recorded during the process of interest.
How does MEG compare to EEG?
Overall, researchers can use MEG technology to pinpoint which parts of the brain may be active for various memory tasks. MEG scans have better spatial resolution than EEG and have a good temporal resolution, of about 10 ms. This is not as good as ERPs but still respectable.
What do other neuropsychological methods use instead of electrical impulses? Name two of these methods
Some involve measures of cerebral blood flow. Collections of neurons that are working harder need more nutrients to be replenished and keep going. As a result, blood flow to those areas increases to compensate for this.
positron emission tomography, or PET
functional MRI, or fMRI
Describe PET
For positron emission tomography, or PET, people are injected with a radioactive isotope of oxygen called oxygen-15 or 15O. This isotope decays to 16O, which is reasonably stable. The level of radioactivity is very low and short- lived (it has a half-life of just over two minutes), so there is little harm to the body. Once the isotope is in the bloodstream, the person is placed in a scanner that measures the levels of the isotope in the brain. Recording levels in control conditions are compared with experimental conditions where the person is engaging in the type of thought that is of interest for the study.
How does PET compare to ERPs?
Compared to ERPs, the spatial resolution in PET scans is much better. However, with PET it takes a long time for a good image to be generated, typically no faster than 20 seconds.
How does fMRI work?
The MRI technology discussed earlier also has an advantage over CT scans in that it can be adapted to look at function as well as structure. This is called functional MRI, or fMRI. fMRI uses the detection of oxygen atoms as a measure of mental activity. The density of oxygen molecules is associated with the operation of neural assemblies and the flow of blood to fortify those cells. After all, the delivery of oxygen is one of the primary purposes of the bloodstream.
How does fMRI compare to PET?
An fMRI scan has an advantage over PET because no injection is required and the images can be taken in a shorter period of time, in the order of a few seconds. Still, fMRI scans cannot match the temporal accuracy of ERP measurements.
Apart from these types of measurements, how can the function of brain areas be measured in people?
from case studies of people who have suffered some damage or lesion to the brain (altered brains)
Although brain lesions provide valuable insights, why are they imperfect? (3)
First, seldom is there a pure lesion, with one structure being affected and the other structures remaining unharmed. This is true for both accidents and diseases affecting humans, as well as animal studies in which lesions are intentionally made surgically.
Another problem with lesion studies is that there are never two cases of people with identical lesions. Thus, it cannot be determined whether the consequences of the damage are unique to that person or are a generalizable consequence.
Finally, lesions are haphazard both in terms of where and when they occur. They do not afford the sort of control one would have in a systematic study.
Apart from case studies how else can altered brains give insight?
Studies of special populations of people who have a neurological condition also provide useful data. (amnesia caused by alcohol overuse etc). Also, there are systematic neurological changes that occur as a result of the natural aging process. Thus, age-related changes in memory can be viewed as neurological assessment of memory. Finally, some diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, have systematic effects on the central nervous system. In these special populations, there is some regularity in the change that occurs, so we can observe a systematic change in neurological function that results in altered thoughts and behaviors.
What is meant by consolidation
The information that is currently being thought is short-term/working memory in the language of the modal model of memory. However, for information to be useful beyond the current moment it needs to be stored in a state that does not require active neural firing. The process of making memories stable beyond the current moment is called consolidation.
What is meant by Ribot’s gradient? How is it explained through consolidation?
A great deal of the evidence for consolidation comes from work on brain damaged individuals, particularly those with retrograde amnesia. Essentially, people are more likely to lose recent memories, while older memories remain intact. The idea is that newer memories have not yet been sufficiently consolidated, and so they are easier to disrupt in the face of head trauma. In comparison, older memories are more consolidated and so are harder to disrupt.
What is very important for memory consolidation?
While memory consolidation is going on all of the time, these processes become more intense when a person is sleeping. Even better, if you dream about what you learned prior to sleep you are more likely to remember it later. Part of the reason we sleep is to provide our brain with an opportunity to engage in activities that are not possible or are less effective when we are awake.
What else is helpful for memory consolidation
Finally, in addition to sleep, some memory consolidation can also be boosted through physical exercise
Name different types of consolidation
synaptic and systems consolidation
How is there a bias in the information here about consolidation?
Our discussion is focused on declarative memory consolidation. There are consolidation processes for nondeclarative memories, but these involve different neural systems, such as the basal ganglia and cerebellum
Describe synaptic consolidation
Synaptic consolidation is the creation of relatively enduring memories that have just been actively thought about. It occurs in the hippocampus through LTP. This is a relatively rapid process that involves information that is currently active in the firing neural assemblies of short-term/working memory. If people are given an opportunity to briefly rest (say 2.5 seconds) after viewing information, this gives synaptic consolidation an opportunity to occur without further incoming and interfering items. Moreover, from what we know about LTP, we can estimate that synaptically consolidated memories may be
retained for a few days or weeks. How ever, this type of consolidation is transient and is not the final permanent storage of memories.
Describe systems consolidation
After synaptic consolidation, there is a wider consolidation that occurs in larger brain systems. Much less is known about systems consolidation, other than it involves long-term memories becoming more independent of the hippocampus. As memories became consolidated in the cortex, the hippocampus became less involved and the cortex became more involved.
Look at the graph for retention in the four different stages. What does the red line represent?
This is the availability of a given memory trace. It is the sum of the three other com ponents. This is a negatively accelerating function, as is observed with Ebbinghaus’s for getting/retention curve. This is the case despite the fact that the three functions that give rise to it each have different shapes. Thus, the forgetting
curve that is derived from memory data may reflect the operation of multiple, different underlying processes that each have their own characteristics.
What is meant by reconsolidating
A process of reconsolidation can occur when a memory that has been consolidated is later remembered. This causes it to be reactivated and this reactivated memory is then reconsolidated. What is interesting is that during reactivation a memory enters a fluid, malleable state where it can be changed! That said, the older and more strongly consolidated a memory is, the less malleable it is following retrieval and the harder it is to change.
In what way can two memories be altered during reconsolidation?
The first is for information to be lost from the original memory. If a consolidated memory is retrieved and then disrupted, the consolidated memory is lost. (rats memory of fear inducing stimulus interrupted by protein synthesis inhibitor)
The other way for reconsolidation to have an influence is for new information to be added to a memory trace. Here, a previously consolidated memory is retrieved and then new information is presented at the same time. This new material is then incorporated into the memory. (consolidated list mixed with new list)
What other process may aid in the formation of permanent memories?
Neurogenesis; While you already have most of the neurons you’ll have to work with, you brain is still creating new ones all the time. Thousands of new neurons are created in the hippocampus each day. However, the fate of many of these new neurons is to die off.
That said, there is some evidence that, if an organism engages in new learning during the day, more of these newly created neurons will stick around, perhaps because they become part of networks of knowledge created during learning. Thus, it seems likely that the more you learn during the day, the more of these new neurons you will retain. This gain in neural mass can then aid your ability to learn even more information later.