neuroscience block 2 Flashcards
Fasciculus gracilis: - all cord levels
Fasciculus cuneatus: only upper thoracic/cervical - upper body correspond (C1–T6)
located between the posterior median sulcus and the posterior intermediate sulcus and septum
found at all cord levels.
Fasciculus cuneatus:
located between the posterior intermediate sulcus and septum and the posterior lateral sulcus
found only at the upper thoracic and cervical cord levels (C1–T6)
Lateral funiculus
Anterior funiculus - Contains decussating spinothalamic fibers
located between the posterior lateral and anterior lateral sulci
Anterior funiculus located between the anterior median fissure and the anterior lateral sulcus
contains the anterior white commissure:
Located between the central canal and the anterior medial fissure
Contains decussating spinothalamic fibers
Sensory Axons I - IV vs Motor Axons Alpha - Gamma
lower number, A letter - bigger, faster
Motor Axons -
alpha and gamma - anterior horn
Alpha extrafusla
Gamma Intrafusal -
post ganglionic
extrafusal fibers vs intrafusual
Extrafusal muscle fibers comprise the bulk of muscle and form the major force-generating structure. Intrafusal muscle fibers are buried in the muscle, and they contain afferent receptors for stretch, but they also contain contractile elements.
Sensory I, II, III, IV
IA - propriaception and spindle
IB propriaception and Golgi
II, Touch, pressure Vibe
III, Fast pain, temp, touch, pressure
IV Slow pain, temp, unmylinated
Levels of spinal cord, four types of cord
cervical Posterior intermediate sulci and septa
Massive anterior horns (C3-C8)
thoracic - Posterior INTERMEDIATE sulci and septa
Lateral horns
lumbar - Massive anterior and posterior horns
Massive substantia gelatinosa
Lateral horn is prominent at L1
sacral, small - 50 - 50
Coccygeal segment
contains posterior horns that are more voluminous than the anterior horns
has a greatly reduced diameter.
Motor Systems
concerned with somatic and visceral motor activities
have their cells of origin in the cerebral cortex or in the brainstem
Lateral (Pyramidal)Corticospinal Tract - FINGERS
Decussates in caudal medulla
90% decussation
Function: skilled motor activity Input: lamina V of motor cortex Passes through: Posterior limb of internal capsule Middle 3/5 of cerebral peduncle Pyramid of medulla Decussates in caudal medulla Runs in posterior part of lateral funiculus Innervates contralateral extremities
Spastic hemiparesis
“+” Babinski sign
Not fully myelinated until the end of the second year
Concerned with volitional skilled motor activity, primarily of the digits of the upper limb
Receives input from the paracentral lobule, a medial continuation of the motor and sensory cortices, and subserves the muscles of the contralateral leg and foot.
Arises from lamina V of the cerebral cortex from three cortical areas: the premotor cortex (area 6); the precentral motor cortex (area 4); and the postcentral sensory cortex (areas 3, 1, and 2)
Terminates via interneurons on anterior horn motor neurons and sensory neurons of the posterior horn
Axons of the giant cells of Betz contribute large diameter fibers to the tract
Passes through the posterior limb of the internal capsule
Passes through the middle three-fifths of the crus cerebri (basis pedunculi) of the midbrain through the base of the pons
Constitutes the pyramid of the medulla
Undergoes a 90% decussation in the caudal medulla
Lies in the posterior quadrant of the lateral funiculus of the spinal cord
Transection results in spastic hemiparesis with positive Babinski sign
lesions of corticospinal - upper vs lower motor neurons
upper - if above decussation - contralateral -
below - ipsilateral
lower ipsilateral
upper - spastic
lower - flaccid
If lesions of the corticospinal tract occur above the pyramidal decussation, a weakness is seen in muscles on the contralateral sideof the body; lesions below this level produce an ipsilateral muscle weakness.
In contrast to upper motoneurons, the cell bodies of lower motoneurons are ipsilateral to the skeletal muscles that their axons innervate. A lesion to any part of a lower motoneuron will result in an ipsilateral muscle weakness at the level of the lesion.
Rubrospinal - Sit on Rubber mat - anterior to lateral
VIP - STAND - anterior funiculus - Vestibulospinal tract
Vip - extensors - Vestibular
From ipsilateral lateral vestibular nucleus
Giant cells of Deiters
Anterior Corticospinal - AXIAL muscles
that decussates at spinal cord levels in the anterior white commissure
Small uncrossed tract
Innervates axial musculature
Tectospinal Tract - head and eye - from hypothalamus down into torso and back to eye
head and eye movement coordinates
The oculosympathetic pathway. Hypothalamic fibers project to the ipsilateral ciliospinal center of the inter- mediolateral cell column at T1. The ciliospinal center projects preganglionic sympathetic fibers to the superior cervical ganglion. The superior cervical ganglion projects perivascular postganglionic sympathetic fibers through the tympanic cavity, cavernous sinus, and superior orbital fissure to the dilator pupillae. Interruption of this pathway at any level results in Horner syndrome. CN 5 cranial nerve.
Upper Motor Neurons vs Lower
Cortex and brainstem nuclei (eg, lateral vestibular nucleus, red nucleus)
Lower - Anterior horns of the spinal cord, nuclei of motor CNs (III, IV to VII, IX, X)
How voluntary muscles move?
To initiate a voluntary contraction of skeletal muscle, 2 motoneurons, an upper and a lower, must be involved. The upper motoneuron innervates the lower motoneuron, and the lower motoneuron innervates the skeletal muscle.
Most important location of upper motoneurons is in the cerebral cortex. Axons of these cortical neurons course in the corticospinal tract.
Lower Motor Neurons and reflexes
2 types of lower motor neurons:
Alpha motor neurons – make skeletal muscles (extrafusal) contract
Gamma motor neurons – make muscle spindles more sensitive to stretch
Both types of LMNs participate in reflexes
Both types of LMNs receive input from UMNs
Lower Motor Neuron lesion - flaccid -
Upper - originally flacid, but one week later - spastic
LMN lesion Flaccid paralysis Areflexia Muscle atrophy Fasciculations and fibrillations
skeletal m, two types of innervation
Voluntary innervation (via corticospinal tracts): UMN->LMN
Reflex innervation: muscle sensory neuron
Function of reflex innervation: control of muscle tone
M spindles
Motor unit = the basic unit for voluntary, postural, and reflex activity.
Muscle spindle monitor the length and rate of change in length of extrafusal fibers.
Muscles involved with fine movements contain a greater density of spindles than those used in coarse movements.
Extrafusal muscle fibers vs intrafusal
Innervated by alpha MN
Fibers innervated by 1 alpha MN = motor unit
Intrafusal muscle fibers Core of muscle spindle Muscle spindles act as sensory receptors in stretch reflexes In parallel with extrafusal f. Innervated by gamma MN
reflexes and lower, upper motor neurons
, lower motoneurons form the specific motor component of skeletal muscle reflexes. Upper motoneurons provide descending control over the reflexes.
Muscle stretch (myotatic) reflexes (MSRs)
Muscle tone is the tension present in all resting muscle. Tension is controlled by the stretch reflexes.
Monosynaptic, ipsilateral
Afferent limb: muscle spindle, Ia sensory neuron
Efferent limb: LMN
Contraction of muscle in response to its stretch
Occurs in all muscles
Primary mechanism of muscle tone regulation
Aka deep tendon reflexes (DTRs)
Additional reflexes:
Cremasteric reflex= L1, L2 (“testicles move”)
Anal wink reflex= S3, S4 (“winks galore”)
Knee jerk reflex
The best example of a muscle stretch or deep tendon reflex is the knee-jerk reflex. Tapping the patellar ligament stretches the quadriceps muscle and its muscle spindles. Stretch of the spindles activates sensory endings (Ia afferents), and afferent impulses are transmitted to the cord. Some impulses from stretch receptors carried by Ia fibers monosynaptically stimulate the alpha motoneurons that supply the quadriceps. This causes contraction of the muscle and a sudden extension of the leg at the knee. Afferent impulses simultaneously inhibit antagonist muscles through interneurons (in this case, hamstrings).
Inverse MSRs
Monitor muscle tension
Use GTOs
↑ force in muscle → ↑ firing rate of Ib afferent neurons (innervate GTOs) → ↑ facilitation of antagonists and inhibition of agonists
GTOs: encapsulated groups of nerve endings that terminate between collagenous tendon fibers at the junction of muscle and tendon, oriented in series with the extrafusal fibers and respond to increases in force or tension generated in that muscle.
gamma vs alpha?
Stimulation of gamma MNs → intrafusal fibers contract →
activation of alpha MNs → ↑ muscle tone
Flexion withdrawal reflex:
Crossed extension reflex:
Flexion withdrawal reflex:
Protective reflex
Stimulus (usually painful) causes withdrawal of the stimulated limb
Crossed extension reflex:
Accompanies withdrawal reflex
Contralateral limb is extended to help support the body
Testing Motor SystemsStrength - 0 total paralysis, 5 normal
0 = total paralysis 1 = contraction visible or felt on palpation 2 = movement in absence of gravity 3 = movement against gravity 4 = full range, but decreased strength 5 = normal strength
Testing Motor systems
- Flaccidmuscle tone indicates an LMN or acute UMN lesion.
- Increased tone that fades at end of movement(clasp-knife rigidity)indicates a UMN lesion.
- Increased tone throughout range of movement(lead-pipe or plastic rigidity)indicates basal ganglia disease
Cog-wheel rigidityproduces ratchet-like catches and releases and accompanies parkinsonism. - Decreased tone(hypotonia) withpendular reflexesindicates cerebellar damage
Patients with cerebellar injury may have a knee jerk that swings forwards and backwards several times.
Cerebellar damage?
pendular reflex
Testing Motor Systems
Testing Motor SystemsDTRs
Babinski – indicates corticospinal tract damage - toes FAN instead of curl - = Babinksy= babies have this, but it is normal
Abdominal (T8–T12), cremasteric (L1, L2): absent reflex indicates damaged reflex loop or corticospinal tract damage
Designed to test sensory limb, motor limb, and UMN modulation of muscle stretch reflex
0 = absent 1+, ++ = hypoactive 2+, ++ = normal 3+, +++ = hyperactive 4+, ++++ = clonus present
Sensory Neurons
Convey sensory information from the periphery to higher levels
Usually consist of a chain of three neurons:
first-, second-, and third-order neurons
First Order
Second order -
First order
always in the spinal ganglion
Second Order
always crosses midline
Give rise to collateral branches that serve in local spinal reflex arcs
Sensory Receptors -
Free Nerve Meissner Pacinian Merkel Ruffini
Free Nerve - pain, temp
hairless skin - glabrous
fine light touch, position sense, dynamic
encapsulated endings found in the dermal papillae of glabrous skin
mediate fine discriminative tactile sensation via the posterior column–medial lemniscus pathway
associated with group II fibers
rapidly adapting
deep skin, joints, ligaments
vibration, pressure
found in the dermis, mesenteries, and periosteum
respond to pressure and vibration sensation via the posterior column–medial lemniscus pathway
associated with group II fibers
rapidly adapting
pressure, edges, finger tips
Non-encapsulated endings found in the basal layer of the epidermis
mediate light (crude) touch (e.g., stroking the skin with a wisp of cotton)
associated with group II fibers
project centrally via the anterolateral system and the posterior column–medial lemniscus pathway
finger tip and joints,
slippage, joint angle change
Posterior column medial lemniscus pathway
First-order neurons:
located in spinal ganglia at all levels
give rise to the fasciculus gracilis from the lower extremity
give rise to the fasciculus cuneatus from the upper extremity
give rise to axons that ascend in the posterior columns and terminate in the gracile and cuneate nuclei of the medulla
Second-order neurons:
located in the gracile and cuneate nuclei of the caudal medulla
give rise to axons, internal arcuate fibers that decussate and form a compact fiber bundle, the medial lemniscus
The medial lemniscus ascends through the contralateral brainstem to terminate in the ventral posterolateral (VPL) nucleus of the thalamus
Third-order neurons:
located in the VPL nucleus of the thalamus
project via the posterior limb of the internal capsule to the postcentral gyrus, the somatosensory cortex (areas 3, 1, and 2).
Fine (discriminative) touch
Conscious proprioception
Vibratory sense, pressure
Somato-topically organized
Input: Pacinian and Meissner’s corpuscles Joint receptors Muscle spindles Golgi tendon organs (GTOs)
First order neurons:
Spinal ganglia
Give rise to fasciculi Gracilis (from LE) and Cuneatus (from UE)
Second order neurons: Caudal medulla (gracile and cuneate nuclei) Axons cross (internal arcuate fibers) and continue as medial lemniscus
Third order neurons:
VPL nucleus of thalamus
Project to postcentral gyrus
Lesions of posterior column medial lemniscuspathway
Signs of lesion:
Loss of tactile discrimination
Loss of position (joint) and vibratory sensation
Stereoanesthesia (astereognosis)
Sensory (posterior column) dystaxia
Paresthesias and pain (posterior root irritation)
Hyporeflexia or areflexia (posterior root deafferentation)
Urinary incontinence, constipation, and impotence (posterior root deafferentation)
Romberg sign (sensory dystaxia) (standing patient is more unsteady with eyes closed)
Testing of Posterior Column lesions?
Vibration: tuning fork
The ability to sense vibration diminishes with age
Testing for vibration has limited clinical value in adults > 60 years
Position sense (proprioception):
Awareness of limb position with eyes closed
Romberg sign: loss of position sense and hallmark of posterior column damage
Hold digit (eg., a toe) by sides, not top and bottom, to test position sense
Light touch: wisp of cotton
Romberg test - cerebellar prob when AFTER open eyes - inability to stand
- Patient stands with feet close together and closes eyes.
- Instability indicatesdecreased proprioceptive senseand is a positive test.
- Inability to stand with feet together andeyes openindicates cerebellar damage.
Anterolateral System - Functions:
Crude touch, itch, PAIN< TEMPERATURE -
neospinothalamic tract
Tract of Lissauer -
Note! The anterolateral system gives projections to reticular formation and intralaminar thalamic nuclei.
Note! Some authors refer to the spinothalamic tracts as two separate tracts. Recently, this concept was replaced with neospinothalamic tract (includes both pathways)
Posterolateral tract (of Lissauer)
(predominantly) white matter tract capping the posterior horn
mainly pain and temperature fibers ascending or descending a few spinal cord segments before synapsing
serves to provide central overlap of pain and temperature
Free nerve endings
Merkel tactile discs
Thermal receptors
First order neurons:
Dorsal root ganglia at all levels
Project to 2 order neurons via tract of Lissauer
Second order neurons:
Posterior horn
Axons decussate in anterior white commissure
Ascend in contralateral anterior funiculus
Terminate in VPL of thalamus
Third order neurons:
Project to postcentral gyrus via posterior limb of the internal capsule
Summary of ascending pain pathways
Pain ascends in all 3 funiculi
Pain in transmitted in the following pathways:
Anterolateral system
Spinoreticular tract
Spinomesencephalic tract
Spinocervical tract
Spinoreticular-ascend as part of the anterolateral system, originate in the contralateral posterior horn, and terminate diffusely throughout the reticular formation; via thalamus projects to all regions of the cortex
Spinomesencephalic-ascend as part of the anterolateral system, originate in the contralateral posterior horn, and terminate on multiple nuclei of the midbrain, projects to PAG (periaqueductal grey), important for emotional response to pain
Spinocervical - travel in the posterior aspect of the lateral funiculus, originate in the nucleus proprius, and terminate in the cervical spinal cord
Cordotomy Surgical sectioning of spinothalamic tract
Provides immediate relief of intractable pain (eg, from pancreatic cancer)
Pain usually returns after several months
Reasons are unknown
Uncrossed spinothalamic/spinomesencephalic fibers may contribute to return of pain
Some pain input may be carried through posterior column system
Neuropathic pain may be major source of returning pain
Neuropathic pain
is pain caused by damage or disease affecting the somatosensory nervous system. Neuropathic pain may be associated with abnormal sensations called dysesthesia or pain from normally non-painful stimuli (allodynia). It may have continuous and/or episodic (paroxysmal) components.
Testing anterolateral system
Pain: pinprick
Temperature: warm and cold vials
Cerebellar tracts
Posterior spinocerebellar tract contains axons that terminate ipsilaterally as mossy fibers in the cortex of the rostral and caudal cerebellar vermis.
. Posterior spinocerebellar tract: Function: Unconscious proprioception Coordination of posture Fine movements of LE Input: muscle spindles, GTOs, pressure receptors Uncrossed
First-order neurons:
Spinal ganglia C8-S3
Second-order neurons:
Posterior thoracic nucleus (C8-L3)
Ascends in lateral funiculus
Reach cerebellum via inferior cerebellar peduncle
Cuneocerebellar tract:
UE equivalent of posterior spinocerebellar tract
First-order neurons:
Spinal ganglia C2-T7
Axons project via fasciculus cuneatus
Second-order neurons:
Accessory cuneate nucleus (homolog of the posterior thoracic nucleus)
Project to ipsilateral part of the cerebellum (inf. cerebellar peduncle)
. Anterior spinocerebellar tract:
INHERITED - Ataxia of GAIT -
Function: Unconscious proprioception Coordination of posture of LE Input: muscle spindles, GTOs, pressure receptors Crossed
Lesions that affect only the spinocerebellar tracts are uncommon, but there are a group of hereditary diseases in which degeneration of spinocerebellar pathways is a prominent feature. The most common of these is Friedreich ataxia, which is usually inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. The spinocerebellar tracts, dorsal columns, corticospinal tracts, and cerebellum may be involved. Ataxia of gait is the most common initial symptom of this disease.
First-order neurons:
Spinal ganglia L1-S2
Second-order neurons:
Spinal border cells L1-S2
Ascends in lateral funiculus
Reach contralateral cerebellum via superior cerebellar peduncle
hyperreflexia vs hyproreflexia
Lower - Motor Neurons - Hyporeflexia refers to a condition in which your muscles are less responsive to stimuli. If your muscles don’t respond at all to stimuli, this is known as areflexia. Your muscles may be so weak that you can’t do everyday activities.
Hyperreflexia is defined as overactive or overresponsive reflexes. Examples of this can include twitching or spastic tendencies, which are indicative of upper motor neuron disease as well as the lessening or loss of control ordinarily exerted by higher brain centers of lower neural pathways (disinhibition).
Hypertonia (UMN) vs hypo (lower)
is a condition in which there is too much muscle tone so that arms or legs, for example, are stiff and difficult to move. Muscle tone is regulated by signals that travel from the brain to the nerves and tell the muscle to contract.
upper vs lower neuron signs
Lower - hyporeflexia, hypotonia, flaccid, fasciculations (twitching as lose innervation)
thought to be caused by release of acetylcholine from the degenerating nerve terminal at the neuromuscular junction.
upper - spastic, clasp knife rigidity, babinski (fanning after 1yo), clonus
Clonus is a type of neurological condition that creates involuntary muscle contractions. This results in uncontrollable, rhythmic, shaking movements. People who experience clonus report repeated contractions that occur rapidly.
Hypoperfusion of the anterior spinal artery
The anterior (ventral) spinal artery (ASA) ( ventral cord) relies on only one artery, making it more vulnerable to infarction than the posterior cord.
Occlusion or hypoperfusion of the anterior spinal artery results in weakness below the level of occlusion, loss of pain, and temperature at or below the level because of involvement of the lateral spinothalamic tracts, and autonomic dysfunction such as loss of bowel and bladder function.
Although the blood supply to the spinal cord is considered rich, the spinal canal is narrowest—and the blood supply is poorest—at T4-9. This is why it is deemed the critical vascular zone of the spinal cord, since interference with circulation is most likely to result in paraplegia. The upper thoracic ASA territory is considered a watershed area, with the artery of Adamkiewicz being one of the largest radicular arteries supplying the ASA.
It causes bilateral deficits below the lesion affecting:
Pain and temperature sensation (spinothalamic tract)
Voluntary motor control (lateral corticospinal tract)
Autonomic motor control (including bladder and bowel control)
However, the dorsal columns (light touch, vibration, proprioception) are spared. This patient most likely had an anterior cord infarction at the level of T4 during a period of hemodynamic instability requiring transfusions.
Anterior spinal artery syndrome - often after surgery - esp if lose blood
can affect all ascending and descending pathways except for the dorsal columns, which are located in the most posterior aspect of the spinal cord. Because the dorsal columns are used for proprioception and vibration, these functions should remain intact, whereas all others (pain, temperature, motor functions) should be decreased. This patient would then experience decreased pain sensation and normal vibration sense.
The dorsal column–medial lemniscus pathway (DCML)
The dorsal column includes the fasciculus cuneatus and fasciculus gracilis, each of which contain sensory neurons involved in pressure, vibration, fine touch, and proprioception.
(also known as the posterior column-medial lemniscus pathway, PCML) is a sensory pathway of the central nervous system that conveys sensations of fine touch, vibration, two-point discrimination, and proprioception (position) from the skin and joints.
What is the function of the lateral corticospinal tract?
most muscles
The lateral corticospinal tract contains over 90% of the fibers present in the corticospinal tract and runs the length of the spinal cord. The primary responsibility of the lateral corticospinal tract is to control the voluntary movement of contralateral limbs.
anterior corticospinal tract - trunk muscles - don’t decussate
do not decussate in the pyramidal decussation and instead continue down to the spinal cord on the ipsilateral side of the brainstem from where they originated. The anterior corticospinal tract is involved in controlling proximal muscles, like those of the trunk.
The lateral spinothalamic tract, - PAIN, TEMP
also known as the lateral spinothalamic fasciculus, is an ascending pathway located anterolaterally within the peripheral white matter of the spinal cord. It is primarily responsible for transmitting pain and temperature as well as coarse touch.
anterior spinothalamic tract, COURSE touch and pressure
also known as the ventral spinothalamic fasciculus, is an ascending pathway located anteriorly within the spinal cord, primarily responsible for transmitting coarse touch and pressure.
1 mo old - difficulty with feedings and has noticed that he cannot keep his head supported while in the prone position. On examination, you notice the boy has a weak cry and difficulty maintaining posture. The infant also has generalized muscle atrophy and reduced ankle and brachial reflexes.
Anterior horn of spinal cord
This patient presents with difficulty maintaining posture and head support, diminished deep tendon reflexes, and weak cry, all of which suggest a lower motor neuron (LMN) lesion. This patient most likely has spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) type 1, also known as Werdnig-Hoffmann disease, which is characterized by destruction of the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord. SMA is due to an autosomal recessive mutation in the SMN1 gene (survival motor neuron) that is thought to play a role in mRNA synthesis in motor neurons and inhibition of apoptosis. This condition affects only the LMN system, which includes the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord, ventral nerve root, peripheral nerve, neuromuscular junction, and skeletal muscle. Patients with LMN disease will experience muscle atrophy, proximal muscle weakness, fasciculations, hypotonia, and diminished deep tendon reflexes. Poliomyelitis infection could also cause isolated LMN disease.
polio - lack of vaccine - intl travel
Neuron loss in the anterior horns
Poliovirus is passed by the fecal-oral route and initially infects the Peyer patches of the intestine and motor neurons. The disease can manifest with a spectrum of severity, as noted in the table. Replication of poliovirus in motor neurons of the anterior horn of the spinal cord results in cell destruction, which leads to the neurologic sequelae of poliomyelitis. There is no cure for polio and treatment is aimed at preventing complications, including paralysis, hypotonia, and hyperreflexia.
ALS - Anterior horn and lateral column degeneration with gliosis
Patient has long-term history of muscle weakness within his lower extremities, which has confined him to a wheelchair. His other symptoms, including dysarthria, tongue fasciculations, dysphagia, and extensor plantar responses, support a diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig disease. ALS usually begins in middle age and progresses to death over a period of a few years
is characterized by the atrophy of the anterior horn cells and replacement of the large motor neurons by fibrous astrocytes (gliosis), which causes the affected anterior and lateral columns of the spinal cord to become hard (lateral sclerosis).
ALS is characterized by the atrophy of the anterior horn cells and replacement of the large motor neurons by fibrous astrocytes (gliosis), which causes the affected anterior and lateral columns of the spinal cord to become hard (lateral sclerosis). This degenerative process is marked by the loss of upper and lower motor neurons, with sparing of sensory and autonomic neurons. The degeneration of the anterior horn results in progressive weakness that proceeds from neurogenic muscular atrophy to paralysis. The skeletal muscle fibers appear small and angular due to denervation atrophy. In this scenario, the patient developed lower motor neuron signs of weakness, atrophy, and fasciculations. Loss of neurons in the nuclei of cranial nerves V, IX, X, and XII can also be present, resulting in bulbar signs (dysarthria, dysphagia) from the lower motor neuron lesion.
The patient also has a positive Babinski reflex (extensor plantar response), which is indicative of upper motor neuron lesions. Upper motor neuron signs are due to degeneration of the lateral corticospinal tract and mild atrophy of the prefrontal gyrus. Patients usually retain mental function over the course of the disease, and death is usually caused by paralysis of respiratory muscles.
A whorled pattern of concentrically arranged spindle cells
within the meninges describes the classic microscopic appearance of a meningioma. These neoplasms are slow growing and resectable, but may reach a large size before symptoms such as headaches and blurry vision lead to detection.
vegan, weak, unsteady, falling, b12 deficiency
Which of the following CNS regions is most likely abnormal in this patient?
Dorsal columns, lateral corticospinal tracts, and spinocerebellar tracts
The most prominent findings in vitamin B12 deficiency are glossitis (large, shiny tongue), macrocytic megaloblastic anemia with hypersegmentedneutrophils, and neurologic findings including dementia-like symptoms and ataxia. These neurologic findings are due to the degeneration of neurons and myelin in the dorsal columns, lateral corticospinal tracts, and spinocerebellar tracts (red arrow), indicative of B12 deficiency.
tertiary syphilis.
The dorsal column and dorsal roots are affected in tabes dorsalis caused by
Degeneration of the ventral horn, precentral gyrus, and lateral corticospinal tract is seen in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
The anterior white commissure is affected in syringomyelia, in which a syrinx develops within the central canal of the spinal cord, typically at C8-T1 levels.
The medial longitudinal fasciculus and periventricular white matter area are commonly involved in multiple sclerosis.
Vestibulospinal tracts VIP - stand - extesors
The descending tracts that originate from the vestibular nuclei of the brainstem. They consist of a medial tract and a lateral tract. The medial vestibulospinal tract arises from the medial vestibular nucleus. It descends on the ipsilateral side of the spinal cord.
The spinocerebellar tracts
are afferent neurons that convey proprioceptive data from the spinal cord to the cerebellum. There are anterior (or Gowers’ tract) and posterior spinocerebellar tracts, the latter also referred to as Flechsig’s tract.
two eyes can’t move together? MS
Lesion - Medial longitudinal fasciculus
MS is a chronic neurologic disorder affecting the white matter of the central nervous system (CNS). This disease typically affects young women (20–30 years old) and commonly manifests first with ocular problems. Other symptoms include unilateral optic neuritis, cerebellar dysfunction (ataxia, nystagmus, vertigo), bowel and bladder dysfunction, tingling or numbness, and muscle weakness. These symptoms can be exacerbated by heat since it slows the rate of conduction through demyelinated nerves even more, which explains why this patient experienced worsening weakness and fatigue after being in a sauna (Uhthoff phenomenon).
When a healthy patient gazes to one side, lower motor neurons in the abducens nucleus send fibers via CN VI to the ipsilateral lateral rectus muscle, causing the ipsilateral eye to abduct. Simultaneously, interneurons in the abducens nucleus send their fibers across the midline to enter the contralateral medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) and synapse on neurons in the oculomotor nucleus that innervate the medial rectus muscle and cause the opposite eye to adduct. Through this mechanism, both eyes move conjugately in the horizontal plane. In MS, demyelination of the MLF secondary to the underlying disease process results in the failure of either eye to abduct on attempted horizontal gaze.
The contralateral abducting eye may demonstrate a horizontal nystagmus. The underlying mechanism for the nystagmus is uncertain, but it may be explained by the Heringlaw of equal innervation, which states that conjugate eye movements occur because yoke muscles (eg, the medial and lateral recti for horizontal eye movements) receive equal and simultaneous innervation. In INO, attempts to increase innervation to the weak medial rectus muscle are accompanied by a commensurate increase in innervation to its yoke muscle (the contralateral lateral rectus), producing nystagmus.
The Edinger-Westphal nucleus
supplies parasympathetic innervation to the pupil and ciliary muscle, but not to the somatic fibers involved in ocular movement.
The arcuate fasciculus
connects the Broca and Wernicke language areas in the dominant (usually left) hemisphere. Damage results in a language impairment known as conduction aphasia.
The medial lemniscus is a brainstem fiber pathway
that carries somatosensory information from the extremities to the brain. Lesions here produce a loss of fine touch, conscious proprioception, and vibratory sense from the contralateral side of the body.
Frontal Eye Field
The frontal eye field (FEF) is located near the intersection of the middle frontal gyrus with the precentral gyrus. Irritative lesions to the FEF (eg, seizure) cause horizontal conjugate deviation of the eyes away from the lesion, whereas destructive lesions of the FEF (eg, stroke) produce horizontal conjugate gaze toward the side of the lesion
The dorsal root ganglion is damaged in Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome,
which manifests as a loss of limb sensation.
Damage to the dorsal columns results from syphilis and vitamin B12 deficiency,
which manifests with proprioceptive and vibratory sensation abnormalities.
Ventral horn damag
e can occur from poliomyelitis and ALS and results in motor damage rather than sensory impairment.
Chiari I malformation,
Spinothalamic tract
frequent headaches that worsen when she bends over.
lost some sensation in both of her hands,
Show CT
which is an anatomic abnormality characterized by displacement of the cerebellar tonsils below the level of the foramen magnum. A common manifestation of Chiari I malformation is elevated intracranial pressure, which would explain this woman’s position-dependent headaches.
Chiari I malformations are often associated with syringomyelia, a disorder caused by a cystic cavity (syrinx) inside the spinal cord which most commonly affects the C8–T1 level. The syrinx can impinge upon fibers of the spinothalamic tract as they cross through the anterior white commissure, located medially and anterior to the center of the spinal cord. Involvement of the spinothalamic tract results in bilateral loss of pain and temperature sensation, usually seen in the upper extremities (with a syrinx located around C8–T1).
Anterior horn problem - polio
anterior white commissure - syringomyelia.
Degeneration of the posterior columns and corticospinal characteristic of pernicious anemia (vitamin B12 deficiency).
Degeneration of the posterior column is a classic finding in tertiary syphilis.
A 63-year-old man undergoes surgery to remove a benign tumor in the spinal canal. As a result of the surgery, there is damage to fasciculus gracilis on the right side at T7-T10. Following recovery, he has a limited neurologic deficit due to this damage. Which of the following is most likely given these findings?
. Decreased pain sensation from the right leg Incorrect
b. Decreased proprioceptive sensation from the right leg
c. Dysmetria in the left arm
d. Dysmetria in the right arm
e. Decreased pain sensation from the left leg
f. Decreased proprioceptive sensation from the left leg
Fasciculus gracilis, within the posterior columns, carries fine touch, proprioception, and vibration sensation from the ipsilateral lower body and leg (starting at about T6).
The correct answer is: Decreased proprioceptive sensation from the right leg
C5 - C6` - elbow
c 4, c5 shoulder
c7 - 8 triceps
c 5 - 6 biceps
c8 - wrist flexion
patellar reflex
S1 - Achilles
lateral pontine syndrome
cause: infarct of circumferential branches of the basilar and anterior inferior cerebellar (AICA) arteries.
ipsilateral loss of pain/temperature sensation from the face and contralateral loss of pain/temperature sensation from the trunk and extremities
Wallenberg syndrome vs Lateral Pontine?
Lateral Pontine is similar to lateral medullary syndrome (Wallenberg syndrome) except that it also involves the trigeminal nucleus.
most common brain stem stroke? LEFT MEDULLA if LEFT FACE< right body
wallenburg - sudden onset hoarseness, dysphagia, ataxia, and alternating hemianalgesia (diminished pain/temperature sensation of the ipsilateral face and contralateral body)
Hoarseness (or dysphagia)?
Lateral medulla has most likely been affected by dissection or thrombosis of the vertebral artery, which gives rise to the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA). The PICA supplies blood to structures of the lateral medulla (vestibular nuclei, spinal cord tracts) and the inferior cerebellar peduncle.
if present) is fairly specific for lateral medullary syndrome (Wallenberg syndrome) because it points to a lesion of the nucleus ambiguus (CN IX, X, XI)
expect also to see ptosis and miosis
paralysis and loss of vibratory sensation and proprioception on the right side
“a funny feeling” in her right arm and leg.
her tongue deviates to the left
Anterior spinal artery
The patient’s symptoms of headache, nausea, and vomiting combined with a fundus photo depicting swelling of the optic nerve head (papilledema), are strongly suggestive of
increased intracranial pressure (ICP).
pineal mass