Neurophysiology Flashcards
the study of life processes within neurons that use electrical and chemical signals.
How does communication between neurons work?
-For information to be processed by the nervous system, it must first be gathered (e.g. from the sensory system) and then relayed from neuron to neuron
–Each neuron in the chain (circuit) sequentially processes the signals given to them
Inter-cellular Communication
-signals travel from one cell to another
-Movement of information BETWEEN cells/neurons
-Information is transmitted through circuits from neuron to neuron to neuron
-A neurotransmitter is a chemical messenger between neurons
Intra-cellular communication
-signals travel within a single cell
-Movement of information WITHIN cells/neurons
-Information is received – dendrites
-Integrated and processed – axon hillock
-Transmitted / conducted – axon
-An action potential is a rapid electrical
signal that travels along the axon of a
Extracellular Fluid
-A phospholipid bilayer separates extracellular fluid (outside the cell)
Intracellular fluid
-fluid inside the cell
Phospholipid Bilayer
-Hydrophilic region of the protein, on the ends of the bilayer
-Hydrophobic region of the protein, in the middle of the bilayer
Membrane Voltage Differential
-Not unique to neurons
-Inside of the cell is more negatively charged than the space immediately outside of the cell
-Ions are dissolved in intracellular fluid,
separated from the extracellular fluid by the cell membrane
Concentration of ions is different inside vs. outside the cell
-Ions are charge carrying molecules
–Dissolved in intracellular fluid, separated from the extracellular fluid by the cell membrane
Higher concentration outside (vs. inside
the cell)
-Cations: Na+, Ca++
-Anion: Cl
Higher concentration inside (vs. outside
the cell)
-Cations: K+
-Negatively charged proteins
Concentration force
Ions move from high concentration to low
Electric force
-Opposite charges attract
-Like charges repel
-concentration and electrical force can collaborate or oppose one another
Resting membrane potential
-Rest/resting means in the absence of any other external input
- -60 to -70 mV (more negative inside
than outside)
-At resting membrane potential, K+ channels are open and Na+ channels are closed
How is resting membrane potential maintained?
-Sodium-Potassium pump
–“Pump” proteins are within membrane expend energy against their gradient
–Na+/K+ - ATPase pump
–This protein moves 3 Na+ ions out and 2 K+ ions in for every molecule of energy that is utilized
Ions moving across the membrane
-If membrane becomes transiently permeable, ions will move in the direction governed by the concentration and electrical forces
–Move down their electro-chemical
-This is possible because of opening and
closing of ion-selective channels that
span the membrane
-K+ reaches equilibrium when the movement
out is balanced by the movement in
Ligand-Gated Ion Channels
-Axon terminals of other cells secrete
chemicals that can regulate the opening of
–Gated by neurotransmitter / ligand
–Also called ionotropic receptors
-When ligand-gated/ionotropic receptors
open …
–Ions flow through respective channel
–Membrane potential around the
channel changes
–Membrane potential change travels
with them
–Ions flow and then travel – as they move, their effect (de-/hyperpolarization) weakens
Upon channel opening…
-If cations enter the cell, the membrane voltage potential becomes less negative
–Depolarizes (less polarized)
–Excitatory post-synaptic potential
-If anions enter the cell (or cations exit),
the membrane voltage potential becomes
more negative
–Hyperpolarizes (more polarized)
–Inhibitory post-synaptic potential
-the job of combining these signals together
-Neurons receive inputs from many sources
(neurons) and must put all of that information
together – there are two types of summation
-Spatial summation
-Temporal summation
-the job of translating those signals into a decision to send an output to the next neurons in the chain (circuit) or not
Spatial Summation
the summing of potentials that come from different parts of the cell
Temporal Summation
the summing of potentials that arrive at the axon hillock at different times
What are they summing to?
-Many inputs are summed
-If the sum reaches threshold potential, an
action potential begins
–Action potentials begin at the axon hillock
(initial segment of the axon)
-Begin traveling actively through the cell,
including down the axon
Action Potentials
-brief (transient) but large changes in the membrane potential
-They originate at the axon hillock
and propagate along the axon
the voltage (-40 to -55 mV) that the membrane needs to reach before an action potential is generated
-occurs when the interior of the cell becomes less negative
-This increases the potential towards threshold
further increasing the probability of the occurrence of an action potential.
occurs as the membrane potential becomes negative
occurs when the interior of the membrane becomes even more negative than the resting state, relative to the outside. During this phase
the cell is in a refractory period– it cannot
generate another action potential
The strength of an action potential is defined by..
the number of action potentials generated–
not by the peak height of the action potential
Temporal Occurrence of the action potential
-indicates that action potentials travel in one
direction– from the soma to the axon terminal
-This is because of the refractory state of the membrane after a depolarization
Voltage-Gated Na+ Channels Active
-When the membrane potential reaches threshold:
–Voltage-gated Na+ channels open
–The membrane voltage, not a chemical, is the trigger
–Channels activate: Na+ ions rush into the cell
–Membrane potential moves towards positive range
Voltage-Gated Na+ Channels Inactive
-After a fixed period of time, the Na+ channels
–Inactivation = state in which channel is closed and temporarily unable to open again
–Absolute and relative
refractory period
Voltage-Gated K+ Channels Active
-As the inside of the cell becomes more positive, voltage-gated K+ channels open
–They open more slowly
–“Delayed activating” K+ channels
-K+ moves out, and the resting potential is restored
-Membrane becomes more
negative (inside relative to
outside) again
Action Potential Ends
-After a short period, K+ channels close
-Na+ channels transition from inactive to deactive (closed but capable of opening)
Possible Series of Events
-Neuron is “at rest”
–No inputs active (EPSPs and IPSPs)
–Na+ concentration is high outside the cell
–K+ concentration is high inside the cell
– - 60 to -70 mV; most channels are closed
-Axon terminal releases neurotransmitter onto dendrite causing the opening of LIGAND-gated ion channels
–Na+ rushes inwards; EPSP
–EPSP moves down the dendrite towards the cell body, passively propagating, getting weaker as it travels
-EPSP reaches cell body/axon hillock in weak state, but spatially sums with other EPSPs arriving at the same time from other dendrites, causing cell to reach membrane threshold potential
Possible Series of Events Pt. 2
-VOLTAGE-gated Na+ channels rapidly open in response to threshold
–Membrane potential climbs towards 0 mV, and even becomes more positive inside than outside
-Na+ channels inactivate (close and are unable to open)
-K+ channels open after a short delay
-K+ rushes outwards, bringing the membrane potential back into the negative range, often more negative than at rest
-K+ channels close, Na+ channels transition from inactive to deactive (closed and ABLE to open again) state
-Na+/K+ Pumps restore ion concentration gradients
-The cell is at rest again
Active and Passive Propagation
-Active propagation of action potential is slow (10 m/s) but it does not weaken
-Takes many small steps down the axon – some chance of failure at every step
-Passive propagation (not dependent on voltage changes) is fast, but it weakens
Saltatory Conduction
-Action potential starts at the axon hillock, moving passively through the myelinated
segment – quick but weakening
-When it reaches first Node of Ranvier, it regains full charge through active means
-Then moves passively through next myelinated segment