Neuronal communication Flashcards
how do cells communicate with another
- cell releases a chemical
- which has an effect on the target cell
during cell signalling cells can:
- transfer signals locally, between neurones
- transfer signals across large distances using hormones
describe the structure of a neurone
- cell body: large amounts of ER and mitochondria which are involved in the production of neurotransmitters
these are chemicals which are used to pass signals from one neurone to the next - axon: singular elongated nerve fibres that transmit impulses away from the cell body , the fibre is cylindrical in shape consisting of a very narrow region
- dendrons: short extensions which come from the cell body, these divide into smaller branches called dendrites
responsible for transmitting electrical impulses towards the cell body
describe sensory neurones?
- transmit impulse from a secondary receptor cell to a relay neurone, motor neurone or brain
- one dendron
- which carries the impulse to the cell body
- one axon
- which carries the impulse away from the cell body
describe relay neurones?
- these neurons transmit impulses between neurons
- they have many short axons and dendrons
describe motor neurones?
- these neurones transmit impulses from a relay neurone to an effector such as a muscle or gland
- one axon and many short dendrites
describe myelinated neurones
- can transmit impulses at up to 100 metres per seconds
- Axon of a myelinated neurone is covered in myelin
- the sheath is formed by Schwann cells growing around the axon several times
- there
are gaps in the myelin sheath known as nodes of Ranvier electrical impulse moves in a series of
jumps’ from one node to the next/saltatory conduction impulse transmitted much faster than
along an unmyelinated axon (1).
difference between myelinated and unmyelinated neurons
- in myelinated neurons, the electric impulse jumps from one node to the next, making it transmit faster
- in unmyelinated neurons, electric impulses do not jump it transmits continuously alone the nerve fibre so is much slower
describe the role of a sensory receptor in the body
- convert the stimulus they detect, into a nerve impulse
- the information is then passed through the nervous system and into the CNS
describe the features of the sensory receptors
- they are specific to a single type of stimulus
- they act as a transducer- convert a stimulus into a nerve impulse
what is the stimulus of a mechanoreceptor
- pressure and movement
- in skin
what is the role of a transducer
- the receptor converts the stimulus into a nervous impulse called a generator potential
what is the pacinian corpuscle
- specific sensory receptor that detect mechanical pressure
- located deep within your skin and are most abundant in the fingers
explain how a pacinian corpuscle converts mechanical pressure into a nervous impulse?
- ) in its resting state, the stretch-mediated sodium ion channels are too narrow to allow sodium ions to pass through
- the neuron has a resting potential - ) when pressure is applied to the pacinian corpuscle, it changes shape causing the membrane surrounding its neurone to stretch
- ) when the membrane stretches, the sodium ion channels present widen
- sodium ions now diffuse into the neurone - ) the influx of the positive sodium ins changes the potential of the membrane- it becomes DEPOLIRISED
- this results in a generator potential - ) generator potential creates an action potential then passes along sensory neurons
- ) action potential will be transmitted along neurons to the CNS
describe and explain the events in the creation of a resting potential
- ) 3 sodium ions are actively pumped out of the axon
- ) 2 potassium ions are actively pumped into the axon
- ) this is done by a intrinsic proteins called, Potassium-sodium pump
4.) as a result there are more sodium ions outside the membrane than inside the axon, where as there are more potassium ions inside the cytoplasm than outside the axon
5.) therefore sodium ions are diffuse back into the axon down its electrochemical gradient
- where as potassium ions diffuse out of the axon
6.) more of the gated sodium ion channels are closed preventing the movement of sodium ions
however potassium ion channels are open allowing potassium ions to diffuse out of the axon
- therefore there are more positively charged ions outside the axon than inside
this creates a resting potential across the membrane of -70mV with the inside negative relative to the outside
describe and explain the events of action potential?
- ) energy of the stimulus triggers some sodium voltage-gated channels to open therefrom sodium ions diffuse into the axon down there electrochemical gradient making the inside of neurone less negative
- ) this change causes more sodium ion channels to open allowing more sodium ions do diffuse into the axon, example of positive feedback
- ) when potential difference reaches +40mV, sodium voltage-gated channels close and potassium voltage-gated channels ope membrane more permeable to potassium ions
- ) potassium ions diffuse out of the axon down their elecrochemical gradient reducing the charge and inside of axon more negative than outside
- ) lots of potassium ion diffuse out of the axon resulting the inside of the axon becoming more negative this is known as hyper-polarisation
6.) the voltage-gated potassium channels now close the sodium potassium pump causes sodium ions to move out of the cell and potassium ions to move in the axon returns to its resting potential
it is now repolarised
describe the structure of a synapse
- the gap which seperates the axon of one neurone from the dendrite of the next neuron
- gap is 20-30nm across - ) PRESYNAPTIC neurone:
- neurone along which the impulse has arrived - ) POSTSYNAPTIC neurone:
- neurone that receives the neurotransmitter - ) SYNAPTIC KNOB:
- the swollen end of the presynaptic neurone
- contains mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum to enable it to manufacture neurotransmitters - ) SYNAPTIC VESICLES
- vesicles containing neurotransmitters
- vesicles fuse with the presynaptic membrane and release their contents into the synaptic cleft - ) Neurotransmitter receptors:
- receptor molecules which the neurotransmitter binds to in the postsynaptic membrane
what are the types of neurotransmitters?
1.) excitory - these result in the depolarisation of the postsynaptic neurone
if the threshold is reached in the postsynaptic membrane, an action potential is triggered
- acetycholine is an example of an excitatory neurotransmitter
2.) inhibitory - these result in the hyperpolarsation of the postsynaptic membrane
this prevents an action potential being triggered
- gamma- aminobutyric acid is an example
what happens in order for the synaptic transmissions to occur?
- action potential reached the end of the presynaptic neurone
- depolarisation of the the presynaptic neurone cuases calcium ion channels to open
- calcium ions diffuse into the presynaptic knob
- this causes the synaptic vesicles to fuse with the presynaptic membrane
- ## it gets released into the synaptic cleft via exocytosis
describe and explain the mechanism of transmission across a cholinergic synapse
- arrival of an action potential causes calcium ions channels to open and calcium ions enter the synaptic knob
- the influx of calcium ions into the presynaptic neurone causes synaptic vesicles to fuse with presynaptic membrane so releasing acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft
- acetylcholine molecules fuse with receptor sites on the sodium ion channel in the membrane of the postsynaptic neurone
- this causes the sodium ions channels to open allowing sodium ions to diffuse rapidly along a concentration gradient
- the influx of sodium ions generates a new action potential in the postynaptic neurone
- acetylcholinesterase hydrolyses acetycholine into choline and ethanoic acid, which diffuse back into the synaptic cleft and into the presynaptic neurone
- breakdown of acetyhcholine also prevents it from generating a nee action potential
- ATP released by mitochondria is used to combine choline and ethanoic acid into acetylcholine
- this is stored in synaptic vesicles for future use
- sodium ion channels close in the absence of acetylcholine in the receptor sites
give three roles of the synapses
- they ensure impulses are unindirectional
as impulses can only teavel from the presynaptic neurone to the postsynaptic neurone - they can allow an impulse from one neureon to be transmitted to a number of nuerones at multiple synapses
- a number of nuerones may feed in to the same synapse with a single postsynaptic neurone
explain both of the summation
- spatial summation:
- this occurs when a number of presynaptic neurones connect to one postsynaptic neurone - each releases neurotransmitter which builds up to a high enough level in the synapse to trigger an action potential in the single postsynaptic neurone
- temporal summation
- occurs when a single presynaptic neurone releases neurotransmitter as a result of an action potential several times over a short period - this builds up in the synapse until quantity is sufficient to trigger an action potential
what are the 2 mammalian nervous systems?
- central nervous system (CNS) - consists of your brain and spinal cord
- Peripheral nervous system (PNS) - consists of all the neurones that connect CNS to the rest of the body
- sensory - carry nerve impulses- CNS
- motor - to effectors
what are the 2 functional organisations
- somatic nervous system - under conscious control
carries impulses to the bodies muscles - autonomic nervous system - system works constantly
it is under subconscious control and is use when your body does something automatic without you deciding to do it , it is involuntary
carries nerve impulses to glands smooth muscle
which nervous system is further divided?
- autonomic nervous system
- into sympathetic motor system
- into parasympathetic motor system
what is the neurotransmitter at effector in a somatic nervous system and effector organ?
- acetylcholine
- skeletal muscle
what is the neurotransmitter at effector in a sympathetic motor system and effector organ?
- NA none
- smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, glands
what is the neurotransmitter at effector in a parasympathetic motor system and effector organ?
- acetylcholine
- smooth muscle, cardiac muscle
what does the cerebrum do>
controls and coordinates all voluntary actions such as
learning, memory, personality and conscious thought) +some involuntary ones
describe the cerebrum>
Receives sensory information, interprets it with respect to
that stored from previous experiences and then sends
impulses along motor neurones to effectors to produce
appropriate response
Highly convoluted to increase surface area and capacity for
complex activity
Left and right cerebral hemispheres. Outer layer known as
cerebral cortex - most sophisticated processes such as
reasoning and decision making occur in frontal and
prefrontal lobe of cerebral cortex
Each sensory area receives information from receptor cells
located in sense organs; size allocated proportional to
relative number of receptor cells in body part. Information
passed to association areas to be analysed and acted
upon. Impulses come into motor areas where motor
neurones send out impulses; size allocated proportional to
relative number of motor endings in it.
Base of brain impulses from each side of body cross – left
hemisphere receives impulses from ride hand-side of body