neuromuscular control Flashcards
-deep pressure and touch
-certain locations joint positions and movement awareness
joint receptors
-joint capsule and ligaments
-joint position and rate of movement
-only at extreme ranges of motion
Golgi tendon organs
-lie within muculotendions junction
-stimulated by muscle tension
muscle spindles
-lie parallel and within the muscle fibers
-anatomy of a muscle spindle
-what happens when stimulated
-horizontal and vertical cue
-orientation to environment
-inner ear
-head position and movement
stretch reflex
-unlearned response to stimulus sends afferent signal up to 1a afferent
-response to stretching
reciprocal inhibition
-opposite side, agonist is contracting antagonist relaxes
autogenic inhibition
- within same, inhibition of same muscle contracting
crossed extensor
-automatic controls
central pattern generators
-automatic movements
-specific to action controls
-initiated by command neurons
spinal cord
control of movement
Brian stem
-postural control
-efferent fibers go to SC to influence motor neurons
cerebral cortex
- major integrating center
-somatropic map
-movements based on perceived need
-no direct efferent to SC and brain stem
-timing device
-learning device