Neuromuscular Flashcards
serotonin blocker used in the PNS and is an analogue to somatostatin
serotonin blocker that treats serotonin syndrome by blocking its receptors in the CNS
serotonin blocker that helps stop vomiting
poison that blocks glycine in the spinal cord
treats Alzheimers for a short time by blocking ACHesterase
Blocks the effects of glutamate in the NMDA pathway so that it isn’t inhibited (treats Alzehimers too)
Dopamine blocker
antiemetic drug for kids
Dopamine Blocker
antiemetic drug for adults
block that blocks Substance P and is found in chill papers
- increases the threshold for pain
nitric oxide is made from what
treatment for organophosphate poisoning
takes the place of choline so you cannot make acetylcholine and causes sympathetic effects
anticholinergic used in dystonia patients (strained muscle contraction) can also maybe be used for Parkinsons
used for motion sickness
ipartropium and tiatropiu
two drugs used when the patient has obstructive lung disease, they both block CGMP
used for incontinence in adults
serotonin agonist used to treat GERD
treats migrant headaches by causing vasoconstriction
treats migrant headaches by causing vasoconstriction
serotonin agonist but also a dopamine blocker that can cause parkinson in patients
cholinergic agonist used to treat glaucoma and as a sweat test for CF
cholinergic agonist for post op UTI
post op tx for UTI
drug of choice for neurogenic shock
short acting drug used to diagnose Pheochromocytoma by blocking alpha receptors and BP will drop
treatment for pheochromocytoma
used for erectile disfunction before viagra
treats HTN only and has first dose syncope because it vasodialtes very quickly
first line for BPH
Fist line for BPH
blocks the reuptake of catecholamines
promote the release of catecholamines
ammonium chloride
treats amphetamine overdose
alpha 2 receptor agonist that is used for behavioral problems and HTN.
- a major side affect is rebound HTN if stop taking it
Alpha Methyldopa
drug of choice for HTN in pregnant women
-methyl group doesn’t cross placenta, BUT it can cause autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Nonspecific beta agonist (2)
Epinephrine and Norepinephrine
what receptors are found in the lungs and are responsible for bronchodialation
Beta 2
receptors that controls the conversion of T4-T3 in the liver
beta 2
first line for asthma and COPD
first line for asthma and COPD
Ritodrine and Terbutaline
used for preterm labor
Salmeterol and Fometerol
long acting beta 2 agonist that get combined with steroids to treat asthma
longest acting beta blocker
shortest acting beta blocker and used by anesthesiologist because during induction someone’s BP can rapidly raise
Timolol and Pindolol
used for open angle glaucoma
only beta blocker that can block potassium channels but can widen QT interval
B blocker that has smooth muscle relaxant effects
Labetolol and Carvedilol
alpha an beta blockers and can treat pheochromocytoma, hypeternsive cirrus when sodium nitroprusside isn’t avaiblabe.
- used in pregnant women with hypertensive crisis
Atenolol and pinadalol are special why
because they blocker beta receptors but they have partial agonist affect good to treat diabetics who have had a heart attack or patients with COPD
used to treat HTN by blocking the vesicle formation of catecholamines
taken up presynaptically and makes catecholamines be released without their vesicles so that MAO can break them down, UDE is HTN
drug that blocks calcium because it blocks all things 2+ and treats lead poisoning and copper posing
chelator used for lead poisoning that has the same affect as penicillamine
what toxin blocks the release of glycine from the spinal cord causing strong muscle contractions
Leriche Syndrome
70% stenosis of the aorta-illiac arteries and causes claudication in the butt due to interference with the pudendal arteries
CPK is found in what part of the sarcomere
M line
Dilated cardiomyopathy presents with what heart sound
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy presents with what heart sound
what is the only loop diuretic that will not cause permemnant hearing loss
pure beta 1 agonist that will increase HR
drug that vasodialates the kidney and GI arteries as well as inreasesing HR is
dopamine , feldopam
what can lead to digitalis toxicity since it stops the sodium potassium pump and keeps calcium in and why
Hypercalcemia, becuase there will be an insane amount of calcium in the cell and it will damage the lysosomes and cause cell death
two treatments for digitalis toxicity (antidotes)
Digibind and Digifab
Conavaptan and Tolvaptan
drugs that block ADH
main parasite that can cause myositis
Trichinella Spiralis
only myopathy that has a rash that looks like a helicopter rash that can be on the hand or the eyelid “Gorton Sign”
what should yu rule out of someone has dermatomyositis
colon cancer
when muscle insertions hurt and occurs when you move your muscles
patients with fibromyalgia have a high incidence of what
temporal arteritis
patient has weak shoulder girdle and difficult reaching things over their head
fibromyalgia rheumatica
beckers muscular dystrophy has what genetic problem
missence mutation
myotonic dystrophy?
increased muscle tone that leads to degeneration of muscle over time. Intense face features “Birds beak sign”
myotonic dystrophy has what genetic problem
tri nucleotide repeats
attack on peripheral nerves and will eventually cause muscles to atrophy and has ascending paralysis is what
Gillian Barre
leading pathogen to cause Guillian Barree
Campylobacter jejunii
glove and stocking distribution of neuropathy due to deposition of sorbitol
diabetic neuropathy
someone with problems in two point discrimination, conscious proprioception, and vibration (doral column attacked) and shooting stabbing pain. The pupils in these people accommodate but are slow to react (Argyll Robertson pupil)
in 49% of cases Myasthenia Gravis is due to
drug that diagnosis MG
Lamber Eaton syndrome is usually due to what
small cell cancer of the lung
small cell cancer of the lung poisoning the sarcoplasmic reticulum so that calcium is sequestered slowly and causes increased contraction as the sy goes on?
Lambert Eaton Syndrome
tx for organophosphate (ACHesterase Inhibitor) poison
used to clear up pulmonary secretions before surgery
fasiculaitons seen in a newborn with congenital anterior horn degneration
Wedding Hoffman Disease
middle aged woman with vision problems and antibodies to her own myelin and has trigeminal neuralgia
Multiple Sclerosis
5-10 year old child with deymlination of neurons and deficient in arylsulphatase
Metachromatic Leukodystrophy
asymmetrical paralysis that follows 2 weeks after gastroenteritis with the virus hiding in the dorsal root ganglion
kids 5-10 telangiectasis all over the body (spider) IgA deficiency DNA breakage repair problems increased risk for skin cancer
Ataxia Telangiectasia
kids 5-10
increased incidence of Retinits Pigemntosa, Scoliosis, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Fredrich Ataxia
kids 5-10 Carnitine Acyltransferase 1 Deficiency x-linked involves cortical white matter adrenal gland failure