Neuromuscular Flashcards
O que é neuroartropatia de Charcot?
Destruição progressiva de ossos e articulação dos pés e tornozelos por neurotrauma e inflamação não infecciosa
Sintomas de disautonomia
Disfunção erétil, alteração esfincteriana, saciedade precoce, náusea, vômito com pedaços de comida, perda de peso, hipotensão ortostática, intolerância ao calor
Main gene related to congenital myasthenic syndrome
CHRNE gene, also RAPSN, CHAT, COLQ, and DOK7
Inheritance of congenital myasthenic syndrome
Usually autosomal recessive
How long to resolve acute painful diabetic neuropathy?
12 months
How long after a diabetic treatment can an induced neuropathy appear?
Up to 8 weeks
Slowly progressive spastic paraparesis associated with a demyelinating peripheral neuro- pathy in a patient with a family history of gait impairment suggests
A rapidly progressive sensory ataxia with cervical MRI studies demonstrating T2 hyperintensity in the posterior columns suggests:
Myeloneuropathy due to either copper or vitamin B12 deficiency
Bladder impairment associated with a peripheral autonomic neuropathy is typically characterized as:
High-capacity bladder with incomplete bladder emptying or urinary retention
Posterolateral syndrome, which manifests as a sensory ataxia with pyramidal signs, is characteristic of:
Vitamin B12 deficiency, copper deficiency, folate deficiency, HTLV, and HIV myelopathies
Myeloneuropathy with demyelinating NCS, you think of:
Hereditary leukodystrophies but can also be seen with HIV and HTLV and in rare patients with multiple sclerosis who have signs of central and peripheral nervous system demyelination