Neurology Homeopathy Flashcards
Tension Headache
Anacardium - HA with sensation of band around or plug in head; amel: eating; agg: heat
Gelsemium - HA with full swollen sensation and purple congested face; feels dizzy, dull, drowsy, droopy, and weak; amel: urination, sleep
Platina - Bland-like HA with alternating anxiety; associated with numbness and coldness; agg: sittt=ing, standing; amel : walking
Sanguinaria : HA in occiput, extending to R side; sharp pain associated with N/V; agg: motion, in afternoon but improve by night
Syphilinum : HA with pain felt in bone; agg: night
Migraine Headache
Glonoinum : Migraines or headache with throbbing; feels like head will explode; agg: sun, stopping, shaking head
Natrum mur : throbbing, bliding migraine; starts with numbness or tingling in lips, tongue, or nose; dry lips and mouth; craves salt; agg: warmth, movement
Cluster Headache
Belladonna : Throbbing/drumming headache with hot and flushed face; dilated
Bryonia : H/a with bruised sharp stabbing pain; agg: eyes moving; very thirsty for cold drinks but amel with warm drinks
Hypericum : neuralgic shoot pains; agg: cold, touch/pressure
Mag Phos : R sided neuralgic pains that are darting and intermittent; amel: heat and pressure; agg: cold
Anacardium : Neurasthenics, trembling, epilespy, and paralytic weakness; amel: eating; agg: heat
Hyoscyamus : Rhythmic tics, spasms, convulsions; agg: evening and night, eating, sleep, menses
Mercurius Vivus : Involuntary tremors that move nearby muscles; oily skin and hair and excessive perspiratioin; agg; cold, damp, at night
GI, Rheumatic
Acute : Nervous dyspepsia or reflux that is > eating, may see nausea and eructations. Acutely it can help with headaches.
Constitutional : For people with delusions, hallucinations, hearing voices. They feel as if they have two wills, a lack of confidence, and poor memory. Prone to itchy skin conditions with yellow vesicles and swelling (rhus-t) that are > eating. For neurasthenics, trembling, epilepsy, and paralytic weakness. With rheumatic disease feels ‘stuck, as if a band were around it.’
Sensation of band around body part, sensation of a plug in body part.
> eating, lying on side, afternoon to evening
< fasting, hot water, abuse or mortification
Eating relieves all discomforts
Mag Phos
Acute : cramping pains/spasms, neuralgia, writers cramp (Dros), toothache, teething, spasmodic dysmenorrhea, chills w/o fever, spasmodic cough
Constitutional : Oversensitive and irritable; ailments from perceived lack of maternal love; mentally similar to Phosphorus; neuralgia, cramps and colic are the main physical sxs
> heat, pressure (but < light touch)
< cold
R sided complaints (Lyc); Neuralgia + colic
fever / URTI
Acute : bright red face, thirstless, dilated pupils, raw red throat, high fever radiating heat, head doesn’t sweat, violent (Stram), expressive, obstinate (Calc, Sil), delirious. For complaints with rapid onset and inflammation : otitis media (esp R sided), mumps, HTN, heatstroke, throbbing headache.
Constitutional : Violent and obstinate; sensitive to light, touch, mvmt, noise when ill. Healthy types are strong, energetic and upbeat. Obstinate, strong identify, hard working, violent, loyal (Apis), express their emomtions
eyes< light
< jarring (Bry), lying down
Etc : Bruxism (Cina), desire for lemonade
Blind as a bat, red as a beet, dry as a bone, hot as a hare, mad as a hatter
Fever / URTI
Acute : Weakness, HA, fever - main flu remedy for dull, drowsy, droopy, dizzy, thirstless pt; stage fright, trembling, diarrhea from a fright or bad news
Constitutional : weakness, dull, drowsy, dumb, droopy, and dizzy; trembling after fright; apathetic, sluggish circulation, unable to do work
> EtOH, leaning forward, continued motion, alone
< bad news, damp
Thirstless, fever and shaking, chills up the spine, face hot, heavy, flushed and besotted; thirstless; serous inflammation
Lump in throat which can’t be swallowed (Ign), feels must stay in motion or HT will stop
Herpes Zoster
Rhus Tox, Sulphur
Bell Palsy
Causticum - Bell’s palsy started after being exposed to cold, dry air
sunstroke / burn
Acute : Migraines that wax and wane with the sun (Nat-m), throbbing HAs, L-sided headache, heatstroke, angina, HTN, vertigo, hot flashes
Constitutional : Confusion, feels lost in known locations, lassitude, irritability from sl opposition, sudden violent circulatory changes or surges
<sun, light, open fire
< heat around head, feeling head will explode, skull feels too small for brain, flushing
Natrum Muriaticum
Acute : grief, watery discharge (urethritis, URTI, vaginitis), migraines, cold sores
Constitutional : emotional vulnerability, repressed feelings, perfectionist, reserved, romantic, non-suicidal depression, thirsty for cold drinks, depression after loss, unable to cry, passionate about trifles. Ailments from grief of disappointed love
< sun, heat, consolation, talking
> open air
Sensitive, hates fat, craves salt, fears robbers, difficulty urinating in public
Acute : Pains that increase and dcrease gradually (Stan) with character of cramp-like, squeezing
Constitutional : Filled with much pride and show contempt for others. Tend to vacillate between sadness and happiness. A sexual picture of early development, lightest touch of genital arouses and high sex drive. Mental sxs alternate w/ physical sxs. Local numbness and coldness to area of body. Stools are sticky and lead to constipation, always genital involvement and may show as itchy genital, sensitive genitals, genital cancer.
< sitting and standing, evening
> walking
Complaint of constriction feeling ‘like a bandage or band’ (anac), HAs that alternate with anxiety
Acute : Acute HAs esp. R sided, migrains and bursitis, resp. problems
< light and noise
> lying down, profuse urination, belching, vomiting
easy flushing, R sided complaints, red flushed face, rust colored sputum, hacking cough, substernal tickling sensation, problems start in am, worsen in afternoon and improve by pm; burning chest pain that extends to R shoulder
Acute : profuse thin, watery, green, acrid leukorrhea in women. Bone pain < night
Constitutional : Ulceration and necrosis of tissues (mucus membrane, skin). There may also be congenital malformation of bones or neuralgias. HAs where feel pain in bone, < night. General physical erosion paired with nihilism. Tendency towards destructive behaviors like alcoholism and gambling. There is a strong fear of infection and OCD tendencies as a reaction (constant hand washing). Fears being paralyzed, going insane, never recovering.
< night, 2-4am
> during the day
Pains from darkness to daylight, craves EtOH, everything worse during thte night, excessive salivation while sleeping
Acute : Mania (restlessness, delirium, raving), or conditioins with tics, spasms, convulsions. For epilespy (with shrieks), petite mal seizures
Constitutional : For people whoh are loquacious, desire to expose self. Symptoms of muscle or tendon twitching, spasms, delirium, obscene gestures. All uncontrolled nerve movements have a rhythm to them. Ten towards jealousy, aggression, suspecion.
< night, during menses, fright, mental affection, lying down
Convulsions, twitching, spasms, everything < evening/night, < after eating, < sleep, < menses, involunatry urine or stools, increased sexual expression
Acute : Nerve injuries, injuries to fingers/toes, coccygeal injuries, shooting pains, puncture or lacerating wounds esp. in nerve-rich areas, radiating pains, spasms or convulsion after cuts, post-op incisions, amputations, toothaches
< cold, touch, or pressure
May ameliorate any condition with shooting pains
Mercurius Vivus
Acute : Tonsillitis with glandular swelling with profuse suppuration (sil), bone cancers or bone disease where pain < night, diarrhea with watery, slimy, bloody and offensive smell
Constitutional : Extreme weakness with no relief from excessive oily perspiration (opposite Nat. M). Involunatry tremors and trembling that moves to nearby muscles. They may stutter, be obese, have offensive discharge, oily face and hair, have offensive breath, and exemplify constriction and destruction in various ways. Very quarrelsome, aversion to everything, and have delusions that they are surrounded by enemies.
< damp, cold, night
> sugar
Sweating with every complaint, excessive salivation in sleep, sensitive to cold or hot temperatures, < warmth of bed, so uncovers then cools off and becomes uncomfortable.
fever / URTI
Acute : Intense fever with delirium and fear; night terrors, febrile seizures (Calc, Bell), sunstroke (Glon)
Constitutional : all sxs violent; fearful; temper problems, murderous rage, impulsive problems after being frightened; fear of death, dark, water, being alone; sexual abuse hx (Staph)
< fright, darkness, alone, during sleep, swallowing, bright shiny objects (Canth)
> bright light, company, warmth
Stammering, ailments from fright (Gels), complaints after meningitis, encephalitis, head injury (Nat-S)
Fears water yet thirsty
Rhus Toxicodendron
Acute : Ligament and joint injuries, restlessness, dry teasing cough, chicken pox, herpetic eruptions, poison ivy
Constitutional : Cheeruly and friendly, but shin in healthy state; inner agitation and restlessness leads to frustration and even malicious behavior; rigidity of mind worsens, leading to depression or OCD in worse cases. Often physical complaints such as joint and muscle stiffness occur in the absence of mental sx. Prone to nerve, mucous, serous membrane, and skin disorders, with some element of restlessness.
> warm, lying on hard surface
< cold, damp, pain, after rest
**Arthritis pain, <cold, pain worse when motion starts than impoves (‘rusty hing’ effect); low back pain. Skin afflictions with itchy, red skin. Stiffness after resting improved by movement. V superstitious.
Acute : Skin conditions, blood sugar problems, neglected pneumonia, end of colds, diarrhea
Constitutional : Intellectual with social and emotional ineptness; egotistical, lazy, craves fame, critical of others, innovative, averse to bathing, disorganized, fears contagious dx and heights, thirsty for cold drinks, offensive sweat, smelly discharges; bright and busy children with many colds, skin conditions, or diarrhea. Psoric remedy.
< heat, wool, 11am, standing, heat of the bed, bathing
Grief, sunstroke/burn
Acute : Burns, neurological problems and paralysis; ailments after rape (Acon, Staph); warts near the fingernails
Constitutional : sympathetic, activist types who cannot stand injustice of any kind; weakness or paralysis, grief (esp. after failure), raw chest and throat from dry cough. Tendency to rheumatic, skin, and mucous membrain ailments
> damp
< cold
Must swallow scanty expectorations, craves salt (Nat-m) and smoke meat (Tub), urinary incontinence from cough or sneeze.