Neurology 1 Flashcards
Eye closure, facial redness, intermittent breathing, limpness, Variable limb movement, Rapid breathing WITHOUT Post-ictal confusion. Dx? Definitive test?
Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Spells/Events (PNES)
Video EEG monitoring
Treatment for delirium in Dementia with Lewy body?
Treatment of Cognitive Impairment in a patient with Vascular Cognitive Impairment?
Rx for patients with medication related complications of Parkinson’s medications ?
Deep Brain Stimulation
Appropriate medication to use after severe head injury (i.e. basilar skull fracture)?
Need to prevent fever which can cause secondary brain injury.
Medications for Secondary Stroke Prevention after Ischemic Stroke?
Aspirin, Plavix, Statin
- Pt who never experienced relapse in MS but still have progressive disability accumulation from the time of disease onset.
- Disappearance of relapses in relapsing-remitting, more progressive disability?
- First line agent for relapsing-remitting MS?
- Rx for MS Flare?
- Rx of MS related fatigue?
- Rx for MS with cognitive impairment ?
- Rx for impaired mobility with MS ?
- Appropriate test for MS patient with mixed urinary symptoms (hypertonic and hypotonic bladder)?
- Primary progressive
- Secondary progressive
- Glatiramer Acetate and Interferone beta (Self injections) Glatiramer is favorable with patients with liver disease.
- High Dose IV Steroids
- Modafinil
- Cognitive Rehab
- Dalfampridine (potassium channel antagonist) helps boost conductance through axonal pathway
- Urodynamic testing
Rx for Behavioral-Variant Fronto-Temporal dementia?
Test and Rx for the 2nd most common cause of Thunder Clap HA (multiple worse HA of life episodes with negative CT and LP)
Brain MRA to diagnose Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome.
Imaging Test after patient has TIA? Next step if this is positive?
Carotid duplex US. (evaluate for stenosis and need for surgery) CT Angiography or MRA next strep if US positive
Impulsivity, Executive dysfunction, Dysarthria, Incoordination, Ataxia and Chorea. Dx?
Huntington Disease
Bulbar cervical weakness, Tongue fasciculations and Upper and Lower motor neuro signs?
Bulbar, Forearm flexor and Quadriceps Weakness with Elevate CK level?
Inclusion body myositis
Progressive diffuse weakness, Burning sensation, Hx of Hypothyroidism and Splenomegaly. Dx?
POEMS syndrome. (Polyneuropathy, Oraganomegaly, Endocrinopathy, Monocolonal gammopathy and skin changes)
After surgery or infection a patient develops subacute Severe Pain followed by Resolution of Pain and Progressive Weakness and Atrophy involving shoulder girdle and upper extremity muscles.
Idiopathic brachial plexopathy
Treatment for episode migraines that occur < 5x a month and non responsive to NSAID?
After stroke, 1> month pt presents with fatigue, HA and difficult BP control.
Sleep-Disordered Breathing
Pt will need a sleep study
Abrupt onset right Retro-Orbital Throbbing HA and dDplopia, right proptosis with lid edema, right pupil dilated, sluggish reactive, CN3, CN 4, CN 6 Palsies present on right. for 12 hrs, fever, DENTAL Procedure 6 Days ago. ESR 60
Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis.
Do Brain MRI to confirm diagnosis and LP to r/o meningitis
This patient is Post TIA and has 80 % stenosis of carotid noticed on US and confirm on MRA. Next step?
Carotid endarterectomy ( to prevent ischemic stroke)
Increasing cognitive deficits, walking difficulties, falls, depression/withdrawn and irritable, frequent urination at night, shuffling feet. What can help confirm this diagnosis?
LP removing large volume of CSF and measuring opening pressure.
(It is reversible)
New onset Status Epilepticus In previously healthy person. It is associated with hyponatremia, myoclonus, amnesia/memory loss, temporal lobe seizures and confusion.
Auto-immune Limbic Encephalitis (neurologic autoimmune disorder)
Test to determine candidacy for epilepsy surgery in patients with medically intractable epilepsy ( ppl on 2 drugs but still having seizures)?
Video EEG for Temporal Lobectomy
Rx for patients with symptomatic aneurysms or aneurysms > 7mm?
Neurosurgical intervention
Clip and Coil of aneurysm to prevent Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.
What medication should be avoided in parkinsons disease psychosis (sleep attacks, punding (collecting and sorting objects repeated), gambling, hypersexual)?
Pramipexole (Dopamine agonist)
Pt with severe thunder clap HA, neck stiffness and unequal pupils with normal CT findings. Next step?
LP r/o Herniation
Discomforting sensations in legs at rest or when falling asleep and urge to move legs and immediate relief after moving the legs or walking. Dx? What lab to check?
Restless legs syndrome.
Pt should receive Iron supplements in presence of Deficiency or Low Ferritin levels.
Frequently kicking legs during sleep. No Urge to move legs or sensory discomfort. Dx?
Periodic limb movements
Exercise intolerance, cramping and myalgia, weakness after working out myoglobinuria. Dx?
McArdle disease (metabolic myopathy)
Disorder that distinguishes Alzheimer’s for Dementia with Lewy Body?
Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Disorder- occurs in Dementia with lewy body and PD Dementia
Rx for intracerebral hemorrhage without elevated ICP whos systolic BP > 180mmg
IV nicardipine treat to 140mmg Hg