Female Reproductive System + Breast Flashcards
- Leaking urine with Valsalva Dx? Rx?
1st line and 2nd line - Sudden, Overwhelming frequent need to void Dx?
Rx? 1st line and 2nd line.
- Stress incontinence.
1st line- Lifestyle modification (Minimize, ETOH, Caffeine and Stop Smoking), Kegels.
2nd Line Pessary, Sling, Surgery.
- Urge Incontinence.
1st line- Lifestyle, Bladder training (Voiding Diary/Timed Voiding.)
2nd Line- Antimuscarinic drugs
Features of stress and urgency incontinence
Mixed Incontinence. Variable treatment
Constant involuntary dribbling & incomplete emptying leading to increase post void residual volume with enlarge abdominal mass. Dx? Rx?
Over flow incontinence.
Avoid Drug (Anti-Muscarinics/ Anti-Cholinergics, TCAs).
Cholingeric agonist, intermittent self-catheterization
- Absent cremaster reflex is associated with what condition?
- Pain relief with elevation is associated with what?
- If no improvement in pain for a patient with epididymitis despite 3 days of abx, what is the next best step?
- Testicular torsion, usually only seen in young boys
- Epididymitis
- Scrotal US for evaluation of Torsion, Abscess
After discovering possible testicular cancer on US in a patient what is the next steps in management? Difference between Non-Seminomas and seminomas.
Radical Orhiectomy.
Then CT A/P to check for regional lymph node spread.
Non Seminonas HAVE BOTH (Positive BhCG + AFP)
Seminomas (Positive BhCG NO AFP.)
First step in management when a Older Male patient presents with Urinary frequency and Nocturia?
Check medication list first.
If BPH- then treat with Doxazosin and add on Finasteride if needed.
Next Step In Management for Post-Menopausal Bleeding?
What is the indication to do Biopsy?
Transvaginal US to r/o Endometrial Cancer.
When the Endometrial stripe is > 4mm.
40 yo Woman reports with increasing pelvic pain, urinary urgency for the past few months. Reports Increasing Pelvic Pain and Pressure that requires her to void every 30-45 minutes. Pt feels Relief with Voiding. Dx?
Interstitial Cystitis. Amitriptyline, Pentosan Polysulfate Sodium (Repairs the Urothelium), Behavior Modification, Avoidance of Triggers, PT.
Next Step in Management in Women > 30 with palpable breast mass with Negative US and Mammogram?
Core Needle Biopsy.
- Vaginal bleeding, lower abdominal pain in the 3rd trimester associated with Uterine tenderness?
- Presents in first trimester with Enlarge Uterus, markedly elevated BHCG > 100,000 with Heterogenous mass with Cystic Areas?
- Abruptio Placentae
2. Hyadtidiform Mole
Ectopic Pregnancy:
- Management of a Ruptured Ectopic Pregnancy?
- Management of a patient with No adnexal mass on US and BhCG < 200?
- When Is methotrexate indicated?
- Surgery
- Expectant Management
- Medically stable with BhCG < 5000
- Pt presents with Premature Pubarche, Acne, Accelerated Bone age, Hirsutism and Menstrual irregularities and No cortisol Deficiency. Dx? Test?
- Pt presents with Rapidly Progressive Hyperandrogenism with Marked Virilization (Clitoromegaly, Voice Deepening) Dx? Test?
- Late Onset Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. Elevated 17- Hydroxyprogesterone Level. Increase levels after ACTH stimulation test.
- Adrenal Secreting Tumor. DHEA-S > 700
- Rx for Asymptomatic Bacteruria in a Pregnant Patient?
- . Rx for Moderate Pyelonephritis ?
- Rx for sever Pyelonephritis ?
- Outpatient. Amoxicillin-Clavulanate, Fosfomycin, Keflex.
- Inpatient. IV Ceftriaxone, Amp + Gent, Aztreonam.
- Inpatient. IV Zoysn, Carbepenm.
3rd Trimester Patient Develops Nausea, Vomiting, RUQ pain, Anorexia, Jaundice, +/- Hypertension. Elevated AST, ALT, Bili, PT/INR Dx? Management?
Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy.
Prompt Delivery.
Management of Pregnant Patient with HIV.
- When to initiate Medication?
- Management of a patient with Viral Load < 1000?
- Management of a patient with a Viral Load > 1,000?
- Immediately
- Deliver without Intrapartum Zidouvudine.
- Give Intrapartum Zidovudine + C- Section.
Give Formula. If none available Breast Feed for 6 months with Zidovudine.