Neurological examination Flashcards
Describe how to assess a patient’s Babinski response.
Stroke lateral aspect of the foot (light stroke with
back of patella hammer) - observe toe movement
– Test the unaffected side first then compare the
affected side
Normal/negative response: all toes plantarflex
* Abnormal/positive response: dorsiflexion of
the great toe with downward fanning out of
the remaining toes.
Name the joint action for assessing the following myotomes:
a. C4
b. L5
C4- Shoulder girdle elevation
L5- extension of the big toes
Define proprioception
the ability to tell body
position in space
Assess fine proprioception of the upper limb
Upper limb fine proprioception (thumb)
Proximal stability
– Lateral grip of the distal segment
– Move only the distal segment
– Demonstrate on unaffected side with patient
– Ask patient to close eyes
– Move the segment up and down
– Grade /5
Name the dermatomes that run over the following anatomical areas :
Medial aspect of the elbow