Neurological Flashcards
90% of meningitis occurs between what ages?
+ kernig sign is what?
when you bend the KNEE you have HA
+brudzinski sign is what?
involuntary flexion of the legs when the neck is flexed.
what do you expect to find in the CSF for a pt who has meningitis?
increased WBC
Increased protein
Decreased glucose
a 2 year old presents with iritability, loss of developmental mile stones and increased head circumference? what is your diagnosis and tx?
tumor, CT
Do classic migraines present with an aura or without?
With aura
Do common migraines present with or without an aura?
A pt has had multiple episodes of abd pain with n/v and HA. Labs and imaging normal, what is your diagnosis? tx?
abdominal migranes
head ache diary, limit caffeine no MSG, NSAIDs may consider triptans
If a pt has cafe au lait spots, how many and what size would concern you for neurofibromatosis?
more than 6 and greater than 5mm pre pubertal or >15 mm post pubertal
smell is CN ___?
bells palsy is when which cranial nervel is affected?
CN 7
hypoglossal is what nerve?
CN 12
eye movents are related to what CNs?
3, 4 and 6
what is an iris lisch nodule?
what disorder often has these?
black/ brown spots on iris
neurofibromatosis 1
2 diagnostic criteria must be met to dx with neurofibromatosis, list as many ass possible?
cafe au lait spots (>6), iris lisch nodules, 2 or more cutaneous neurofibromas, axillary or inguinal fracking, present in 1st degree relative
In spastic CP what would you expect?
a. increased DTR and sustained clonus
b. dystonic posturing
c. abnormal invol movements
A= Increase in DTR also dyskinetic and ataxic CP
what is not characteristic of generalized seizures?
a. unilateral motor movement
b. disturbance of consiousness
c. simultaneous cerebral hemisphere discharge
A- movements are BILATERAL
most common headache in teens is?
sinus, tension, migraine?
migraine headaches: you would expect?
a. throughout head no localization
b. restricted to one side
c. occipital
d. across head temporal side to another
B- pain is on one side, may switch to another site but pain is restricted to one side.