Neurological Flashcards
APD Afferent Pupillary Defect
an abnormal finding of dilation of the pupil instead of constriction in response to a shining light
Unequal diameter of pupils
Antalgic gait
Inability generate or understand language due to damage to the brain. Either inability to create words i.e. expressive aphasia; or inability to understand spoken words i.e. receptive aphasia.
Loss of coordination
Babinski sign
The toes flex upward when sole of foot is stimulated, indicating motor nerve damage
Bell’s palsy
A localized facial nerve dysfunction that causes facial droop and numbness
Cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
Stroke. Blood supply to the brain is restricted or absent due to hemorrhage or occlusion of a vessel resulting in neurological damage and dysfunction.
Involuntary muscle contractions and relaxations
Cranial nerve I
Olfactory. Example: smell
Cranial nerve II
Optic. Example: visual fields and pupillary light reflex.
Cranial nerve III
Oculomotor. Example: pupil function and extra ocular movements.
Cranial nerve IV
Trochlear. Example
Cranial nerve V
Trigeminal. Sensation of forehead, cheek, and chin
Cranial nerve VI
Cranial nerve VII
Cranial nerve VIII
Vestibulocochlear. Hearing
Cranial nerve IX
Glossopharyngeal. Gag reflex
Cranial nerve X
Cranial Nerve XI
Cranial Nerve XII
Decreased rectal tone
Diminished anal sphincter muscle contraction, indicative of neurological damage
Poor mechanical articulation of speech due to abnormal lip, tongue, or cheek motor function
Difficulty in neurologically generating or understanding language
extraocular movements intact
EOM palsy
paralysis of the extra ocular movements
Facial asymmetry
drooping of one side of the face indicating neurological damage
Facial palsy
paralysis of the face
a test to evaluate cerebellar function
Fundoscopic exam
Inside of the eye as seen with opthalmoscope looking for increased cranial pressure
Grand mal seizure
epileptic attack characterized by convulsions, stupor and temporary loss of consciousness
weakness of one half of the body
paralysis of one half of the body
Moves all extremitites
(MAEx4) The patient moves their arms and legs normally, indicating normal motor function
sharp pain along the course of a nerve or several nerves
Normal DTRs
Normal deep tendon reflexes, rated as 2/4
Oriented x3
Oriented to person, place, and time
Swelling of the optic nerve sheath, as noted with fundoscopic examination
Abnormal tactile sensation often described as tingling, numbness, or pinpricking
The state of somnolence and decreased responsiveness after a seizure
Pronator drift
Involuntary turning or lowering of forearm when outstretched
Romberg’s sign
Falling to one side when standing with feet together and eyes closed, indicating abnormal cerebellar function or inner ear dysfunction
Saturday Night Palsy
A permanent localized numbness or weakness to a specific nerve’s distal innervation
Status epileptcus
Repetitive seizures without regaining consciousness between them
Strength 5/5
Normal strength of the extremities
Loss of consciousness; fainting, “passing out”
Tongue deviation
tongue pointing to one side
Tonic clonic
description of a grand-mal or generalized seizure with stupor and transient LOC
Transient Ischemic attack
TIA; transient “mini-stroke”, neurological function is regained completely with time
Condition of feeling the room-spin