Cardiovascular Flashcards
Aortic aneurysm
diagnosis of enlarged aorta; due to a weakened aortic wall
Aortic dissection
diagnosis in which the arterial wall splits apart
Disturbance of rhythm in the heartbeat
Aortic rupture
Diagnosis in which the arterial wall breaks open as could happen in aortic dissection, ruptured aortic aneurysm trauma
Atrial fibrillation
Irregular beating of the atria; indicates that the sinus node is not conducting a normal sinus rhythm; a “fib”
Atrial flutter
Irregular beating of the atria; often described as “a-flutter with 2 to 1 block or 3 to 1 block”
Atrial septal defect
ASD; a hole in the atrial septum that causes blood in the RA and LA to mix
Slow heart rate (HR < 60)
Cardiac ischemia
Decreased blood flow through the coronary vessels and to the heart; usually diagnosed by ST segment depressions on EKG
Enlarged heart
Disease of the heart muscle
Dilated cardiomyopathy
Dysfunctional heart muscle because of an enlarged heart
Extra systoles
Extra beats of the heart heard during auscultation
Friction rub
Described as grating, scratching sound of the heart indicative of pericarditis
Three or four sounds, resembling the sounds of a gallop
Irregularly irregular
Heart rhythm for anyone with Atrial Fibrillation
Jugular vein distention
JVD, sign of CHF
abnormal heart sound rated on 1-6 scale
Myocardial infarction
Death of cardiac muscle due to prolonged ischemia when blood flow through the coronary artery is obstructed
Inflammation of the heart muscle
Non ST segment elevation MI; a heart attack that is not diagnosed on the EKG but is diagnosed by an elevated troponin on a blood test
Pericardial tamponade
Diagnosis due to fluid in the pericardium that exerts pressure on the heart and hampers its ability to contract normally
Inflammation of the pericardium evidence on physical exam by the presence of a friction rub on heart auscultation
Pulse exam
Carotid, brachial, radial, femoral, popliteal, dorsal pedis (DP) or posterior tibia (PT)
ST elevation myocardial infarction; When the EKG shows “ST segment elevation” it indicates an acute heart attack
Fast heart rate (HR > 100 bpm)
Ventricular fibrillation
Irregular beating of the ventricles; this is a terminal event that requires immediate electrical cardioversion
Valvular vegetation
An infectious growth on the cardiac valves
Ventricular septal defect “A VSD”
A hole in the ventricular septum that causes blood to mix between the RV and LV
Ventricular wall thrombus
A blood clot that attaches to the inside wall of the ventricle; pieces of the thrombus can break off and spread to anywhere in the body leading to infarctions