Neurologi Flashcards
When does Wernicke-encephalopathy occur?
Select one:
In all diseases or conditions associated with lack of vitamin B1
In Wernicke-encephalopathy brain MRI does NOT show changes in the following
occipital lobe
Which drug is the most effective in painful diabetic neuropathy
Our 60-year-old patient is complaining about strong, progressive, unilateral temporal headache. Mastication worsens the pain. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is significantly elevated. What is our suspected diagnosis?
Arteritis temporalis
Our patient has been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Now she is complaining about neck pain and progressiv weakness of the extremites. Which is our suspected diagnosis
Atlantoaxial subluxation
When should we start antiepileptic treatment in case of a patient who has brain
After the first seizure
Which clinical condition has to be considered as a neurological
Unconscious patient with bradycardia, elevated systolic blood pressure (200/90
mmHg), all the extremities are extended, respiration is irregular. Possible
transtentorial herniation
Vasogenic cerebral edema
Possible complication of cerebellar infarction
occlusive hydrocephalus
Painful stimulus in the trigeminal zone does not lead to any motor reactions or
eye opening of the comatose patient, but the blood pressure and the heart rate
is elevating. How should be evaluated this phenomenon?
Brainstem is responsive
What is the correct definition of TIA?
temporary neurological dysfunction due to ischemia in the brain, the spinal cord
or in the retina without the development of acute infarct
What is the most common cause of stroke in young adults among the following?
Select one:
large vessel dissection
What could be the symptoms of left posterior cerebral artery stroke?
right homonymous hemianopsy
A headache provoked by physical activity, straining, or coughing can be caused by:
Arnold-Chiari malformation
Intracranial space-occupying lesions can cause
all of the above
Which of the following is characteristic for serotonin syndrome?
A) May be caused by overdosing or medicinal interactions
B) Headache and agitation are common symptoms
C) Fever and tachycardia may be present
E) Tremor, myoclonus, hyperreflexia, and clonus may be present
Which statement is true? (dyskinesia)
dyskinesias/hyperkinesias are always abnormal movements
What percent of parkinsonian patients develop dementia
In 40% of parkinsonian patients
What is the most severe side effect of lamotrigine
toxic epidermal necrolysis
It is true for focal epilepsy
It originates most frequently in the temporal lobe
The most common clinical presentation of neuroborreliosis
peripheral facial nerve palsy
Possible cause of aseptic meningitis
Leading pathogen of bacterial meningitis in immuncompromised patients
Listeria monocytogenes
Paranoia and psychosis could be prodromal signs of
Leading sign in encephalitis
altered consciousness
Answer: all of the above
The following is characteristic for diffuse Lewy body dementia:
parkinsonism, visual hallucinations, fluctuation
Typical initial symptom of Alzheimer’s disease:
episodic memory dysfunction
Which antiepileptic drug would you choose first in focal epilepsy caused by brain
Which of the following causes vasogenic brain edema?
Brain metastasis
Typical feature of intramedullary tumor of the cord:
Dissociated sensory loss
Which of the following is correct (increased ICP)
Elevation of intracranial pressure alone does not exclude lumbar puncture
True for spinal ataxia
Worsens when eyes are closed
The diagnosis of subacute combined degeneration involves
Spinal MRI, lab tests
Which could be a symptom of cervical disc herniation?
Irradiating pain to upper extremities
Atrophy of hand muscles
Unstable gait
Answer: all of them
Which one refers to S.1 radiculopathy?
Sensory loss on the lateral part of the leg, weakness of the m. triceps surae
Patient with SLE developed almost complete transversal spinal
cord lesion within 3 days. Possible diagnosis?
Myelitis transversa
Not typical for Syringomyelia:
Spinal ataxia
The conduction velocity of the fastest conducting motor fibers is
100 m/s
The meaning of allodynia is
pain provoked by touch
All of the below may cause foot drop, EXCEPT ONE
tibial nerve lesion
A key element in the diagnosis of Guillain-Barré syndrome
If nystagmus, ataxia and hemiparesis appears acutely in a 20-year-old patient,
we primarily consider
Vertebrobasilar cerebrovascular insufficiency
Where do the fila olfactoria enter the skull
Through the lamina cribrosa
The major sign of retrobulbar neuritis:
Relatively fast progressing decrease in visual acuity
In left sided „upper motor neuron” (central) facial palsy
There is a mouth drop on the left side, the left side of the mouth moves less
when smiling, but eye-closure and forehead wrinkling is performed with normal
strength on both sides.
Which cranial nerves have a role in taste sensation
CN. VII. and IX.
In left sided peripheral lesion of the vestibular nerve the patient falls and
To the left
Which of the following may be a symptom of myasthenia gravis?
Fluctuating ptosis
Which of the following electrophysiological methods is useful in the diagnosis of
myasthenia gravis?
Repetitive nerve stimulation
The common characteristic of secondary (symptomatic) headaches is:
the headache is only one symptom of the underlying pathology
space-occupying lesions: Select one:
it affects 12 to 16% of the population
which description is characteristic for chronic tension type headache`
Bilateral, mild, pressing headache on at least 180 days per year
intracranial space occupying lesions can cause
All of the above
The diagnosis of primary headaches is based on
the characteristic symptomology of the attach’s and a negative neurological examination
the following are ture for sumatriptan except
it can be administered during the pregnancy (for headache treatment)
Which among these belongs to the group of primary headaches
all of the above
Has been proven to be effective for the oral treatment of migraine
attacks Select one:
acetilsalycilic acid 1000mg
The following are adequate prophylactic treatment options for medication overuse headache: Select one:
valproate, topiramate, antidepressants
medication overuse headache can be caused by
sumatriptan taken on more than 3 days a week
One of the answers is true for secondary headaches: Select one
beside the headache, the symptoms of the primary condition are discernible
Which is the most common type of headache? Select one
tension type headache, affecting 30 to 35% of the population
A headache provoked by physical activity, straining, or coughing can be
caused by: Select one:
Arnold-Chiari malformation
One of the answers is true for primary headaches: Select one:
the attacks of a given patient are usually similar to each other
Opiates for the treatment of a migraine attack Select one:
are not recommended due to their unsatisfactory efficacy and the danger of addiction
The following is true for medication overuse headache:
all of the above
Migraine aura is a neurological symptom that: Select one:
patient education, analgesic withdrawal, prophylactic treatment
Headache caused by subarachnoidal bleeding has the
following characteristics: Select one:
a sudden-onset, severe head pain
Which among these is a primary headache? Select one:
tension type headache
The following are effective for the treatment of cluster headache,
50% oxygen and 50% carbon dioxide through a non-rebreather mask
For the treatment of medication overuse headache Select one:
beside withdrawing the painkillers prophylactic medication and ‘rescue medication’ is also necessary
These fibers have a decisive role in the pathomechanism
sensory fibers of the first branch of
the trigeminal nerve
Primary headaches: Select one
activation of the trigeminovascular system
Which description is characteristic for cluster headache?
very severe, unilateral, periorbital headache with ipsilateral lacrimation, conjunctival injection, or
nasal discharge
These headaches belong to the primary headaches, except for:
medication overuse headache
To our current knowledge, migraine is caused by:
dysfunction of the pain-sensitive system of the head
These belong to the group of primary headaches: Select one:
migraine, tension
type headache, cluster headache
Which is NOT characteristic for postherpetic neuralgia? Select one:
it is
less common in the elderly
Chronic migraine can be diagnosed, if a patient has had: Select one:
has more than 15 migraine days per month for more than 3 months
Which of the following is characteristic for giant cell arteritis?
Claudication of the masticatory muscles
May cause permanent visual loss
The contraindications of triptans include:
Angina, or myocardial infarction
Uncontrolled hypertension
Answer: all of the above
In headaches associated with space-occupying lesions: Select one:
is progressive
Which statement describes best the pathomechanism of cluster
headache? Select one
it is caused by the activation of the trigeminal nerve and the salivatory (parasympathetic) nucleus
In order to diagnose migraine, the following are always necessary: Select one:
a detailed
history, general medical and neurological examination
Migraine can be diagnosed if a severe, unilateral, pulsationg headache is accompanied by:
A) nausea or vomiting
B) olfactory hallucinations
Both A and C responses are correct
It is effective for the acute treatment of the migraine attack:
sumatriptan (Imigran
Medication overuse headache
usually appears in patients with a preexisting migraine or tension type headache
The cause of the pain in migraine is:
the activation of the trigeminovascular system
The treatment of medication overuse headache is
patient education, analgesic withdrawal, prophylactic treatment
A neurovascularis compression is NOT present in which location?
radial nerve
compression – wrist drop
Which of the following could suggest carbon monoxide poisoning?
all of the above
In status epilepticus:
The seizure might present in non-convulsive form.
Which of the following statements regarding epilepsy surgery is correct?
epilepsy surgery is a treatment of last resort reserved for patients who have tried all available
antiepileptic drug, but still have seizures.
Which of the following statements is not true regarding the pathomechanism of epilepsy
Focal epilepsies originate most frequently from the occipital lobe.
It is not specific for an absence seizure
It occurs most frequently in elderly patients
The most significant risk factor for seizure recurrence following a first unprovoked seizure
is which of the following? Select one:
patient had febrile seizures in childhood
Which of the following antiepileptic drugs is not recommended during pregnancy?
Damage of the cell membrane
Antiepileptic drugs
Might cause tremor
Focal motor epileptic seizure is frequently followed by: Select one
It is true for focal epilepsy
It originates most frequently in the temporal lobe.