neurogenic voice disorders Flashcards
what is broca’s area responsible for?
voice response (preplanning)
what is the insula responsible for?
motor planning for voice
what provides motor control for the larynx
motor cortex, primary motor strip, midbrain, brainstem
precentral gyrus is responsible for?
voice production
Basal ganglia and the thalamus are responsible for?
sensory info for vocalizing
temporal lobes (heschyl’s gyrus)
What are the cranial nerves of phonation/voice?
glossopharyngeal, vagus, spinal accessory, hypoglossal
the glossopharyngeal innervates
it innervates the stylopharyngeus muscle that elevates the alrynx
the vagus innervates?
SLN/RLN: sensory and motor to laynx and motor to thorax
The spinal accessory cranial nerve innervates?
neck accessory muscles (sternocleidomastoid) and the trapezius muscles) also the levator veli palatine and uvula
The hypoglossal innervates?
it innervates the depression/elevation of the larynx via the tongue muscles also inn. the neck strap muscles
SLN innervates?
sensory: internal branch the mucous membrane
motor: CT which controls pitch
RLN: where do the R and L branches loop around?
Right branch: loops behind carotid and Right subclavian arteries
Left branch: loops around the aortic arch
What is the motor innervation provided by the RLN?
motor to the TA of VF and the PCA (abductor) LCA (adductor) transverse arytenoids (Adduction), oblique arytenoids (adduction)
It innervates every intrinsic muscle of the larynx except the CT (SLN)
What are some neurogenic etiologies that can cause voice problems?
congenital (Huntington’s), lesion/tumor/disease (dysarthiria’s, strokes, cancer) (ALS)
Trauma (TBI) (any neurological trauma)