Neuroeconomics Flashcards
Sanfey et. al (2003)
Unfair offers in the ultimatum game, two key contradicting goals i. Cognition - Money Max (Dorsolateral pre-frontal cortex) ii. Emotional - Fairness (Anterior Insula)
Camerer, Loewenstein & Prelec (2005)
Identify different parts of the brain; some automatic some more logical and controlled - such nuances ignored by standard economic models
Loewenstein & O’Donoghue (2006)
Systems 1 and 2 in the brain: 1: Abstract Goal = Diet 2: Visceral Reward = Pleasure
Kosfeld et al. (2005)
Investor and Trustee game Oxytocin increases trust, but does not impact reciprocity or inequity aversion 45% percent show maximum trusting behaviour with Oxytocin, only 21% exhibit such behaviour without
McClure et. al (2004)
SR and LR preferences are different, use fMRI to examine neurology of time discounting Beta-Delta model: Beta - limbic system of brain Delta - lateral PF cortex
Coates et. al (2009)
2:4 digit ratio, “Prenatal androgen effects” Predicts trading profits and career duration in the competitive industry
Unfair offers in the ultimatum game, two key contradicting goals i. Cognition - Money Max (Dorsolateral pre-frontal cortex) ii. Emotional - Fairness (Anterior Insula)
Sanfey et. al (2003)
Identify different parts of the brain; some automatic some more logical and controlled - such nuances ignored by standard economic models
Camerer, Loewenstein & Prelec (2005)
Systems 1 and 2 in the brain: 1: Abstract Goal = Diet 2: Visceral Reward = Pleasure
Loewenstein & O’Donoghue (2006)
Investor and Trustee game Oxytocin increases trust, but does not impact reciprocity or inequity aversion 45% percent show maximum trusting behaviour with Oxytocin, only 21% exhibit such behaviour without
Kosfeld et al. (2005)
SR and LR preferences are different, use fMRI to examine neurology of time discounting Beta-Delta model: Beta - limbic system of brain Delta - lateral PF cortex
McClure et. al (2004)
2:4 digit ratio, “Prenatal androgen effects” Predicts trading profits and career duration in the competitive industry
Coates et. al (2009)