Neurobiological bases to risk factors for offending- Part 2. Flashcards
What does behavioural genetic research do?
It looks at the contribution of genetics and the contribution of the environment to antisocial behaviour.
Classical twin design:
Who do classical twin studies compare?
Say some information about mono-zygotic twins.
Say some information about dizygotic twins.
Using these two groups, what can you establish?
Mono-zygotic and dizygotic twins.
Identical- share 100% of their genes + common environment.
Fraternal- share 50% of their genes + common environment.
Can establish what extent of a behaviour is more driven by genes or the environment or both.
Continuation from classical twin design:
How is this done?
What happens if the correlation is higher in the two pairs?
Measure the antisocial behaviour of identical twins- will get a correlation- do the same for non-identical twins- correlation would be less, share less genes.
Tells us how heritable a trait or specific behaviour is.
Genetic contribution - antisocial behavior:
By comparing the measures of antisocial behaviour between monozygotic and dizygotic twins, what three things is the variance of antisocial behavior divided into?
1) Genetic factors (or heritability, h2).
2) Shared environmental factors (c2).
3) Non-shared environmental factors (e2).
What is a shared environment?
What is a non-shared environment?
Environmental experiences that make family members similar like the same school.
Unique environmental experiences that make family members dissimilar to each other- e.g. one twin having a accident leading to a brain injury and the other twin not having this.
What can a shared environment have on different siblings?
Give an example.
Different effects.
Being brought up in poverty will have a different effect on both siblings (have some differences in genes).
Who did a study based on twins?
What kind of study was it?
What did they look at?
What can non-aggressive be?
What did they look at?
Burt et al.
A meta-analysis- lots of twin studies.
Antisocial behaviour- split into aggressive + non-aggressive.
Rule breaking but not engaging in physical aggression.
The genetic contribution of aggressive and non-aggressive behaviour.
What did they find? 2 findings.
What contributes equally?
1) Aggressive behaviour- genetic contribution (heritable)- not due to shared environment.
2) Opposite for rule-breaking- less genetically driven- more driven by shared environmental characteristics.
Non-shared environmental characteristics.
What are psychopathic traits in youths and adults split into? 2 things.
What is the affective dimension often termed as?
What is this a central feature to?
What aspect of psychopathy does callous-unemotional traits refer to?
Affective (lack of stuff like empathy) and interpersonal deficits (e.g. superficial charm).
Overt impulsive, irresponsible, and antisocial behavior.
Affective aspect.
What can callous unemotional traits do?
What does the DSM-5 include callous-uemotional traits as?
Distinguish a subgroup of youths with conduct problems- they show more severe and stable patterns of antisocial behavior (psychopathic like traits).
An indicator of conduct disorder.
What are youths with AB and high CU like? 4 things.
What are youths with AB and low CU like?
1) Planned violent behaviour.
2) Do not react emotionally to others distress.
3) Do not think of punishment.
4) Genetically vulnerable to antisocial behavior.
The opposite- do not lack things like empathy + understand the consequences of their behaviour.
Where have twin studies which examine the causes of callous-unemotional traits been done?
What varies here?
What do the studies focus on?
When is heritability inferred?
Youth in USA+ Sweden + UK.
Size of the sample + ages.
When greater resemblance on a trait/behaviour is seen in identical rather than non-identical twins.
How are the findings from studies on callous-unemotional traits like?
What do the studies show?
What does data from TEDs also show?
When was high heritability still found?
Youth have moderate to strong heritability of callous-unemotional traits- 40-78% is due to genes.
High level of callous-unemotional traits- under genetic influences- 67% accounted for heritability.
Still found when combined with high levels of antisocial behaviour (CD).
What is one thing you need to keep in mind about callous-unemotional traits?
Measured with different tools + differences exist between tools.
The warrior gene:
What is the warrior gene also called?
What does this look at?
What is there a connection between?
What does warrior gene comprise of?
Are there different variants of the gene?
Monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) gene (3R).
Specific genes, not heritability of twin studies.
Version of warrior gene + different types of antisocial behaviour.
Variations in X chromosome- produces monoamine oxidase- this enzyme affects dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin.
Yes- low and high expression.