neuro plasticity Flashcards
The capacity for Brain remodeling is
Cortical representation can be __ and ____ in the adult system
altered and remodeled
Plasticity in individual neurons detected through
1) Increase neuronal excitability
2) Dendritic arborization
3) Increase in spine density
4) Increase in synapses
What happens during long term potentiation?
Glutamate NMDA are stimulating causing silent Glutamate AMOA receptors to bind making glutamate available to bind.
Synthesis of protein promotes
growth of new synaptic connections (Spines)
Who did research work in developing neuroplasticity in sensory cortex?
Michael Merzenich
The brain’s ability to adaptively revise its processing machinery through out life
Brain plasticity
a contribution to age-related cognitive and motor decline and its impact on the decline of function in aging
Negative plasticity
explain what happened in digital amputation?
amputated 3rd finger of monkey->did electron mapping-> saw that lack of sensory input caused brain to reorganize making sensory from fingers 2+4 compensate for loss of 3.
Explain what happened in digital syndactyly?
3+4 finger sewed together-> electron mapping-> Brain responds to both areas of 3/4 map because there was no bouncdary. Brain changed due to distorted input
Explain differential stimulation training task?
Monkey kept finger on rotating disk practicing 2 hrs a day. tips of finger became more sensitive to stimulation in map. Expansion of cortical areas because of more devotion to stimulation.
What was discovered from results of differential simulation training task?
1: Plasticity possible in adults
2: Plasticity associated with activity and training (spatial input)
in terms of timing, Inputs that are ______ are represented together
Active synchronously
What was done to discover timing of inputs?
monkey stimulated on and PIP+DIP for 4-6 weeks 300x a day.
What are results of timing of inputs?
Stimulation of one finger eventually activated cortical representation of all fingers.
In motor cortex studies, who were the main researchers?
Randy Nudo and Jeff Kleim
What happened in motor cortex plasticity training?
3 monkeys trained on digit training task
1 monkey did repetitive sup/pro of forearm
3 control monkeys
In motor cortex plasticity training what happened to the monkeys with ditgit training?
most of cortex devoted to digits while the wrist has less cortex. competition for neuro territory
In motor cortex plasticity training what happened to the monkey who did sup/pro?
Decrease in cortex devotion to finger but increase in forearm
In motor cortex plasticity training what happened to the control monkeys
Had same maps pre and post.
In terms of motor cortex plasticity.
There is a _______ of the motor system.
who is researcher for this?
use-dependent reorganization.
Do non-skilled repetitive tasks result in brain map changes?
who is researcher?
PAultz + Kleim
What are methods to study Neuroplasticity in humans?
What is TMS?
transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
What happens with TMS?
brain stimulated and MRI used to move TMS could to mark where there is stimulation.
this is connected to EMG to see body part that is moving.
Who used TMS to study cortical plasticity?
Compared to the non-casted leg, the cortical area responding to stimulation of
the Tibialis Anterior was ____ on casted leg?
in TMS study, Reduction in sensory representation correlated with
duration of immobilization.
Explicit/implicit knowledge
pascual leone
What happened in leones study?
Pts. who received sequence had shorter reaction times and increase in maps of cortical output. making info explicit knowledge.
What happened after the implicit/explicit study?
maps went back to baseline
Changes in motor cortex during motor learning are _____. What are they related to?
dynamic and mutable
the attainment of a skill
What areas does plasticity occur in?
make sure u know these pppl.
Merznich NUDO Kleim Leone Leipert