Neuro exam - upper and lower limb Flashcards
When inspecting for upper and lower limb exam, what would you consider looking for?
- Skeletal deformity
- Wasting
- Irregular movements
- Fasiculations
- Tremors
What are the core components to upper/ lower limb examination?
- Inspection
- Tone
- Power
- Coordination
- Reflexes
- Sensation
How would you assess tone in the lower limb?
- Tone - roll leg from side to side
- Spasticity - Brisk knee raise
- Clonus
How many beats of clonus would indicate an UMN lesion?
> 5 beats
What are the 5 grades of the MRC power scale?
- 5 - full power
- 4 - some resistance
- 3 - gravity
- 2 - gravity eliminated
- 1 - flicker of movement
- 0 - nothing
How would you assess power in upper/lower limbs?
One joint at a time and compare sides
What spinal level is hip flexion?
What spinal level is hip extension?
What spinal level is knee extension?
What spinal level is ankle dorsiflexion?
What spinal level is knee flexion?
What spinal level is plantar flexion?
What spinal level is big toe extension?
Purely L5
What reflexes would you assess in the lower limb, and what spinal levels are they associated with?
- Patellar - L3/4 kick in the door
- Ankle jerk - S1/2 buckle my shoe
- Babinskis
How would you assess lower limb coordination?
Heel-to-shin test
What would inability to perform heel to shin test due to ataxia indicate?
Cerebellar pathology
What would you assess in when assessing sensation in upper/lower neurological examination?
- Dorsal columns - light touch, vibration, proprioception
- Spinothalamic tracts - pain, temperature
How would you assess pain and light touch?
Pin (spinothalamic) and cotton wool (dorsal column) respectively
How would you assess sensation in somoene who you suspect has distal sensory loss, or glove and stocking distribution, or a sensory level?
In a straight line from distal to proximal
How would you assess sensory distribution if you suspected nerve/nerve root pathology?
Test dermatomes +/- peripheral nerves
How would you assess tone in the upper limbs?
- Pronator drift
Isolate each joint
- Shoulder
- Elbow
- Forearm
- Wrist
What would pronator drift with distal flexion indicate?
Pyramidal weakness on contraleteral side

What would an upward drift on pronator drift testing indicate?
Cerebellar pathology
WHat spinal level is shoulder abduction?