what is the name of the dura mater separating the two cerebral hemispheres?
falx cerebri
what is the name of the white mater structure connecting the two cerebral hemispheres?
corpus callosum
which groove separates the frontal and parietal lobes?
central sulcus
which groove separates the frontal and parietal lobes from the temporal lobes?
lateral sulcus
which groove is located in the occipital cortex?
lunate sulcus
what ridge lies directly anterior to central sulcus and is the location of primary motor cortex?
precentral gyrus
what ridge lies directly posterior to central sulcus and is the location of primary somatosensory cortex?
postcentral gyrus
what ridge is located inferior to lateral sulcus and is responsible for the reception and processing of sound?
superior temporal gyrus
which groove separates the occipital lobe from the parietal and temporal lobe anteriorly?
parieto-occipital sulcus
what fibres compose the corpus callosum? what do these fibres do?
commissural fibres, connects the left and right cerebral hemispheres
is the corpus callosum white or grey matter?
white matter
which groove separates the frontal and parietal lobes on the medial wall of the cerebral cortex?
cingulate sulcus
where is the insular cortex?
deep within the lateral sulcus
which part of the cerebral cortex is motor?
which part of the cerebral cortex is sensory?
what does the limbic system do?
storage and retrieval of processed information
where is the primary motor cortex? what area (number)?
precentral gyrus, area 4
where the motor speech area? what area (number)? what is the other name for this area?
inferior frontal gyrus, area 44, 45, Broca’s area
what is the role of the prefrontal cortex?
cognitive function of higher order (intellect, judgement, prediction, planning)
where is the primary sensory area? what area (number)?
post-central gyrus, area 3, 1, 2
what does the superior parietal lobule do?
general sensory info interpretation, conscious awareness of contralateral half of body
what does the inferior parietal lobule do?
language function in dominant hemisphere, interface between somatosensory cortex, visual and auditory association area
where is the primary auditory cortex? what area (number)? what is the other name for this area?
superior temporal gyrus, reas 41, 42, the other name is Heschl’s convolutions
where are the auditory association areas? in the dominant hemisphere, what is this area called?
posterior to 41, 42, Wernicke’s area
what does the inferior temporal gyrus do?
receives fibres from the olfactory tract
where is the primary visual cortex? what area (number)?
medial surface of occipital lobe, either side of calcarine sulcus, area 17
where is the association visual cortex? what area (number)?
rest of the occipital lobe, areas 18, 19
what constitutes the limbic lobe?
- cingulate gyrus,
- hippocampus (medial aspect of temporal lobe),
- parahippocampal gyrus,
- amygdala (subcortical grey matter close to temporal pole)

what do association fibres do?
connects one part of the cortex with another (same cortex)
what do projection fibres do? what do they pass through?
run between the cerebral cortex and the various subcortical centres, they pass through the corona radiata and the internal capsule
what is the purpose of the internal capsule? what are its boundaries?
purpose: derives blood supply from the middle cerebral artery
medial boundraies: thalamus and caudate nucleus
lateral boundaries: lentiform nucleus
list the basal ganglia. What is the lentiform nucleus?
caudate nucleus, (the one with the tail)
putamen, (meaning the hard shell)
globus pallidus, (the pale globe)
substantia nigra, (functionally but not anatomically) (the black substance)
subthalamic nucleii
the lentiform nucleus is the hard shell (laterally) and the globe (medially). Together they form a lens-like structure
which of the basal ganglia are the input regions and which are the output regions?
input regions: caudate nucleus, putamen
output regions: globus pallidus, substantia nigra
what is the purpose of the basal ganglia?
initiation and termination of movement