Neuro Flashcards
Frontal lobe
- precentral gyrus (primary motor cortex, voluntary muscle)
- prefrontal cortex (emotions and judgment)
- Broca’s area (motor of speech)
Parietal lobe
- postcentral gyrus (primary sensory cortex
- receives touch, proprioception, pain, temp, from opposite side of body
Temporal lobe
- primary auditory cortex (receives/processes auditory)
- Wernicke’s area - language comprehension
Occipital lobe
-primary visual cortex (receives/processes vision)
- deep in lateral sulcus
- visceral functions
Limbic systems
- instincts and emotions for preservation of individual
- feeding, aggression, emotions, sexual response
Basal ganglia parts
- gray matter deep in cerebral hemispheres
- striatum
- globus pallidus
- substantia nigra
- lenticular nucleus= putamen and globus pallidus
Basal ganglia circuits
- oculomotor circuit, saccadic eye movements
- Motor loop= scale amplitude and velocity of movements, reinforces selected patterns, suppresses conflicting patterns, preparatory for movement
- limbic circuit=organize behaviors, executive functions
- sensory nuclei=integrate and relay sensory info from body, face, retina, cochlea, taste to cerebral cortex
- Motor nuclei= relay motor info from cerebellum and globus pallidus to precentral motor cortex
-several functional pathways for sensory, motor, and reticular function
- integrates and controls ANS and neuroendicrine system
- maintains homeostasis
- integrates olfactory, visceral, and somatic pathways
- pineal gland secrets hormones
Midbrain parts
- connects pons to cerebrum
- tegmentum
- Substantia
- superior colliculus
- periaqueductal gray
- contains all ascending and descending tracts
- important for coordination
Substantia nigra
- large motor nucleus, connects basal ganglia and cortex
- important for motor control and muscle tone
Superior/inferior colliculus
- superior= relay station for vision and visual reflexes
- inferior= relay station for hearing and auditory reflexes
-connects medulla oblongata to midbrain for passage of ascending/descending tracts
Medulla oblongata
- connects spinal cord w/ pons
- corticospinal tracts cross in pyramids
- control of head movements and gaze stabilization (VOR)
- contains centers for vital functions (cardiac, respiratory, vasomotor)
- equilibrium and regulation of muscle tone, coordinates VOR
- anterior lobe receives input from proprioception, modifies muscle tone and synergistic actions of muscles
- maintenance of posture and voluntary movements
- smooth coordination, accurate force, direction, extent of movement
- motor learning, sequencing
Central gray metter
anterior horns = efferent motor neurons
posterior horns = afferent sensory neurons
Dorsal columns/medial lemniscal system
- located posteriorly, UE more lateral, LE medial,
- convey proprioception, vibration, and tactile discrimination
Spinothalamic tracts
- located anterolaterally
- lateral spinothalamic= pain and temp
- anterior spinothalamic = crude touch
- ascend 1-2 levels then cross in SC
- located most laterally
- proprioception from muscle spindles, GTOs and touch receptors to cerebellum for voluntary control of movement
deep and chronic pain
Corticospinal tract
- cross in pyramidal decussation of medulla
- voluntary movement control
- lateral tract = cervical is medial, sacral is lateral
Vestibulospinal tract
-control of muscle tone, antigravity muscles and postural reflexes
Rubrospinal tract
-sensation especially pain
head turning responses to stimuli
Sympathetic ANS
- thoracolumbar divison T1-L2
- prepares body for fight of flight
- increases HR and BP
- constricts peripheral blood vessels
Parasympathetic ANS
craniosacral division, CN 3, 5, 9, 10
- decreases BP and HR
- increases peristalsis
- dura mater
- arachnoid mater (delicate vascular membrane
- pia mater (thin vascular membrane, covers brains surface)
Subarachnoid space
- contains CSF and major arteries
- between arachnoid mater and pia mater