Musculoskeletal Exam Flashcards
DJD/OA sxs
- pain/stiffness upon rising
- pain eases through morning (4-5 hrs)
- pain increases w/ repetitive bending
- constant discomfort w/ exacerbation
- subjective pain=soreness and nagging
Facet joint Dysfunction sxs
- stiff upon rising, eases w/in 1 hour
- loss of motion w/ pain
- sharp pain w/ certain movements
- movement in pain free range decreases sxs
- stationary positions increase sxs
Discal w/ nerve root compromise sxs
- no pain in (semi/) reclined position
- pain increases w/ WB
- pain = shooting, burning, stabbing
- altered strength or ADL ability
Spinal stenosis sxs
- pain related to position
- flex = good extension=bad
- pain= numbness, tightness, cramping
- walking increases pain
- pain may persist for hours after resting position
Vascular claudication sxs
- pain present in all spinal positions
- pain increased with physical activity
- pain is relieved by rest
- pain = numbness
- pain has decreased or absent pulses
Neoplastic disease sxs
- pain =gnawing, intense, penetrating
- pain is not resolved by position, time, or activity level
- night pain causing waking
MRI T1 vs T2
T1- demonstrates fat within tissues, assess bony anatomy
T2- suppresses fat, demonstrates tissues w/ high water content, assess soft tissue structures
Yeragson’s test
- tests for integrity of transverse shoulder ligament, bicep tendonosis/tendonopathy
- pt sitting, shoulder at neutral against trunk, elbow 90 with pronation, therapist resists shoulder ER and supination
- tendon of biceps will pop out of groove
Speed’s test (bicep straight arm)
-bicep tendonosis/tendonopathy
-UE at 90 shoulder flexion, full elbow ext, supination, therapist resists shoulder flexion
+ = pain in long head of biceps tendon
-90% sensitivity
Neer’s impingement
-impingement of supraspinatus and long head of biceps
-pt sitting, shoulder is passively full IR then abduction
+ = pain in shoulder
-88.7% sensitivity
Supraspinatus test (empty can)
- tear or impingement of supraspinatus
- shoulder at 90, resist abduction, then fully IR and resist at scaption
Drop arm test
- tear or full rupture of rotator cuff
- passively abduct arm to 120, tell pt to slowly adduct it
- 97.2% specificity
Posterior internal impingement test
-IDs impingement b/w rotator cuff and greater tuberosity or posterior glenoid and labrum
-supine, passively move shoulder to 90 abd, full ER, 15-20 horizontal adduction
+ = posterior shoulder pain
Clunk test
-glenoid labrum tear
-supine shoulder in full abduction, push humerus anteriorly while ER
+ = clunk
Anterior apprehension sign
-past history of anterior shoulder dislocation
-supine with 90 abduction, slowly take shoulder into ER
+ = pt doesnt allow or like movement
Posterior apprehension sign
- past history of posterior shoulder dislocation
- supine with 90 scaption, stabilize scapula, apply posterior force through elbow while IR and horizontal adduction
SC shear test
-dysfunction of AC joint
-pt sitting with arm at side, pt compresses AC joint
+ = pain in AC joint
Adson’s test
-thoracic outlet syndrome
-find radial pulse, then have pt rotate towards tested arm, then perform shoulder ext and ER
+ = neuro or vascular sxs
Costoclavicular syndrome (military brace test)
- thoracic outlet syndrome
- same as adson’s
Wright (hyperabduction test)
-thoracic outlet syndrome
-find pulse, move UE into ext and ER, have pt deep breath then rotate away from tested UE
+ = neuro or vascular changes
Roos elevated arm test
- thoracic outlet syndrome
- UE 90 90 position with some ER, have pt open and close fist for 3 mins
- neuro or vascular changes
Hawkin’s Kennedy test
- 90 shoulder flexion 90 elbow flex, passively IR shoulder,
- 92% specificity
Allen’s maneuver
-thoracic outlet syndrome
-sitting, bring arm to 90 90 and full ER, palpate pulse and pt turns head towards UE
+ = decreased radial pulse
Active compression
-labral tear or AC lesion
-90 flexion 10 HAdd, thumb down, PT pushes down, also perform with thumb upp
+ AC = pain w/ thumb down and decreased w/ thumb up
+ labral = painful clicking in joint w/ thumb down, which decreases w/ thumb up
AC= 95% specific
Labral= good specific and sensitive
Rent sign
-RCT or rotator cuff impingement
-palpate acromion, extend shoulder and IR/ER
+ = greater tuberosity is prominent and depression of 1 finger if Rotator cuff is torn
-95% specific and sensitive
Crank test
-tests shoulder ligaments and anterior instability, may Id labral tear
-passively perform 160 scaption, apply AP force through forearm and perform IR/ER
+ = pain w/ or w/o click9ing
-90% SN 85% SP
Biceps load 2
- SLAP lesion (glenohumeral labral tear)
- supine, 120 abd, 90 elbow flex, full supination, therapist resists elbow flexion
- 89% SN 97% SP
Bear Hug test
-subscapularis tear
-pt places hand on opp shoulder, PT applies ER force, pt has to keep hand on shoulder
+ = pt cannot keep hand
92% SP
Belly compression test
- subscapularis tear
- pt places hand on belly and then pushes while performing more IR
- 98% SP
Horizontal adduction test
-AC joint dysfunction or SIS
-passively 90 flexion and then full HAdd
+ = pain
82% SP
Elbow MCL and LCL tests
Place elbow in 0-20 flexion, valgus force tests MCL, varus force tests LCL
Lateral epicondylitits test
- sitting elbow at 90
- resist wrist ext, radial deviation and pronation
Medial epicondylitis test
-elbow at 90, passively supinate, extend elbow and extend wrist
Pronator teres syndrome test
-IDs median nerve entrapment within pronator teres
-elbow 90 flexion, PT resists pronation and elbow ext
+ = numbness and tingling of ulnar nerve distribution
Elbow flexion test
-cubital tunnel syndrome
-supine- full elbow flex, full shoulder ER, and wrist ext, hold for 1 minute
+ = pain at medial elbow or numbness ulnar distribution
Finklestein’s test
- De Quervain’s tenosynovitis (abductor pollicis longus)
- make fist with thumb, move into ulnar deviation
- 81% sensitive
Bunnel Littler test
- intrinsic tightness at PIP
- slight MCP ext, flex PIP, then flex MCP
- if flexion is limited in both = capsular tightness
- if flexion limited with MCP ext then tight intrinsics
Tight retinacular test
- IDs tightness at PIP
- Stabilize PIP, flex DIP , then flex PIP
- If flexion limited in both = capsular tightness
- if flexion limited with stable PIP then tight retinacular ligaments
Froments sign
- ulnar nerve dysfunction
- pt grasps paper between thumb and 2nd digit, pull paper out. Watch for thumb IP flexion to compensate for adductor pollicis weakness
Phalens test
- carpal tunnel compression of median nerve
- pt maximally flexes wrists for 1 minute against each other
- 77% SN