Musculoskeletal Flashcards
Humeroulnar open/closed packed position
Open- 70 flexion, 10 supination
closed- full extension and supination
Humeroradial open/closed packed position
open- full extension and supination
closed- 90 flexion 5 supination
Hip open/closed (bony and ligamentous) packed position
open-30 flexion, 30 abduction, slight ER
closed ligamentous- full extension, abduction, and IR
closed bony- 90 flexion, slight abduction, slight ER (captain morgan)
Knee open packed position
25 flexion
Glenohumeral capsular pattern
- greater limitation in ER, followed by abduction and IR
Elbow capsular pattern
loss of flexion more than extension
Hip capsular pattern
limited flexion and IR, some limited abduction
Knee capsular pattern
flexion limited, slight extension limitation
Scapula bony landmarks
- covers 2nd-7th ribs
- glenoid fossa faces anteriorly, laterally and superiorly, this causes true abduction(scaption) to be at 30 degrees anterior to frontal plane
C4 myotome
shoulder shrug (upper traps)
C5 myotome
shoulder abduction, flexion, extension (deltoid)
C6 myotome
elbow flexion and forearm supination (biceps)
C7 myotome
wrist ulnar flexion and elbow extension
C8 myotome
finge flexion, thumb MCP abduction
C5 reflex
C6 reflex
C7 reflex
Ulnar nerve innervations (6)
Flexor carpi ulnaris, adductor pollicis, abductor digiti, opponens digiti, flexor digiti quinti, interossei
Median nerve innervations (8)
Pronator group, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor digitorum, flexor pollicis longus, abductor pollicis brevis, flexor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis
Radial nerve innervations (9)
brachioradialis, triceps, extensor carpi radialis, extensor digitorum, extensor carpi ulnaris, supinator, abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis longus/brevis, extensor indici
Ulnar nerve cord segments
Median nerve cord segments
Radial nerve cord segments
Scapulothoracic and glenohumeral rhythm
-2:1 ratio
-first 30-60 occurs in glenohumeral
-120 at glenohumeral
60 at scapulothoracic
Normal angle of inclination and coxa vara/valga
Normal - 115-125
Coxa Vara- < 115
Coxa valga > 125
Femoral neck anterior rotation
normal - 10-15
Anteversion- 25-30
Retroversion - <10
L2 myotome
hip flexion and sartorious
L3 myotome
knee extension
L4 myotome
ankle dorsiflexion
L5 myotome
great toe extension
S1 myotome
foot eversion (fibularis longus/brevis)
SI joint nutation
flexion of sacrum with posterior rotation of Ilium
SI joint counter nutation
extension of sacrum with anterior rotation of Ilium
TMJ functional ROM (3 components
- 40mm opening
- 25mm rotation
- 15mm translatory glide
SI joint nutation
flexion of sacrum with posterior rotation of Ilium
SI joint counter nutation
extension of sacrum with anterior rotation of Ilium
TMJ functional ROM (3 components
- 40mm opening
- 25mm rotation
- 15mm translatory glide
Ankylosing spondylitits
- morning stiffness
- PROM and AROM loss
- mostly male
- flexed posture of entire spine
- normal reflexes and sensation
- deposit of uric acid crystals onto peripheral joints
- often at knee or great toe
- early ID is important
Psoriatic arthritis
- Erosive degeneration in digits and axial skeleton
- both sexes
- acetaminophen, NSAID, corticosteroids
Rheunatoid arthritis
- usually MCP and PIPs, can get ulnar drift
- women 2-3x more likely
- Juvenile RA= onset prior to 16 with 75% remission
- metabolic disease depletes bone mineral density/mass
- women 10x more
- common fx sites= T/L spine, femoral neck, humerus, radius
- Meds=calcium, vitamin D
-decalcification of bones d/t Vitamin D deficiency
sxs= severe pain, fxs, weakness, deformities,
- inflammatory response w/in bone caused by infection (usually staph)
- more common in children and immunosuppressed adults, males>females
Myofascial pain syndromee
-trigger points w/ characteristic referral pain pattern
-inflammation of busa
sxs= pain w/ rest, PROM and AROM limited d/t pain no capsular pattern
Myositis ossificans
- painful abnormal calfication w/ muscle belly
- usually direct trauma resulting in hematoma and calcification of muscle
- frequent locations-quads, biceps, brachialis
- surgery when mature lesion (6-24m) and loss of joint movement/nerve function
- avoid aggressive stretching and MT
Complex regional pain syndrome
-related to trauma or precipitating event
-dysfunction of sympathetic nervous system to include pain, claudication, vasomotor disturbances
CPRS 1= tissue injury, no nerve involvment
CPRS 2= clearly nerve injury
-long term sxs= muscle wasting, trophic skin changes, decreased bone density, weakness
Paget’s disease (osteitis deformans)
- unknown etiology, possibly viral infection
- metabolic bone disease resulting in abnormal osteoclast/blast activity
- spinal stenosis, facet arthropathy, possible spine fx
Glenohumeral dislocations
- 95% occur in anterior-inferior direction
- occurs with UE forced into ER, tears inferior glenohumeral ligament
Hill Sachs vs Bankart lesion vs SLAP
- Hill Sachs= compression fx of post. humeral head
- SLAP= tear of rim above middle of socket, may include biceps tendon
- Bankart= tear of rim below middle socket and inferior glenohumeral ligament
Glenohumeral instability
- traumatic=young throwing athletes
- atraumatic= congenitally loose CT
- shoulder in sling 3-4 post surgery
Shoulder Labral tear sxs
- non localized pain
- pain worse w/ overhead or arm behind back
- weakness and instability
- pain w/ biceps resistance
Thoracic outlet syndrom
- compression areas= superior thoracic outlet, scalene triangle, clavicle and 1st rib, pec minor and thoracic wall
- possible referred pain, possible parathesia, palor/coolness in hands
AC/SC disorders
- fall onto adducted shoulder
- avoid shoulder elevation during acute phase
Rotator cuff tendonosis
- impingement of insertion of RC on anterior acromion
- 30-50 years, pain/weakness after eccentric load
- weak abduction, rotation
- tenderness to palpation RC
Internal (posterior) shoulder impingement
- irritation b/w RC and greater tuberosity or posterior glenoid/labrum
- overhead athletes
- pain in posterior shoulder
Adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder)
- inflammation/fibrosis in shoulder capsule usually d/t disuse after injury
- ER greatest limited, followed by abduction/flexion
- common with DM and thyroid
- 45+ y/o, shoulder hiking
Distal humeral fx
- supracondylar fxs examine quickly d/t neurovascular status
- lateral epicondyle fxs common in young people, require ORIF
Osteochondrosis of humeral capitellum
- bone fragment detached, common in 12-15 y/o
- Panner’s disease= avascular necrosis of capitellum, <10 y/o
Elbow dislocations
- posterolateral are most common d/t FOOSH w/ elbow ext
- can cause medial epicondyle avulsion fx d/t traction on UCL ligament
- rapid swelling
Dequervains tenosynovitis
- abductor pollicis brevis
- extensor pollicis longus
Colle’s fx
- most common wrist fx
- dinner fork deformity w/ posterior displacement of radius fragment
Smith’s fx
- distal fragment of radius dislocates in volar (anterior) direction
- garden spade deformity
Scaphoid fx
- most common carpal fx
- high incidence of avascular necrosis
- immobilized 4-8 weeks
Dupuytrens contracture
- banding in palm and digit flexion
- men > women
- MCP and PIP of 4-5 digits in non diabetes
- 3-4 digits of diabetes
Boutonniere deformity
- rupture of central tendon of extensor hood
- MCP and DIP ext, PIP flexion
- trauma, RA, degeneration of central tendon
Swan neck deformity
- contracture of intrinsic muscles, dorsal sublux of lateral extensor tendons
- flexion of MCP and DIP, extension of PIP
- trauma, RA
Ape hand deformity
- thenar muscle wasting, 1st digit moves dorsally in line with 2nd
- median nerve dysfunction
Mallet finger
- rupture of extensor tendon at insertion
- flexion of DIP
- trauma
Gamekeepers thumb
- sprain/ruture of MCP ULC ligament of 1st digit
- fall while skiing w/ poles
Boxers fx
-fracture of 5th metacarpal
Avascular necrosis of hip
- decreased flexion, IR, abduction
- pain in groin and/or thigh, tenderness to palpation
Trochanteric bursitis
- inflammation of deep trochanteric bursa
- common with Ra
Piriformis syndrome sxs
- restriction in IR
- pain w/ palpation to piriformis
- pain referred to posterior thigh
- weakness in ER
Meniscal injury sxs
- lateral/medial joint pain and effusion
- joint popping
- knee giving way during walking/joint locking
- limited flexibility
Knee fxs
- medial femoral condyle most common, fall w/ shearing force to knee
- tibial plateau, valgum and compression forces to knee, can occur with MCL injury
Anterior compartment syndrome
- chronic ACS sxs produced by exercise, deep/cramping feeling
- acute ACS sxs produced by trauma causing swelling. this is medical emergency
Anterior tibial periositits (shin splints)
-anterior tibialis and extensor hallucis longus
Medial tibial stress syndrome
- overuse of posterior tibialis/ soleus
- etiology may be excessive pronation
Stress fxs
- 49% of all stress fxs involve tibia
- 10% involve fibula
Tarsal tunnel syndrome
- entrapment of posterior tibial nerve w/in tarsal tunnel
- over/excessive pronation causing tendonitis of posterior tibialis, may decrease tarsal tunnel space
- sxs = pain, numbness, parathesia to medial ankle and plantar surface of foot
-plantar flexed foot caused by neuro disorder (CP)
Hallux valgus
-normal metatarsophalangeal angle is 8-20
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
- peroneal muscular atrophy affecting motor and sensory nerves
- initially affects lower leg/foot muscles, progresses to m. of hands and forearms
Spinal stenosis
- narrowing of spinal canal or intervertebral foramen
- sxs= bilateral pain/parathesia in back, buttocks, thighs, calves, feet
- better w/ flexion, worse w/ extension/walking
Internal disc disruption
- internal annulus is damaged w/ external structures normal
- common in L spine
- sxs= constant deep achy pain, increased pain w/ movement, no neuro findings, may have referred pain in LE
- spinal manip may be contraindicated
Esophageal cancer
pain to back, pain w/ swallowing, dysphagia, weight loss
Pancreatic cancer
deep, gnawing pain radiates from chest to back
Acute pancreatitis
mid epigastric pain radiating through to the back
abrupt, severe abdominal pain
- RUQ tenderness, nausea, vomiting, fever
Heart and lung disorders
can refer pain to chest, back, neck, jaw and UE
Abdominal aortic aneurysm
usually appears as nonspecific lumbar pain
Kidney, bladder, ovary, uterus
refer to trunk, pelvis, and thighs
Transient synovitis in children
- acute onset of sudden hip pain age 3-10
- decreased abduction and IR
- hip/groin pain, crying at night, antalgic gait
Legg calve perthes disease
blood supply interrupted to femoral head
-age 2-13, 4x more in males
-weakness of psoas major,
cast 4-6 weeks
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
most common hip disorder in adolescents
- femoral head displaced posteriorly/inferiorly
- 2x more males, age 13, females age 11
- decreased abduction, flexion, IR
- vague pain at knee thigh hip
Flexor tendon injuries of hand
- immobilize 3-4 weeks w/ wrist and finger flexion IPs at 30-50 flexion
- pt can perform resisted extension and passive flexion w/ splint
- AROM at 4 weeks, extension first then flexion
Extensor tendon repairs
- immobilized with DIPs neutral for 6-8 weeks
- AROM at 6 weeks, extension first then flexion
- cemented hips WFB immediately, used for fragile elderly/dementia
- noncemented better for younger active, may be TDWB-WBAT
Cementless THA weight bearing
- 25% weeks 1-7
- 50% week 8
- 75% week 10
- 100% week 12 w/o AD
Hamstring graft ACLR
- fewer sxs postoperatively
- greater return to preinjury level
- earlier rehab
- more expensive
- slower rehab
Patella tendon ACLR
- better maintaining graft tension postop
- less expensive
- faster healing
- increased risk for AKP and lateral knee OA
- increased risk for knee ext deficit
- delayed rehab d/t quad atrophy
- CPM at 0-70 post surgery
- 0-120 by week 6
- hinged brace at 20-70 for 2-4 weeks
- NWB for one week
- wean pt from brace at 2-4 weeks
Maitland grade 1-2
improve joint lubrication/nutrition
-decreased pain and muscle guarding
Maitland grade 3-4
stretch ligaments, muscles, capsules
Mailtland grade 5
regain normal joint mechanics
-decrease pain and muscle guarding
Cervical headaches
thrust can be indication and contraindication
-ask females about birth control and smoking, combo can be vascular accident