Neuro Flashcards
What nerve supplies sensation to the nasal septum?
Ophthalmic branch of trigeminal (V1)
Which nerves carry taste info from the tongue?
VII anterior 2/3
IX posterior 1/3
Is the forehead spared in UMN lesions or LMN?
UMN lesion causes drooping of eyelid on affected side but forehead spared
The forehead is not spared in LMN lesions eg Bell’s Palsy
Where are the Golgi tendon organs situated?
Junction of skeletal muscle and tendon
What do the muscle spindles detect?
Muscle contraction and relaxation
What motor neurones innervate the muscle fibres of the spindle?
Gamma motor neurones
What type of muscle do gamma neurones innervate?
Intrafusal (muscle spindle isintrafusal muscle)
What are the roots of the brachial plexus?
What are the roots of the cervical plexus?
What is the outermost layer of the eyeball?
Fibrous layer, consists of sclera and cornea
What is the middle layer of the eyeball?
Vascular layer, comprises choroid, ciliary body and iris
What does the inner layer of the eyeball consist of?
What are the extra ocular muscles?
Medial rectus Lateral rectus Superior rectus Inferior rectus Superior oblique Inferior oblique
What is the innervation to the extra ocular muscles?
CN III all muscles except these exceptions:
CN IV superior oblique
CN VI lateral rectus
Via which hole does CN I enter the cranial cavity?
Cribiform plate of ethmoid bone
What is the action of the medial rectus?
What is the action of the lateral rectus?
How long does the refractory period last for?
Where does decussation of fibres of the DCML system occur?
How do you test CN II?
Observing pupillary constriction in response to light
Which CNs carry parasympathetic fibres?
What is the corpus callosum?
Association fibres from the right and left cerebral hemispheres
What vessels are key to forming the circle of Willis?
Vertebral and internal carotid arteries
Which cranial nerves pass through the superior orbital fissure?
What are the function of Schwann cells and where would you find them?
Myelinate nerve cell axons in the peripheral nervous system
What myelinates axons of the CNS?
Where are the left and right phrenic nerves formed?
Cervical plexus (C3,4,5)
What is the function of the tectospinal tract?
Head turning to visual stimulus
Which spinal tract controls muscles involved in balance and posture?
Vestibulospinal tract
In which lobe is Broca’s area situated?
In which lobe is Wernicke’s lobe situated?
Where is the primary motor cortex located?
Pre-central gyrus in frontal lobe
What is also known as Brodmann’s area 44?
Broca’s area
What is also known as Brodmann’s area 4?
Primary motor cortex
What produces and abnormal rhythmical output in Parkinson’s?
Basal ganglia
Where are the axons of UMNs mainly located?
Lateral white matter of spinal cord
Where are the mossy fibres derived from?
Many brain stem motor nuclei except the inferior ok ovary nucleus
What sensation info does the spinalthalamic tract carry?
Pain, temperature and crude touch
Is the basilar membrane of the cochlear wider at its apex or base?
Which section of the basilar membrane of the cochlear is sensitive to low frequencies?
The apex - it’s wider
The base can’t hear the bass
Is the middle ear cavity fluid or air filled?
Where are the climbing fibres derived from?
Inferior olivary nucleus
How many rows of inner and outer hair cells are there in the cochlear?
4-5 rows of outer hairs
1 row of inner
Where is CSF produced?
Choroid plexi in lateral ventricles
What are the layers of dura called?
Inner meningeal layer
Outer endosteal layer
What is the dorsal part of the midbrain also known as?
What is the ventral part of the midbrain also known as?
What passes via the foramen lacerum?
Internal carotid artery
What is the name of the midline foramen in the IVth ventricle?
Foramen of magendie
What does CSF flow through to get from the lateral to 3rd ventricle?
Interventricular foramen
What joins Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas?
Arcuate fascilicus
What is the path of the drainage of venous blood from the brain?
Deep cerebral veins Superficial cerebral veins Venous sinuses Internal jugular vein Subclavian vein Inferior vena cava
Where is CSF found?
Subarachnoid space and spinal canal
What are the functions of CSF?
Buoyancy, protection, regulates inter cranial pressure, chemical stability, clearing waste
Where is CSF absorbed?
Absorbed by arachnoid villi into venous sinuses
What is the contents of the cavernous sinus?
CNs III, IV, V1, V2, VI, internal carotid artery, pituitary gland, sphenoid sinus
Where do the vertebral arteries travel up the cervical vertebrae?
Transverse foramen
How many pairs of spinal nerves are there and how many pair section of spine?
31 pairs: 8 cervical 12 thoracic 5 lumbar 5 sacral 1 coccygeal
Where does the spinal cord end?