neuro Flashcards
what causes differentiation of ectoderm –> neuroectoderm?
notochord (mesoderm)
what does the neural plate –> ?
neural tube
neural crest cells
alar vs basal plate?
alar = dorsal = sensory basal = ventral = motor
primary vesicles of brain?
forebrain = prosencephalon midbrain = mesencephalon hindbrain = rhombencephalon
secondary vesicles of brain?
forebrain –> telencephalon, diencephalon
midbrain –> mesencephalon
hindbrain –> metencephalon, myelencephalon
derivatives of telencephalon?
cerebral hemispheres
lateral ventricles
derivatives of diencephalon?
third ventricle
derivatives of mesencephalon?
derivatives of metencephalon?
upper part of fourth ventricle
derivatives of myelencephalon?
lower part of fourth ventricle
derivatives of neuroectoderm?
CNS neurons
ependymal cells
derivatives of neural crest?
Schwann cells
neurological derivatives of mesoderm?
notochord –> nucleus pulposus
when should the neuropores of the NT fuse?
4th week
NT defects - cause, dx?
cause: low folic acid intake
dx: increased AFP (amniotic fluid and maternal serum); increased AChE in amniotic fluid
no forebrain, open calvarium, assoc with maternal T1DM?
increased AFP, polyhydramnios (no swallowing)
** give folate to decrease risk
range of presentations from cleft lip/palate –> cyclopia?
failure of L/R hemispheres to separate - weeks 5-6
related to SHH mutations
Patau, fetal alcohol
herniation of cerebellar tonsils and vermis through foramen magnum?
Chiari II malformation
get aqueductal stenosis and hydrocephalus
often presents with lumbosacral emningomyelocele, paralysis below defect
agenesis of cerebellar vermis, enlarged 4th ventricle?
Dandy-Walker malformation
associated with hydrocephalus, spina bifida
capelike B/L loss of pain and temperature, fine touch preserved?
most common C8-T1
assoc with Chiari malformations, trauma, tumors
cerebellar tonsillar ectopia >3-5 mm, H/A, cerebellar symptoms?
Chiari II malformation
usually asx in childhood
which branchial arches contribute to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue?
1 and 2
–> sensation = CN V3, taste = CN VII
which branchial arches contribute to the posterior 1/3 of the tongue?
3 and 4
–> sensation and taste CN IX; far posterior = CN X
motor innervation of tongue?
CN XII –> hyoglossus, genioglossus, styloglossus
CN X –> palatoglossus