Neuro Flashcards
red flags for secondary HA?
S: systemic s/s eg fever, immunocomp, known malignancy, autoimmune dz, coagulopathy,
N: neuro signs, new HA
O: sudden onset
O: age over 50
P: positional, papilledema, pulsatile tinnitus
define thunderclap HA
pain that reaches 7/10 in less than 1 minute
thunderclap HA ddx
bleeds: ICH, sentinel aneurysmal bleed
vascular: carotid dissection, RCVS, cerebral venous thrombosis, PRES
other: acute angle closure glaucoma, acute hydrocephalus,
criteria for LP without CT
normal sensorium, no focal neuro deficits, not immunosuppressed. can get LP before CT
RF for cerebral venous thrombosis
basically anything promoting hypercoag:
peripartum, OCP, recent surgery, protein c or s deficiency, factor 5 leiden etc
cerebral venous thrombosis presentation
variable: from progressive over weeks to thunderclap
can have benign presentation or also pt can have s/s raised ICP, seizures, coma etc
CT for cerebral venous thrombosis
CT venogram and NCCTH
4 types of HA pt who get neuroimaging (NCCTH) in ED
- HA and abn neuro finding (inclu aLOC)
- new sudden onset severe HA aka thunderclap
- HIV + with new HA
- new HA and age > 50 with normal neuro exam
what is PRES
a hypertensive emergency, pts have HTN, encephalopathy and severe HA or visual changes, seiures
what dx needs to be ruled out before dx of RCVS?
age at which GCA needs to be considered?
> 50
criteria for cluster HA
5 attacks that are:
sevre, unilateral, last 15-180 mins, have circadian or circannual pattern
POUND for migraines?
pulsatile, onset 4-72 hours, unilateral, n/v, disabling
also photo/phonobia
migraine cocktail
toradol, NS and maxeran.
can consider dex, benadryl,
occipital neuraligia? symptoms and cause
shooting/electric pain at posterior of head in distribution of occipital nerve, caused by chrnoic neck tension
can try occipitla nerve block
3 findings of IIH aka pseudotumour cerebri
HA, papilledema, normal neuro exam
most effective tx for post LP HA
epidural blood patch
carotid vs vertebral artery dissection symtptoms
both have HA, neck pain etc,
carotid will have anterior circ stroke s/s
vertebral will posterior stroke s/s
multiple ppl from same area presenting with HA, consider?
ct findings of pituitary apoplexy?
cellar mass (it is a hemorrhage of pituiatary adenoma)
Post LP headache presentation and tx
Occurs within 2 days of LP, worse sitting/standing,
Give simple analgesics, give caffeine, or blood patch if refractory
Happens about 10% of LPs
2 types of hemorrhagic stroke
spontaneous SAH and intrcerebral hemm (aka intraparenchymal)
causes of spont SAH
75% aneurysm rupture, idiopathic, AVM, sympathomimetic drugs
SAH risk factors
HTN, smoking, excessive etoh, PCKD, famhx of SAH, marfan’s Ehlers-Danlos,
rule for SAH r/o
ottawa SAH rule: r/o’s SAH
under 40
no neck pain/stiffness
no LOC
non-exertional onset
not thunderclap
full neck ROM
work up for SAH
if < 6 hrs get NCCTH only, unless extremely high rish for SAH (even if very high risk, liklihood is <1 %)
if > 6 hrs and negative NCCTH –> need an LP or a CTA, there may be a clear indication for either (ie meningitis w/u or known aneurysm or r/o vascular lesion etc)
two CSF tests in SAH
xanthochromia and RBC count ( no definitive cutoff for this)
what is xanthochromia, what cutoff used in SAH LP
= yellowing of CSF d/y bilirubin
it is either + or negative
mgmt of SAH
try and prevent re-bleeding while balancing CPP.
aim for SBP between (ie may need to decrease)120-160 (but MAP > 80), using labetalol or nicardipine
reverse coagulopathy
pain and emsis control (can do before specific BP mgmt)
-rasie HOB to 30 deg
-treat pain and emesis
-3 mL/kg of 3% saline (about 250 mL) or mannitol
-can hyperventilate for 1-2 hrs max, target pcos of 30-35 (last resort)
-neurosurg consult
-keep MAP > 80
what is more common spont SAH or spont intracerebral hemm
spont ICH is twice as common
RF for intracranial hmm
chornic HTN, aneurysm, AVM, brain tumour, cocaine, anticoagulants
blood pressure target for intracerebral hemm,
other big consierdation
SBP about 120-160, MAP> 80
reversal of anticoagulant
acute reversal of warfarin vs DOAC
warfrain: 10 mg vitamin K IV AND PCC dose varies with INR
PCC =octaplex
3 main stroke types and %ages
ischemic 87%
non traumatic SAH 3%
intracerebral = 10%
3 types of ischemic strokes
embolic, thrmobotic, low-flow
onset of symptoms: stuttering vs immediate
suttering can be seen in thrombotic or low-flow
immediate is embolic
list stroke mimics
dont find time of onset in stroke, find the ______
last known well time = time pt was last seen normal, can be extrapolated rom texts messages, freshly made coffee etc
anterior cerebral artery strokes
contralateral leg weakness/numbness
Lt sided: motor aphasia
rt sided: motor hemineglect
Large vessel stroke syndromes
4 classic symptoms of posterior circ stroke
or 5 D’s
what vessels are postior circ
basilar, post cerebral, vertebral, cerebellar
MCA strokes
-hemiplegia (face and arms), sensory loss contralateral to lesion
-if left sided: aphasia, left gaze preference
if rt sided: left neglect, right gaze preference
%age of left side dominant
all right handed ppl and 80% Lt handed ppl
posterior cerebral artery stroke
contralateral hemianopsia
treatment of carotid and vertebral artery dissection
basically same as all other strokes, if within window can consider lytics, if not candidate give antiplatelets in consultation with neuro
target door to needle time:
<60 mins
why do ppl get CT and CTA in ? stroke
what is only imaging study strictly required to give lytics
NNCTH: r/o bleed, abcess, tumour etc - often acute strokes are not seen on non-con in the first few hours
CTA: look for vessel occlusion/stenosis and ID EVT candidates
BP mgmt in acute ischemic stroke
if no lytics let auto reg up to SBP 220
if lytics, need < 180/105 (including during tpa admin)
lytics inclusion criteria
lytics exclusion criteria
antiplatelets in acute ischemic stroke
if lytics given, no antiplatelets for first 24 hrs
if no lytics, give ASA in first 48 hrs (but asap)
EVT criteria
TIA work up/mgmt
clinical diagnosis. same work up as stroke, ie exclude mimics, then et NCCTH and then CTA. if lesions ID’d d/w neuro, but likely dapt for 3 weeks with loading doses then ASA
meds for lowering BP in acute atroke
labetalol 10-20 mg IV, then 2-8 mg/min
5 broad categories of delirium
primary CNS
systemic dz secondarily affecting CNS (legit almost anything)
exogenous toxins
drug withdrawl and pain
major trauma/surgery