GI Flashcards
causes of esophagitis
GERD (most common), infection, pill, caustic ingestion, radiation, autoimmune, eosinophilic esophagitis
causes of infectious esophagitis
usually in immunocomp (aids, transplant): candida, HSV, CMV,
typical and atypical GERD symptoms
GERD causes
lower eso sphincter incompetence, hiatal hernia, meds, increased intra-abdo pressure (obesity, pregnancy), incomplete emptying of stomach
alarm symptoms, that require f/u or endoscopy in GERD
weight loss, progressive dysphagia, blood in stools, anemia, age >50
caustic ingestion: why are alkalis worse than acids
acids produce coagulation necrosis which limits tissue injury (bc is causes an escahar), alkalis produce tissie liquefaction necrosis which allows for continued damage.
mgmt of caustic ingestion:
airway assessment, NPO, pain mgmt, PPI, abx if perf suspected.
DO NOT: place NGT, give anything by mouth, avoid charcoal
dispo: likely as per poison control
note: household bleach ingestion <100 mL unlikely to do any damage
mgmt of mallory weiss
supportive and symptomatic usually adequate
what to rule out with mallory weiss (2 things)
peritonitis and esophageal perf
pathophys of eso perf
rupture of all layers of eso and surrounding pleura –> non sterile contents into mediastinum or thorax
causes of eso perf
iatrogenic, Boerhave’s (rethching after etoh or large meal), trauma
s/s of eso perf
variable… most commonly epigastric pain that radiates to neck,
pleuritis pain made worse by neck flexion and swallowing
Mackler triad: vomiting, chest pain subcutaneous emphysema
+/- fever/hypotension/shock
dx of eso perf
cxr: can reveal pneumomediastinum, ptx, pleural effusion, widened mediastinum, but is not sensitive (esp early on)
esophgram using water siluable ocntrast (NOT BARIUM) or EGD can make diagnosis
can consider CT chest if above studies not available.
mgmt of eso perf
NPO, broad spectrum abx, surgical consult
why are button batteries bad, what is the timeline
alkali –> liquefaction necrosis
burns esophagus within 2 hours and perfs within 4-6 hrs
where do most eso fbs lodge in adults and childern
areas on anatomic narrowing
children: cricocopharyngeus muscle -> C6
adults: lower eso sphincter –> T10
imaging for eso fb
usually not necessary if food bolus
start with cxr, then CT if not identifiable
coins in trachea vs eso on xr
trachea they will appear sideways and then and in eso will appear head on
button battery vs coin on xray
BB with have double density or “stack of coins sign”
mgmt of eso fb
Look at highlights
distinguishing UGIB from LGIB
hemetemsis/coffee ground emesis = UGIB
melena or hematochezia (w/o clots) can be either). up to 70% UGIB will have these
NG aspirte: specific but not sensitive for UGIB (only picks up 23% in pt w/o hemetemesis
BUN/Cr ratio > 30 ; 93% sp for UGIB
age < 50 more likely UGIB
if hemodynamic instability assume UGIB
cause of UGIB
mallory weiss
dieulafoy lesion
aorto-enteric fistula (think of this is aortic graft)
cause of LGIB
specific, but no sensitive for UGIB (will miss over 75% if no hemetesmsis). not generally indicated.
can consider if going to intubate and needing to empty the stomach first.
mgmt of GIB
octreotide is moderate priority, 2008 cochrane review –> prevents re-bleeds in variceal and non varicel ugib, decrease splanchnic blood flow, although not lifesaving can be considered.
also need to reverse anticoagulation: if on DOAC or warfarin –> octaplex 2000 units and vitamin K IV if on warfarin
TXA –> nope
walk through balloon tamponade in UGIB
walk through SALAD intubation in UGIB
Score for outpt mgmt of UGIB
Glasgow-Blathchford score , score <3 can consider dc
diagnostic tests for LGIB
-colonscopy is best, but usually not possible if active/brisk bleeding
-tagged RBC scan
endoscopic therapies for UGIB
epi injection, banding, cautery, sclerotherapy
upper vs lower GIB: location and icnidenc
proximal to ligament of Treitz = upper
2/3rds are UGIB, 1/3 are LGIB
what is shock index? how to use in GIB
HR/SBP, if > 1 consider MTP (?seems like low threshold), in practice should use this as trigger to have PRBCs down and transfuse, if needing > 4/hr or no response to 4 then trigger MTP
how to diagnose and when to consider aortoenteric fistula
known AAA (esp if grafted) and GIB is AEF until proven otherwise, get CT abdo or angiography in stable pts, if unstable resuscitate and STAT OR
note present like upper or lower GIB
causes and complications of gastritis
NSAIDS, EtOH, H pylori, autoimmune, corrosive agents, also shock/hypovolemia!
comp: ulcers, GIB, perf,
zollinger-ellison syndrome
gastrin secreting endocrine tumour, accounts for 1% of all PUD
Treatment regimen for h pylori
mgmt of gastritis
PPI, d/c nsaids, etoh and outpt tx for h pylori.
note gastrits/PUD w/o cause, should Ix for h pylori, or at leats send test for it first, if GERD trial PPI first
Ix options for H pylori
serology –> only tests for past exposure
urea breath, stool Ag and endoscopy can confirm active infection or eradiction
4 entities of stomach disease
gastritis, PUD (gastric and duodenal ulcers), gastrinoma, gastric adenoca
PUD pain symptoms
epigastric pain, worse at night (can wake from sleep), belching, early satiety, nausea, abdo distention
most common sign: epigastric pain to palp
invasive vs non-invasive gastroenteritis
non-invasive = mild systemic symptoms, n/v, diffuse abdo tenderness,
invasive = more severe systemic symptoms, bloody diarrhea, FEVER, tender abdomen
mgmt of gastro
supportive, usually resolves by 14 days
get GPMP/O&P if longer than 14 days, severe, recent travel, recent abx, outbreaks, etc
Bugs that cause bloody diarrhea
most common cau of gastric/duodenal perf
eroded ulcer
causes of small bowel perf
infection (typhoid/TB), tumours, strangulated hernia, IBD, ischemic colitis, FB, meds, blunt or penetrating trauma, SBO
Large bowel perf causes
LBO, colon cancer, diverticulitis, iatrogenic
mgmt of bowel perf
surgical consult, NPO, IVF, broad spectrum abx
bloody diarrhea more common in chrons or UC
Chrome vs UC: distinguishing features
dx of toxic megalcolon
colon >6 cm on radiograph with signs of systemic toxicity = high risk for perf
complications of UC
GIB, colorectal CA, toxic megacolon
complications of chrons
SBO, fistula, abscess, stricture, toxic megacolon, colorectal CA
extraintestinal manifestations of IBD
simple SBO vs strangulation
simple = impairs lumen only
strnagulation, results in loss of blood flow and can lead to necrosis/perf etc, often results from “closed loop” obstruction
causes of SBO
adhesions, neoplasm, hernias, chrons, volvulus, intussusception (<2 y/o), gallstone ileus.