Neuro Flashcards
action pons vs medulla vs midbrain
pons- feeding and sleep
medulla- cvs and resp
midbrain- reflex eye responses
fasiculus vs funinculus vs tract
fasciculus- subdivision of a tract supplying a distinct region of the body
funiculus- a segment of white matter containing multiple distinct tracts. bidirectional
tract- white matter pathway connnecting two regions of grey matter
gracile vs cuneate fasiculus
gracile- lower
cuneate- upper
3 types of fibres and roles
association- same hemisphere
projection- to spinal cord
commisural- to other hemisphere
pre vs post central gyrus
pre- motor
post- sensory
purple- cingulate gyrus. emotion and memory
red- corpus callosum. fibres connecting two cerebral hemispheres
green- thalamus. sensory relay station projecting to sensory cortex
blue- hypothalamus. homeostasis
yellow- fornix. output pathway from hippocampus
brown- tectum. dorsal part of midbrain involved in involuntary responses to auditory and visual stimuli
cerebellar tonsils- cerebellum that can herniate and compress the medulla
yellow- parahuppocampal gyrus. key cortical region for memory encoding.
red- optic chiasm. where visual fibres cross over
green- uncus. part of temporal lobe that can herniate, compressing the midbrain
blue- medullary pyramids. location of descending motor fibres.
abnormal neural tube deficits
-craniorachischisis- neural tube remains open,brain and spinal cord don’t form. incompatible with life
-anecephaly- cranial neural tube fails to close. failure of brain to form. may live for a little
-myelocoele- spinal cord does not develop, csf filled cyst. have neurological defects and have meningitis often
which word shows neuro type defecit is present
normal neuro tube defects
-myelomeningocoele- CSF filled cyst containing spinal cord. does not transilluminate. neurological defect
-meningocoele- CFS filled cyst. transilluminates. no neurological defect
-spina bifida occulta- lack of posterior vertebral arch, tuft of hair/naevus over deficit. no neurological problems.
why do neural tube defects predispose to hydrocephalus
- cord is tethered at site of defect
- as spine grows cord cannot move within vertebral canal, causing brainstem to be pulled down through foramen magnum and become occluded
why does the Caudia equine form
⇒ A 3 months, the spinal cord is the same length as the vertebral column
⇒ Thereafter, the vertebral column grows faster
⇒ The spinal roots must elongate in order to exit at their intervertebral foramen
⇒ Cauda equina is formed
primary vesicles and what secondary vesicles they form
Prosencephalon (Embryonic forebrain)
telencephalon and diencephalon
- telencephalon forms cerebral hemispheres
- diencephalon forms thalamus
Mesencephalon (Embryonic midbrain)
- Forms midbrain
Rhombencephalon (Embryonic hindbrain)
Metencephalon and myelencephalon
- metencephalon forms pons and cerebellum
- myelencephalon forms medulla oblongata
what vesicles form which ventricles
LV- Telencephalon
3rd- Diencephalon
CA- Mesencephalon
4th- Meten/myelencephalon
where does the MCA supply
Cortical branches emerge from the lateral fissure to supply the lateral
aspect of the cerebral hemisphere (cortex and underlying white matter), including lateral parts of the frontal and parietal lobes as well as the superior temporal lobe
Deep branches (the lenticulostriate arteries) supply deep grey matter
structures including the lentiform nucleus and caudate as well as the internal capsule
where does the ACA supply
Cortical branches supply the medial aspect of the frontal and parietal
lobes (not the occipital lobe)
There are also branches to the corpus callosum itself as the ACA loops over the corpus callosum as it sends branches to the adjacent cortex
where does the PCA supply
o Supplies occipital lobe, inferior temporal lobe and
thalamus (via thalamoperforator and thalamogeniculate branches)
o Also supplies midbrain en passant
branches of the PCA
o Posterior communicating arteries branch from these to
connect with the anterior circulation (internal carotid artery)
• Superior cerebellar artery supplies the superior aspect of the
cerebellum and midbrain en passant
• Pontine arteries supply the pons (including descending
corticospinal fibres)
• Anterior inferior cerebellar artery the supplies the antero-
inferior aspect of the cerebellum and lateral pons en passant
draw circle of willis
compare the regions of the body supplied by MCA/ACA
mca- upper limb
aca- lowe limb
describe blood supply to the spinal cord
anterior 2/3- ASA
posterior 1/3- PSA
describe blood supply to CST, STT and DCML
CST/STT- anterior spinal
DCML- posterior spinal
compare PSA and ASA blockage
- unilateral as the arteries are paired
- ipsilateral loss of DCML below level
-midline arteries so effects are bilateral
-loss of STT below level and UMN signs above level due to CST blockage
amacrine- inhibitory neurons and project their dendrites to the inner plexiform layer to interact with retinal ganglion cells and/or bipolar cells
ganglion- a type of neuron in the retina which receives visual information from photoreceptors via bipolar cells and amacrine cells
horizontal- laterally interconnecting neurons which help integrate and regulate the input from multiple photoreceptor cells
bipolar- cells which exist between photoreceptors in the retina and act indirectly/directly to transmit signals from the photoreceptors to the ganglion cells
left monocular blindness
left hand side optic nerve lesion
bitemporal hemianopoa
optic chiasm
left hand side homonymous hemianopia
right hand side optic tract
left homonymous inferior quadrantinopia
right superior optic radiation
describe macula sparing
in PCA stroke, the occipital lobe is lost
the MCA supplies the occupital pole and so macula vision is spared
where fo the afferent (CNII) nerve synapse
pre tectal area
3 aspects of accomodation reflex
- Convergence (medial rectus)
- Pupillary Constriction (constrictor pupillae)
- Convexity of the lens to increase refractive power (ciliary muscle)
compare dcml and stt
dcml- lower body medial and upper body lateral
in PSC- lower body medial, upper body lateral
stt- lower body lateral and upper body medial
in PSC- lower body medial, upper body lateral
symptoms brown sequard
- ipsilateral segmental anaesthesia and dcml loss
- contralateral stt loss
- CST lesion: ipsilateral spastic paralysis (due to loss of moderation by the UMN).
- At the level of the lesion, there will be flaccid paralysis of the muscles supplied by the nerve of that level (since lower motor neurons are affected at the level of the lesion).
receptive field and visual acuity
receptive field- area supplied by a single primary sensory neurone
visual acuity- ability to have two point discirmination
inversely proportionate
where are the cell bodies for primary, secondary and tertiary sensory neurones
primary- dorsal root ganglion
secondary- medulla/dorsal horn
tertiary- thalamus
DCML tract
- first order neurone has cell body in DRG. ascends through gracile (lower) or cuneate (upper) fasiculus
- in medulla synapses with secondary neurone. projected to thalamus
- at thalamus projects to PSC
lower body = medial
upper body = lateral
- first order neurone has cell body in DRG. synapses with second order neurone in dorsal horn, which decussates at ventral white commisure
- second order neurone ascends to thalamus, synapses with third order neurone
- projects to psc
lower body = lateral
upper body = medial
pain modulation
C fibres detect pain, AD fibres are inhibitory interneurones activated my mechano receptors.
Additionally, these encephalinergic interneurones can also be activated by
descending inputs from higher centres such as the periaqueductal grey matter or the nucleus raphe magnus
cell bodies LMN vs UMN
UMN- primary motor cortex
LMN- ventral spinal cord, motor nuclei in brainstem
describe route the UMN takes to LMN
corona radiata
internal capsule
cerebral peduncles (midbrain)
medullary pyramids
ventral horn
topographical representation in CST compared to motor homunculus
in CST- lower limb lateral, upper limb medial
in motor homunculus- lower limb medial, upper limb lateral
what do the ventral and lateral CST supply
ventral(15%)- proximal
lateral (85%)- distal
what tract do the UMN supplying face go in
1- CNII and EDW nucleus
- medial lemniscus
- periaquaductal grey matter
- cerebral aquaduct
- superior colliculus
- red nucleus
- substandia nigra
- cerebral peduncles
green- corticospinal tract
pink- thalamic radiations. contaim ascending third order sensory neurones.
blue- corticofugal fibres. from cortex away from brain
yellow- corticobulbar tract
purple- genu
what is the internal capsule
bidirectional white matter pathway containing ascending tertiary sensory fibres and descending UMN motor fibres
action of cerebral peduncles, red nucleus and superior colliculus
cerebral peduncles- connect cerebral hemispheres to midbrain
red nucleus- motor control
superior colliculus- visual reflexes
effects of direct and indirect pathways normally and under influence of dopamine
- normally inhibitory
- under dopamine at d2, inhibition is inhibited and so it is stimulatory
- normally stimulatory
- under dopamine at d1, excitation is increased.
why is the indirect pathway excitatory under dopamine?
the SNc releases dopamine which inhibits the putamen at D2
this inhibits the normal inhibition of the GPe and so increases GPe activity
this increases the GPe inhibition of STN, and so STN activity decreases.
this decreases STN activation of GPI, and so there is less GPi inhibition of the thalamus.
this increases overall cortical activity
why is the direct pathway excitatory under dopamine
the SNc excites the putamen at D1
this increases inhibition of the GPi
this then reduces GPi inhibiton of the thalamus
this increases cortical activity
what makes up striatum and lentiform nucleus
striatum- caudate nucleus and putamen
lentiform nucleus- putamen and GPi/GPe
where is the lesion parkinsons/huntingtons/hemiballismus
parkinsons- the SNc
huntingtons- loss of inhibitory projections from striatum to GPe
pathophysiology of parkinsons
loss of dopaminergic neurones in SNc
less activation of direct pathway via D1
less inhibition of indirect pathway via D2
symptoms parkinsons
bradykinesia, rigidity, tremor, hypophonia, micrographia, incontenence, mood changes, dementia
pathophysiology of huntingtons
- loss of inhibiory fibres from striatum to GPe
- Gpe not inhibited and so more inhibition of STN.
this means less activation of GPi and so less inhibition of thalamus from GPi
symptoms huntingtons
chorea, dystonia, loss coordination, cognitive decline
pathophysiology hemiballismus
loss of STN.
less activation of GPi.
less thalamic inhibiton from GPi
more cortical activation
why is unilateral basal ganglia damage contralateral, whereas unilateral cerebellar damage is ipsilateral
basal ganglia- only the CST decussates
cerebellum- the CST and the rubrospial tract deucssate.
inputs and outputs to cortex
inputs- thalamus and cortical areas
association fibres eg. arcuate fasiculus
projection fibres eg. UMN
commisural fibres eg. corpus callosum
describe long term potentiaion
- changes in glutamate receptors
- synaptic strengthening
- axonal sprouting
describe strorage of short and long term memories
short- cortical circuits
long term- cerebellum for non declerative
cerebral cortex for declerative
3 outputs from reticular formation
hypothalamus sends histaminergic
thalamus sends glutaminergic
basal forebrain sends cholinergic
EEG trace for different levels of sleep
Awake- beta
Drowsy- alpha
I- theta
II/III- sleep spindles (high frequency outbursts) and K+ complexes (intrinsic rate thalamus)
IV- delta
REM- beta
what does EEG measure
combined activity of neurones. detects neuronal synchrony
3 sleep disorders
narcolepsy, sleep apnoea, insomnia
transtentorial herniation
medial parohippocampal gyrus/uncus herniates through tentorial notch.
causes CNIII lesion and disuption in blood supply from the PCA and the superior cerebellar arteries, also motor signs as cerebral peduncle compressed
tonsillar herniation
the cerebellar tonsils through foramen magnum
subfalcrine herniation
the cingulate gyrus under falx cerebri
- displaces corpus callosum and lateral ventricle
- ACA compressed so ischemia of medial frontal and parietal lobes
what is a water shed area
– areas that lie at most distal portion of artery territory (border MCA and ACA high risk) – wedge shaped necrosis. Seen after hypotensive episode.
cause stroke
Hypertension – 60yrs +, rupture of small intraparenchymal
blood vessels.
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy
Arteriovenous and cavernous malformations