Immune Not On Brainscape Flashcards
Which food allergy diagnoses screen for IgE
- serum specific IgE
- skin pin prick test
Correlate with likely hood of allergy
Hypersensitivity type 2 reactions caused by complement activation
- haemolytic disease of newborn
- transfusion reactions
Antigen HDN
Rhesus D
Antigen transfusion reaction
- autoimmune haemolytic anemia
- immune thrombobytopenic purpura
- goodpastures
- red blood cells
- platelets
- collagen in GBM of lung and kidney
Examples of type 2 hypersensitivity caused by antibody dependent cell cytotoxicity
- autoimmune haemolytic anemia
- immune thrombobytopenic purpura
- goodpastures
Concequences HDN
Hydrops fetalis
Severe hyperbilirubinemia
What is given to prevent HDN
RhoGAM- solution of rhesus positive proteins that prevent the immune system from making Rh- antibodies
Anti-D prophylaxis to neutralise RhD antigens from first babys’ RBC so the mother doesn’t produce RhD-
How to test for HDN
Indirect Coombs- tests for Anti-D antibody in plasma of mother and needs RhD antigen and Coombs reagent to be added
Direct coombs- looks at RBC from baby for Anti-D. Needs RhD antigens and Coombs reagent
+ve test = agglutination of RBCs
II disease caused by
- receptor stimulation
- receptor blockage
- protein blockade
Stimulation - graves
Receptor Blockade- MG
Protein blockade- pernicious anaemia
Antigen pernicious anemia
Intrinsic factor in gastric parietal cell
How to correct metabolism and give replacement therapy
Correct metabolism (graves)
- anti thyroid drugs
- thyroidectomy
Replacement therapy (MG/P anemia)
- pyridotygmine
- Vit B12
What is plasmapheresis used for
MG, goodpastures, graves
Type III immune mechanism
- intermediate size complex deposited
- complement activated
- neutrophil chemotaxis
- neutrophil adherence and degranulation
What is antigen rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus and glomerulonephtiris
RA- Fc portion of IgG
GN- infectious microbes