Neuro Flashcards
Damage to which part of the brain affects PROCEDURAL memory?
Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia
Pituitary stalk damage leads to..
Increase in Prolactin due to reduction of inhibitory dopamine from the hypothalamus down the stalk, AND decrease in remaining hormones due to lack of releasing hormones.
aggression, emotional lability, impairment of impulse control and suspiciousness is associated with head injury to which lobe?
Long Term Potentiation involves the activation of which receptor?
NMDA Receptor
Which anticonvulsant is NOT effective in acute mania?
What effect does Caffeine have on the purine receptor - adenosine receptor?
Antagonist - enhancing dopamine signally in brain due to the functionally coupled dopamine receptors.
Which enzyme synthesises GABA from Glutamate?
Glutamic acid decarboxylase
Which enzyme deactivates GABA?
GABA transaminase
Optic Ataxia
Damage to posterior parietal lobes. Deficit in visually guided movement.
Gap junctions form between which cells?
Between glial cells to form syncitia - allows propogation of chemical signals.
Electrical synapses consist of neurons linked by gap junctions (MINORITY of neurosystem).
Pregabalin acts on which receptor as what?
Acts on the alpha-2 delta subunit of Voltage-gated cacium channels, modulating calcium influx.
Nominal aphasia is a consequence of damage where?
Angular gyrus of the dominant temporal-parietal region.
Damage to where causes finger nose ataxia and heel-shin test?
Olivary nucleus
Impaired maintenance of posture, damage where?
Vermis, midline cerebellum.
Ipsilateral impairment of limb coordination, damage where?
Lateral cerebellar structures
Hemiparesis - damage where?
Medulla - pyramidal decussation occurs here.