NEU 490 QUIZ 4 AP Flashcards
Receptor Potential - way we convert physical sensations into neuronal signals and sent by specialized sensory receptors
Difference between postsynaptic potential and receptor potential?
How do we convert physical sensations into neuronal signals?
Sensory nerve ending? These can be either what?
Ex Pacinian vibration detector?
slowly adapting vs rapidly adapting?
Difference between postsynaptic potential and receptor potential is there is no presynaptic neuron rather have an external stimulus which is processed by a specialized receptor this can either be a specific sensory organ that releases NT or a modified specialized nerve ending. Then in the sensory neuron have the receptor potential which can either be graded or can reach threshold to send an AP.
How do we convert physical sensations into neuronal signals? Specialized sensory receptors!
Sensory nerve endings: stimulus produces a local graded response that, if it is large enough, can lead to an action potential in the sensory neuron. These can be either due to neurotransmitter release from the sensory organ or can be a specialized nerve ending
Ex Pacinian vibration detector: pacinian corpuscles (mechanoreceptors sense vibration) - have lamale concentric receptors and then have nerve endings from primary afferent then when deformation happens from vibration then NA depo in nerve ending within and is referred to as receptor potential
Can be classified as slowly adapting(active duration of stimulus so continuous depo like merkel disks) or rapidly adapting(quick depo pulse for the start of the stimulus and an “off” response at end of stimulus - also called change detectors bc detect the change like Meisner)
Synaptic Potentials - elicited by presynaptic input
Difference between synaptic and receptor potentials?
What type of potentials that occur in response to what?
Excitatory or inhibitory?
If an EPSP is?
Difference between synaptic and receptor potentials is that synaptic are elicited by presynaptic input so transmitter binding to postsynaptic receptors on our postsynaptic neuron produces a postsynaptic conductance change as ion channels open or sometimes close in that postsynaptic membrane - these can be either excitatory(EPSP local depo) or inhibitory(IPSP local hypo)
Local graded potentials that occur in response to input from a presynaptic neuron, these are also called post- synaptic potentials
Can be excitatory or inhibitory, leading to either a local depolarization or hyperpolarization(depends on which specific ion channels activated in cell membrane - ex: inhibit NT can open that allow Cl into cell or metabolize something then inhibit like g-protein)
If an EPSP is large enough or is additive, can reach threshold and send an action potential - shift from graded potential to AP
PSPs: considered graded potentials bc amount of depo or hypo and how far it travels (local potentials)
Summation of Postsynaptic potentials - can be added together to either increase or decrease the likelihood of AP which depends on kinetics and or location
Temporal summation:?
Spatial summation:?
Temporal summation: one presynaptic neuron - occur when rapid repetitive AP occurring in that same presynaptic neuron at the same location so a single neurons that has repetitive or strong stimulus - one presynaptic excitatory neuron
- Rapid repeat EPSPs same location (EPSP lasts a while)
- Add and sum to produce AP
Spatial summation: multiple presynaptic neuron - either two excitatory presynaptic neurons synapsing onto the same postsynaptic neurons or one excitatory and one inhibitory presynaptic neuron synapsing onto the same postsynaptic neuron - synapsing onto different parts of the postsynaptic close together still but in diff locations bc coming from diff presynaptic - these are multiple so can be simultaneous
- Simultaneous EPSPs in diff. parts of neuron
Add and sum to produce AP
- Simultaneous EPSP and IPSP in diff. parts of neuron
Add and reduce chance of AP
Comparison of Temporal VS Spatial Summation
Sensory summation that involves?
presynaptic neuron how many?
Generates what?
Fast or slow?
Temporal Summation:
- Sensory summation that involves the addition of single stimuli over a short period of time
- A single presynaptic neuron is responsible for generating the action potential
- One presynaptic neuron generates sub thresholds over a certain period of time - added together
- A less efficient process as it takes time to generate an action potential
Spatial Summation
- Sensory summation that involves stimulation of several spatially separated neurons at the same time
- Multiple presynaptic neurons are responsible for generating the action potential
- Multiple presynaptic neurons generate sub thresholds
- More efficient - faster
Passive(graded potentials) and Active Electrical Responses (action potentials)
Neurons translate a graded signal into an?
AP overcome the problems of?
Information(strength of stimuli) is then contained in the?
NT secretion:?
Increasing stimulus strength is coded with increasing?
Neurons translate a graded signal into an “all or nothing” signal, the AP
AP overcome the problems of passive conduction over long distances - avoid decay of the signal
Information(strength of stimuli) is then contained in the frequency and timing of the AP, as well as which axons are firing(myelinated vs unmyelinated axons and inhibition vs excitation neurons) - instead of coding info based on size AP we code with frequency
NT secretion: with greater stimulus intensity see greater increase AP frequency this leads to increase in NT secretion(which will affect the next postsynaptic neurons) and more vesicles of NT for larger stimulus
Increasing stimulus strength is coded with increasing frequency of AP so size does not change but the frequency changes with stimulus intensity - not only changings in the frequency of AP but changes in amount of NT secreted at axon terminals
DON’T CHANGE SIZE OF AP INSED CHANGE THE FREQ based on stimulus intensity then we pass on that info about stimulus intensity by changing the amount of NT that we secrete so secrete more vesicles of NT for large stimuli
A postsynaptic neuron has three other neurons that synapse onto it, with synapses located nearby to each other. Two are excitatory, and one is inhibitory. The first presynaptic neuron elicits an EPSP of +5mV The second presynaptic neuron elicits an EPSP of +14mV The third presynaptic neuron elicits an IPSP of -10mV
What type of summation is this?
What is the new membrane potential?
Will the postsynaptic neuron send an action potential?
What type of summation is this? Spatial
What is the new membrane potential? 5+14-10=9 then -70+9=-61mv
Will the postsynaptic neuron send an action potential? no
If the neuron is depolarized enough to reach a threshold, what needs to occur in order to send an action potential?
VG Na channels need to open, allowing Na to rush in
The Action Potential?
Steps of the Action Potential which four?
Small changes in membrane potential (graded potentials) can be depolarizing or hyperpolarizing.
A depolarizing potential that exceeds a threshold becomes an action potential.
Steps of the Action Potential
- Rest: at rest membrane permeability is more for K then Na
- Rising Phase: Depolarization
- Falling Phase: Repolarization
- Hyperpolarization and Recovery
Ion Channels: Voltage-sensitivity and Ion Selectivity
Ion channels: ?
Different gating mechanisms:
- Resting K leak channel?
- VG?
- Ligand?
- Signal?
Selectivity filter allows for?
Molecular gate excludes non favored ions by:?
Ion channels:
Pores in the cellular membrane that allow the passage of ions across the impermeant lipid cell membrane. A way for polar ion molecules to cross
Different gating mechanisms:
- Resting K leak channel: always open
- VG: opens transiently in response to change in the membrane potential, most important type for AP
- Ligand gated: opens closes in response to a specific extracellular NT
- Signal gated: opens closes in response to a specific intracellular molecule for example g-protein - most important in postsynaptic
Selectivity filter allows for flux of a particular ion
Molecular gate excludes non favored ions by:
Voltage-gated Channels - electrically driven movement of the voltage sensory
— How do channels open at certain voltages
Ion channels have four what? displaying what?
Voltage sensor is where and has what?
What leads to a conformational change?
Confirm importance of positive chargers by replacing with? Name of model?
steps 1-4?
Another model is the paddle model - instead of the?
Ion channels have four homologous domains, each displaying six transmembrane alpha - helical segments domain. - Resting voltage sensory and pore domain are one domain
The fourth transmembrane segment (S4 - voltage sensor) has four to seven positively charged amino acids - usually arginine
These positive charges are repelled by depolarization of the membrane, leading to a conformational change in the ion channel and opening the pore to allow ion flow.
Confirm importance of positive chargers by replacing with neutral amino acids then saw loss of voltage selectivity so instead of opening at a more positive voltage could always open or either never opened - The sliding Helix model: there are multiple models
- charges in S4 serve as gate
- S4 remain in membrane doesn’t leave merely moves
- S4 moves outward and rotates
- chargers in the S4 segment form ion pairs with negative charges in neighboring segments
Another model is the paddle model - instead of the transmembrane staying upright and going up and down instead are on the side of the membrane and instead of swing up and to the side
Ion Selectivity Filters
Potassium channels exhibit an unusual selectivity, allowing passage of larger K+ ions over smaller Na+ ions – how does it do this?
Selectivity filter (sf) lined with?
K sheds?
Potassium channels exhibit an unusual selectivity, allowing passage of larger K+ ions over smaller Na+ ions – how does it do this? – + charger ions through and four inner helices come together near surface fined with negatively charged AA negative plus ions are attracted
Selectivity filter (sf) lined with polar atoms that are very narrow and ions must be dehydrated before entering it
K sheds H20 and interacts with oxygens and spatially proximity and repelling and fast moving through channel - fast trajectory and fast passage
The selectivity filter is so narrow that the ions must first be dehydrated before entering it. Potassium is typically cushioned by water molecules while in solution, and when passing through the channel, potassium sheds its water shell and interacts with the channel oxygens, which are perfectly spaced to mimic this shell.
Sodium ions are too small to interact with these oxygens in the same way, instead staying cushioned by their own water shells outside the channel pore. - or if shed H20 then move through channel in slow and tortious trajectory
Na can not pass through K channels due to differences in the selectivity filter and the binding sites within the channel. The channel for out K channels first allow just cations to move through positive chargers ions due to the four inner helices that come together near the surface and are lined with negatively charged amino acids this always for a high concentration of cations near the membrane then anions bc of the opposing chargers so positive ions are attracted. Select for K and not Na bc both are charged this is through Selectivity filter which also known as SF is lined with polar atoms very narrow and ions must be dehydrated before entering it (K is by 4 water molecules so when K pass through channel it sheds the water molecule and interacts with the channel oxygen). Na has a tortious trajectory(only binds to 2 oxygens so bounce from side to side) and slow elution - can pass through K channel but not that much.
Change in Ion Permeability During the Action Potential
Depolarization phase: ?
Repolarization phase: ?
Hyperpolarization phase: ?
Depolarization phase: Due to large increase in membrane permeability to sodium - bc opening VG Na channels so Na flood in
Repolarization phase: Due in part to a drop in sodium conductance due to inactivation
Largely driven by the increase in membrane permeability to potassium due VG K opening - Na close K open and flood out
Hyperpolarization phase: Due to continued conductance through delayed rectifier potassium channels
Question: Black mamba snakes have a poisonous venom named dendrotoxin. Dendrotoxin binds to voltage gated potassium channels, blocking their activity. How would this affect a neuron treated with dendrotoxin?
Question: Tetanus is an infection caused by the bacterium Clostridium tetani. People infected with tetanus experience extremely painful muscle spasms typically in the jaw and neck, but severe infections can affect all muscles of the body. Which of the following might be a way in which the tetanus toxin causes muscle spasm (Select all that apply)?
The cell will initially depolarize but repolarization will take much longer.
Greatly increase the permeability of the presynaptic ACH neuron to Na at rest AND block the fusion of GABA filled vesicles to the presynaptic cell membrane of interneurons.
Voltage-gated Sodium Channel Inactivation
Inactivation of VGSCs serves a critical determinant of ?
fast inactivation in VGSCs occurs within a few? Fast inactivation serves as a?
There are several potential models for voltage-gated sodium channel inactivation, including the?
Fast inactivation is produced by a block of the internal ?
During inactivation the inactivation particle most likely forms a?
Without inactivation go to equilibrium potential for?
Inactivation of VGSCs serves a critical determinant of neuronal excitability.
First described by Hodgkin and Huxley, fast inactivation in VGSCs occurs within a few milliseconds of opening. Fast inactivation serves as a negative feedback switch. Abnormalities can lead to physiological dysfunction.
There are several potential models for voltage-gated sodium channel inactivation, including the ball-and-chain model and the hinged-lid model
Fast inactivation is produced by a block of the internal vestibule(pore in the intracellular side) by a tethered inactivation particle that has been mapped to the internal linker between domains III(3) and IV(4) of the channel.
During inactivation the inactivation particle most likely forms a hydrophobic interaction with an inactivation gate recep
Without inactivation go to equilibrium potential for Na
Delayed Rectifier Voltage Gated Potassium Channel (there’s a whole family of them)
Delayed outward current and slow activation gate closing leads to?
Voltage-gated potassium channels form a large and diverse family that is evolutionarily conserved. There are ?
The delayed rectifier potassium channels are a family of potassium channels (WHICH channels?) that allow a sustained K+ efflux with a delay after membrane WHAT? The outflow of potassium ions rapidly WHAT the membrane. - continued flow bc of slow gate then WHAT???
Channel activation:
Delayed channel opening with?
Channel gates closed slowly with ?
TEA is what?
Repolarization during AP is delayed outward current and slow activation gate closing leading to hypo
Voltage-gated potassium channels form a large and diverse family that is evolutionarily conserved. There are 40 human voltage-gated potassium channel genes belonging to 12 subfamilies.
The delayed rectifier potassium channels are a family of potassium channels (Kv2 channels) that allow a sustained K+ efflux with a delay after membrane depolarization. The outflow of potassium ions rapidly repolarizes the membrane. - continued flow bc of slow gate then hyperpolarization
Channel activation:
—- Delayed channel opening with depolarization – requires more positive membrane to move the voltage sensor
— Channel gates closed slowly with repolarization
Tetraethylammonium (TEA) blocks delayed rectifier