NEU 409 Exam 3 Kahoot Flashcards
Hypoperfused brain tissue in stroke patients typically shows a delayed BLANK in fMRI
Hemodynamic response function
Which of the following is a subtype of stroke that involves blockage of an artery?
MRI exposes patients to radiation
True or False
A secondary blast injury is caused by objects sent into motion from the blast
True or False
Fronto-temporal degeneration in the brain can result in
primary progressive aphasia
Functional neuroimaging is essential for accurately diagnosing types of stroke
True or False
A closed head injury
can be focal (one) or diffuse (all over the brain)
Which of these techniques is the most sensitive tool for detecting ischemia in acute stroke?
Perfusion Weighted Imaging
Which type of MRI image is better for detecting edema and ischemia?
T2 Weighted image
What is the term for the injured brain area that fills with CSF in the chronic recovery stage?
Ischemic penumbra (for acute)
Which of these are common medical treatments for ischemic strokes?
Endovascualr clot removal and tPA injection
A concussion is not serious unless the person loses consciousness
True or False
Dementia is a typical part of normal aging
True or False
Which of the following is NOT true of CT scans?
- exposes patient to radiation
- Inexpensive compared to other scans
- Alls relativley quick assesment
All of these are true of CT scans
EEG measures electrical brain activity and is ideal for identifying TIAs
True or False
want MRI
What is the term for a temporary blockage of blood supply to an area of the brain?
Transient ischemic attack
Cerebral angiogrpahy can be completed either by CR scan or by MRI scan
True or False
Comparing images from DWI and PWI allows physicians to assess
brain tissue that could be spared from further damage
Dementia type with motor symptoms like Parkinson’s but cogintive symptoms like Alzheimers
Lewy Body
CT scans are not ideal for detetcing
Acute ischemia
Which BA number for Wernicke’s area?
Area 22
A clinical test called BLANK has been used to study the efferent effects of the olivocochlear bundle (OCB)
Otoacustic emissions (OAE)
The primary auditory cortex is often BA
Detetcing and Identifying specific differences between speech sounds (pill vs bill)
auditory discrimination
Which step of speech and language production is most tied to Brocas Area
formulate the message of what you want to say
supplemantry pre motor
Aphasia that has impaired fluency, good comprehension, and good repetition would be
Aphasia that has impaired fluency, good comprehension, and poor repetition would be
Transcortical motor aphasia
Brocas Aphasia
All of the following can be expressive language characterstsics for people with aphasia execpt:
the “use” part of language refers to semantics the meaning of words
True or False
would be true if it said paragamtics
semantics means contex
A non-inavasive electrophysiologically evoked response method to assess cochelar and neural function
Auditory brainstem response (ABR)
The ability to take info from both ears and attented to one input, while inhbiting the other
dichotic listening
the pathway responsible for innervating all LMNs necessary for articulation, facial expression, and feeding/swallowing
the tracts that are involved in skilled movements and voluntary actions
corticospinal and corticobulbar
where do the corticospinal pathways decussate (cross over)
some spinal nerves are involved in controlling respiration which is important for speech production
True or False
the supplemntary area is strongly associated with planning speech
True or False
The BG and the cerebellum contribute to motor control
True or False
Motor info ultimately must go through the BLANK the last part of the motor system
final common pathway
Class signs of BLANK damage include spasticty of controlateral muscles, hperreflexia, and a positive Babinski sign
Which reflex is defined as a flaring outward of the toes to string stroking of the foot sole
Babinski reflex
Flaccidity and fasiculations are two of the hallmark indicators of LMN damage
True or False
BA 4 is
Primary motor cortex
A positive babinksi sign is normal in adults
True or False
The BLANK Is/are resposible for initaing and inbhiting motor movements
Area of brain that is involved in motor planning
premotor cortex
what is primary area involved with executive functioning
Prefrontal cortex
the BLANK network is focused on the ability to prioritize sensory input by selecting a modality or location
there is a stronger attention network on the left hemisphere portion of the parietal lobe
True or False
being able to shift your attention back and forth between tasks is what type of attention
the word RED presented is green text is part of what test
Stroop test
curiosity is part of the restraint category of the prefrontal cortext
True or False
all the following are types of attention except:
- stimulating
- selective
- divided
- alternating
- sustained