Ecology Quiz 6 Flashcards
Ecologists use population growth models to understand
Populations can change in size as a result of four processes:
N(t+1) =
Nt =
Ecologists use population growth models to understand how populations change over time, and what factors promote or limit population growth.
Populations can change in size as a result of four processes: birth, death, immigration, and emigration.
N(t+1) = Nt + B - D + I - E
Nt = N0 + B – D + I – E
N stands for number of individuals in population
Nt = number of people living in England at time t
Between time t=0 and some future t
Population increases by a constant proportion - The number of individuals added is larger with each time period, and the population grows larger by ever increasing amounts
Geometric growth—
Exponential growth—
Results in a
Geometric growth—organisms reproduce in synchrony at discrete time periods.
Exponential growth— organisms reproduce continuously over time.
Results in a J-shaped set of points (geometric; blue dots) or continuous line (exponential; red).
Geometric growth=discrete reproduction
Geometric growth: Nt+1 = lNt
λ = geometric growth rate or per capita finite rate of increase.
Predicts the size of the population after any number of discrete time periods.
Example discrete reproduction is cicadas, coral, salmon, some plants
Exponential growth = continuous reproduction
Exponential growth is described by: dN/dt = rN
dN/dt = rate of change in population size at each instant in time
r = exponential population growth rate or per capita intrinsic rate of increase (Per capita considering population size relates to both time and overall population)
r = b – d [births - deaths]
Example: mice, cats, primates people monkeys - no specific time point
Population growth rates
When λ(geometric) < 1 or r(exponential) < 0, the
population size will
When λ = 1 or r = 0, the population
When λ > 1 or r > 0, the population
the population size will decrease. - less than one less than zero
When λ = 1 or r = 0, the population stays the same size.
When λ > 1 or r > 0, the population grows geometrically or exponentially.
If resources are unlimited for r than expect a high r value, increase exponentially
Effects of density
Two types of factors change population sizes and growth rates over time:
Density-independent factor
Density-dependent factor
Density-independent factor:
Effects are independent of the number of individuals in the population - won’t affect population growth rate
most abiotic and biotic
Density-independent factors
Natural disasters
Other chemical/physical conditions
Occur and influence population no matter what its density is
exmaple: Biotic factors - people hunting
Density-dependent factor:
Their effects are dependent on the number of individuals in the population - affecting growth rate
always biotic
Density-dependent factors:
- Predation - pray the more of you will attract more predators
- Interspecific competition - with neighbors the more dandelions will compete with grass species in the plot of land. specific species so inter is two different species
- Intraspecific competition - more dandelions will compete with other individuals so competing with other dandelions for light N and P
- Accumulation of waste, and diseases - high density more pathogens. intra is single species - soy soy intra
Usually, the denser a population is, the greater its mortality rate.
When birth, death, or dispersal rates show strong density dependence, population growth rates may decline as densities increase.
If densities become high enough to cause λ = 1 (or r = 0), the population stops growing.
Density-dependent changes in the population growth rate can cause a population to reach a stable, maximum size.
Logistic Growth
Example Fulmar
Assumption of no limit to population growth is unrealistic…Although some species can grow this way for long periods… - incorporates density dependant factors
Over many decades, the fulmar population grew exponentially as a result of carry capacity K
Fulmar population grew for over a century
r = 1.11 - above one increasing
11% growth each year – this is very high
Why? Carrying capacity increase A: altered fishing practices - Fulmars eat the offal (guts) discarded by commercial trawlers in North Sea - feed population of fulmar
Resources are not limitless
carrying capacity:
Maximum # of individuals supported in a habitat is known as carrying capacity:
Denoted by K.
Determined by limiting resources or factors.
The logistic equation incorporates carrying capacity into exponential growth
n: pop density
r: per capita growth rate
k: carrying capacity
Logistic growth:
Example haber bosch
When densities are low, logistic growth is similar to exponential growth.
When N is small, (1 – N/ K) is close to 1, and the population increases at a rate close to r.
As density increases, the growth rate approaches zero as the population nears K.
Example: Pearl and Reed (1920) derived the logistic equation and used it to predict a carrying capacity for the U.S. population.
The logistic curve fit the U.S. data well up to 1950…
Population size continued to grow exponentially…
WHY? - tech advancement in the 1950s like medicine and haber bosch process (fertilizer - was limited to resources now can take nitrogen) - tech has increased the carry capacity
Life Tables & Population Demography
Age class:
Age structure:
Summary of how survival and reproductive rates vary with age, size, or life stage of individuals. - age classes(zero to whatever age) then number of individuals in each class and can make calculations that can be used to predict future population trends.
Used to predict future population trends and develop strategies for managing populations.
Age class: Members of a population whose ages fall within a specified range.
Age structure: Proportion of a population in each age class
Influences whether population will increase or decrease in size:
- If many individuals of reproductive age à grow rapidly
- If many individuals older than reproductive age à population decline
- Population growing looks like a pyramid with more individuals in the reproductive age class and the opposite for declining population so greater population number in the old people
Survivorship curves
Following three types of patterns:
Survivorship data can be graphed as a survivorship curve.
Survivorship curves can vary:
- Among populations of a species
- Between males and females
- Among cohorts that experience different environmental conditions
Following three types of patterns:
- Humans and most mammals have a Type I survivorship curve because death primarily occurs in the older years.
- Birds have a Type II survivorship curve, as death at any age is equally probable.
- Trees have a Type III survivorship curve because very few survive the younger years, but after a certain age, individuals are much more likely to survive. - trees
Cohort life table
Sum of lxFx for all age classes =
Follows the fate of a group of individuals all born at the same time (a cohort).
Mostly used for sessile organisms. - Organisms that are highly mobile or have long life spans are difficult to track.
lx = survivorship: proportion of individuals that survive from birth to age X
Fx = fecundity: average number of offspring produced per surviving adult per age class
Sum of lxFx for all age classes = net reproductive rate ( R0)
If R0 > 1.0, there is a net increase in offspring produced each generation, the population should increase exponentially.
If R0 < 1.0, the population declines, eventually to extinction.
If R0 = 1.0, births and deaths balance out and the population will not change in size
Cohort life table
Managers may want to alter population growth rates to reduce pest populations, or increase endangered species.
One method: identify the age- specific birth or death rates that most strongly influence population growth rate.
Example: Early efforts to protect endangered Loggerhead sea turtles focused on egg and hatching stages to increase population cycles and saw important in juvenile stage
But life table data indicated that the best way to increase growth rates was to increase survival rates of juveniles and adults.
These studies resulted in laws requiring Turtle Excluder Devices (TEDs) in shrimp nets to increase adult survival.